廖百章 Jack Liao

-2016 graduated from Soochow University -Bachelor of Psychology

#Internet Advertising  #Project Manager #Social Media Editor 

『 5 years Campaign and Marketing strategy experience,

including 2 years internet advertising and social media management.

Using Google Analytics and Facebook for business to follow up  performance and execute optimization. Also in charge of crucial online/offline campaign project.』

 TOEIC : 815 (2018.08)   Google Analytics Certification

Work Experience

Columbia Consulting , Internet Marketing Specialist, Jun 2019 ~ May 2020

1.Managed Google key words and also execute copywriting plus banners for GDN and Facebook advertising. Followed up effectiveness then optimized them logically.

(Utilized digital tools like Google Analytics、Google Ads、Facebook for business)


●Attained and even exceeded KPI standard rate lasting 11 months,created roughly 8,000,000 revenue indirectly.

●Cut down both Google and Facebook advertisement spend,but maintained high-quality.

(Average 27.5% reservation rate, 45% show up rate, 52.5% transaction rate.)

Facebook CPL decreased from 800-1200 to 400-550 TWD
Google (GDN+Adwords) CPL decreased from 1700 to 1200 TWD】

2.Project Manager_in charge of online/offline campaign 

Develop innovative project and collaborated with cross-department,planned venue traffic flow and assigned personnel task.

3.Social Media Editor(Facebook, Instagram, Line@)

Announced latest campaign, client activity message, interesting video or meaningful English knowledge like CNN news.

Conceived online campaigns to enhance customer loyalty .

Now Health Supplement Corporation, Product Planning Specialist, Sep 2018 ~ May 2019

1.Executed both male and female health supplement copywriting and banners. 

【Achievement:Set up a new company record: 2,000,000 TWD revenue in one month. 】
2.Translated Chinese official website into English
【Achievement:Accelerated official website transforms into RWD, let all of the viewer obtain a better using experience.】

Hit Fm Nationwide Radio Station,Marketing Nov 2017 ~ Mar 2018

1.Project Manager_2017 Top 100 Pop Songs of the year 
Cross-department cooperated with website engineer, visual designer, DJ. Eventually,make final decision that how would the campaign go on, and express the core value of the corporation to every participant.


Highest vote rate unprecedentedly,over 800,000 people take part.

5,000 new clients increased in two weeks.

The campaign idea was continued to use until 2019. Also, be imitated by other youtubers or music platform.



Google Analytics,Facebook for business,Google Ads,Line@, Instagram

●Certification (GAIQ 2019.05)

●Microsoft Word, Excel, PPT, Outlook

●Adobe Ps , Ai ,Pr (basic)


Mandarin (Native Speaker)

Taiwanese(Native Speaker)

English (TOEIC 815)

Japanese (Basic)

Sharp Marketing Insight

●Consumer Psychology, Social Psychology knowledge background

●PPT,Dcard (Taiwan Forum) veteran user

●Teamwork spirit, keep passionate to face challenges, and always stay humble, stay foolish. 

●Cross-department communication and collaboration


●Keep studying, keep learning

(Read at least one book a month)

●Feel the fears but never compromised, willing to challenge persistently and overcome the fears eventually.

●Feel confident and dare to present my ideas or in front of the crowd.

廖百章 Jack Liao

已累積超過5年的活動/行銷企劃 經驗。其中包含了2年廣告投放及社群媒體口碑經營,透過Google AnalyticsFacebook廣告管理員去追蹤成效及優化。也曾是多項大型活動專案的負責人。




















業務開發專員 Buddy Planning / Account Executive,2020年 12 月 – 2021年05月


- 新事業部門「Google Creators Connect專案執行」 

主負責掌握客戶宣傳方向、專案預算、評比指標,擬定出詳細的時程規劃及YouTube人選提案。 中間涉及繁雜的三方溝通,須在會議、信件中精確地告知彼此當前專案進度及後續執行的動作, 同時間,必須時刻關注「時事議題」及「創作者動向」,以便即時更新給客戶或以備未來提案時之需

網路廣告行銷人員,2019 年 6 月 - 2020年5月 

 歌倫比亞美語 Columbia Consulting

 - Google 及Facebook 名單型廣告操作 將Google單筆CPL費用從約1700元降至1200/月左右,且數量及質量大幅提升 Facebook CPL 成本從過去 800-1200 元,成功優化至 400-550 元/月,且成效更勝以往 在職期間內,每個月KPI均超標,間接協助公司達成額外8,000,000的業績目標 

產品行銷企劃,2018 年 9 月 - 2019 年 5 月 

 健而婷保健食品股份有限公司_Uniqman及 BHK's 

-男女性保健食品的產品文案寫手 反覆了解公司產品及消費者特性,以多種角度去刺激消費者的慾望。 創下公司記錄,單篇文案最高觸及率及轉換率,該篇文案單月創2,000,000業績

網路活動企劃,2017 年 11 月 - 2018 年 3 月 

 台北之音 HitFm 廣播電台

 -2017年度百首曲負責人及20週年台慶_專案負責人 年度百首單曲活動累積突破超過80萬人參加,並使會員成長12,000人以上 後續2018年及2019年之年度百首單曲繼續沿用「猜歌活動」概念, 並引起眾多Youtuber爭相模仿



請到彰化縣長王惠美、彰化縣議員黃千宴及「寶島夢想家」知名球星田壘、楊敬敏、陳世念等人出席響應。 大型會員運動會,參與人數共達 200 人以上,含 20 多位來自各個國家的語言顧問。

發想年度百首單曲之主題,延伸線上/線下之活動內容。 與網頁設計師、後端工程師、美術設計師多次意見商討,定調出最適合聽眾的活動。 20 週年台慶以推陳出新的方式打破老電台的形象,成功塑造 20 週年才正是要發光發熱的成年祭。

單次活動會員成長逾 12,000 人,並於 2018、2019 繼續沿用「猜歌」想法,後續被 眾多交友軟體及 Youtuber 爭相模仿。


負責項目: 前、中、後期活動宣傳曝光,各國顧問協調溝通、 全場地流程動線規劃、現場硬體設備租借 

成果:負責預算約80,000元, 與其他部門共創近830,000業績數字

負責項目:會員晤談採訪、網頁文案及視覺定案、拍攝場地器具及流程規劃、 後續會員福利追蹤 

成果:以「上課堂數」回饋會員,實際拍攝場地妝髮費用為7,000元/次 後續業績成交在200,000左右

負責項目: Landing Page頁面製作、Line Points拿名單之風險評估、活動流程規劃檢查、 甲方規則合約訂定、後續名單成效追蹤 

成果:總花預算300,000元 於一個月內拿近10,000筆名單,後續成交價值達1,200,000元


負責項目: 腳本獨立撰寫、拍攝現場燈光及物品籌備、拍攝現場人員即時調動、 讓參與拍攝之演員及外籍老師進入狀況、影片後製期與廠商來回校正、Youtube影片上架及字卡設置 

目的:鑒於公司未曾有過宣傳影片,此影片有助於觀看者對學習環境、課程真人互動和教學模式能不再局限於口說文字 希望達到身歷其境,進一步拉近與消費者的距離。

成果: 總預算約為79,000元,業務同仁反應良好,後續價值仍再上升中。









此雲端空間連結至我過往發想的廣告Banner及Google Landing Page,也包含了我過往主要負責的專案執行及內容。
