黃翊雯 Ivana Huang


  New Taipei, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan

【自傳】在單親家庭中長大的我,從未想過自己有天會出國,並且神在我還根本不知道什麼是數位行銷時,就已帶領我進入這個產業。  2020年結束在美工作回台,經歷在美四年的生活與工作,在重新思考回台職涯規劃時,便決定深耕社群行銷產業,結合自己從大學時擔任系學會、學生會主席、教會團契主席的活動經驗、新聞記者經驗與社群媒體專業等,協助每位客戶更了解數位行銷的最新發展與應用,讓專案都能獲得優異的成效。


現任汎古數位行銷擔任數位行銷業務專員.研究所期間在International Affairs Office負責中文微信公眾號與微博。曾任職於跨國公司Co. Media Marketing & Consulting 負責華人品牌進入美國市場行銷包裝、社群管理與英文網頁內容。曾在美國最大華人報社擔任實習記者,  喜愛與人合作、舉辦活動、寫作、社群管理與公關媒體產業。


數位媒體行銷專員  •  汎古數位行銷股份有限公司 Vanguard Media Marketing Company 

11月 2020 - 至今

1. 電話開發:開發不同產業,介紹成功案例與最新數位廣告媒體更新,爭取拿到提案機會。
Cold calling:  Develop different industries, introduce successful cases and the latest digital advertising updates, and strive for the opportunity to get proposals.
2. 提案撰寫:主責規劃媒體宣傳策略以及廣告執行策略,與行銷部門一同根據不同產業製作客製化內容。 
Making Proposal:  Responsible for planning media promotion strategies and advertising execution strategies, and working with the marketing department to create customized content for different industries.
3. 專案執行:與行銷團隊緊密配合,控管各專案執行進度,參與社群活動規劃發想,並針對廣告成效提出建議。另一方面,回答客戶疑問,以及討論廣告進度。專案完成後,進行結案說明,爭取後續合作機會。 
Project Execution: Working closely with the marketing team to manage the progress of each project, participate in social media campaign planning and ideas, and make recommendations on advertising effectiveness. On the other hand, answer customer questions and discuss the progress of advertising. After the project is completed, explain the final report and strive for follow-up cooperation opportunities.

主要負責產業Mainly responsible for the industry:
【學校數位招生】Social Marketing for School Enrollment 
National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Chaoyang University of Technology, Tungnan University, Minghsin University of Science and Technology etc.

【基督教機構募款與活動宣傳】Fundraising and Promotion for Christian Organizations
中華基督教救助協會、台灣微客等 Chinese Christian Relief Association&Waker etc.

【餐飲與飯店產業】Catering and hotel industry
海霸王集團、王品集團等  Hai Pa Wang Corp., Wowprime Corp. etc.

The click-through rate and click-through cost of project ads are both better than average. Effectively enhance the willingness of consumers to inquire, sign up, or order meals.

業務經理助理   •  Magnum Choice Insurance Agency 

二月 2020 - 七月 2020

Assisting Chinese Team Manager to organize paperwork, contacting, new sales, and marketing plan.
透過行銷與溝通技巧,幫助華人團隊經理達成每個月150-200%新顧客業績,與保持將近100%現有客戶保單續約業績 Using my marketing and communication skills to help the Chinese Team Manager to achieve new sales over 150-200% of each month and keeping around 100% of the retention rate.

1. 中文廣告行銷 Chinese marketing
2. 銀行與貸款公司聯繫 Contacting banks& mortgage
3. 房屋與汽車保單規劃與開立 Quoting Auto & home insurance
4. 協助業務開發及顧客服務 New sales development & Customer service

社群媒體專員  •  Co. Media Marketing & Consulting Company

八月 2019 - 一月 2020

Social Media Marketing Specialist- Helping Chinese Companies for market consulting, social media management, and English Website content.

1. 品牌合作規劃 Brand cooperation & planning
2. 重新架構產品網站英文文案 Restructure the English website content
3. 品牌線上活動策劃與執行 Online campaign planning & execution
4. 多國KOL、口碑行銷操作-美國、法國、英國、西班牙、義大利等 Foreign KOL corporation
5. 社群管理與數據觀測 Social Media Management & Monitoring -Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & WeChat
6. 編譯美國最新媒體行業報告與文章 Compiling the latest media industry reports and relative articles

• Proscenic - 完成300+跨國KOL名單與每季合作 Prosceic - 300+ foreign KOL list and corporation
• 中國電信美洲公司 - KOL影片合作與微信文章推廣 China Telecom American - KOL corporation & Wechat Article
• 中國甘肅旅遊局 - 全平台社群內容文案規劃與執行, 互動率成長15%與觸及率提高20%
Gansu Tourism Bureau - Foreign Social Media management to increase 15% of the engagement & 20% of reach on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

因中國疫情爆發影響合作案, 因而離開此崗位。
Due to COVID 19, I leave the job in January 2020.

中文社群媒體運營   •  美國達拉斯浸信會大學

八月 2018 - 一月 2019

負責管理中文微信公眾號與微博 Incharge of the Wechat Platform and Weibo

1. 採訪校內老師與學生並且成文章 Interview professors and students and writing articles
2. 編譯本校發表文章並發布至中文平台 Translating DBU official articles to Chinese and publish on Chinese Social Media Platforms
3. 協助國際生活動舉辦 Assisting International Affairs
4. 回答學生申請學校之問題 Helping reply to future students' questions

實習記者   •  Practice reporter

六月 2018 - 七月 2018

實習記者 - 負責編譯當日即時新聞與生活相關文章, 剪接固定節目與當日晚間新聞Practice reporter - Compiling breaking news & daily life news. Editing regular TV shows and Nightly News

1. 新聞撰寫 Writing News Article
2. 微信平台管理與文章編輯 Editing WeChat Platform
3. 節目與新聞剪接 Editing TV shows and News
4. 參與2018年美南國建協進會年度報導與2018年麥當勞達拉斯升學講座報導 2018 Association of Chinese American Professionals annual meeting reports Assistance & 2018 McDonald’s Education Workshop in Dallas 

學生職員   •  Dallas Baptist University

九月 2017 - 五月 2018

1. 駕駛15人座巴士收發郵件、包裹 Responsible for driving a 15-seater van to receive and deliver mail and packages
2. 校內公文派送 Deliver official documents on campus
3. 高效率且精準完成每個任務 High precision and work efficiency
4. 與不同國籍學生合作, 訓練溝通與合作能力 Working with students from different countries and improve my communication and collaboration skills.


Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification

Industry-recognized certification - demonstrates the expertise with the essential elements of social marketing.

Google Ads Search 


Ads certification are professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of Google Ads. 


2017 - 2019


Master of Arts in Communication

2011 - 2015




Social Media Marketing 

  • Online Campaign Planning
  • Online Ads strategy


  • Competitor analysis
  • Business research


  • Chinese
  • English