Tsai, Mu Hsuan

Connect Python and C++ languages from Bachelor degree, and learn the concept of ML and DL in Master degree. Use the "Keras" library to construct the DRL model for the thesis. 

Be the leader in the camp and ball team, develop the ability to lead a group, solve problems and communicate. Otherwise, I am interested in outdoor activities like freediving to relieve stress.

 0958613200   [email protected]   https://github.com/hsuan613200


National Taiwan University   Sep 2019 - Aug 2021

Master of Civil Engineering 

National Cheng Kung University   Sep 2015 - Aug 2019

Bachelor of Transportation and Communication Management


Data analysis  •  forbidden scooter project

Aug 2019 - Feb 2020

  • track the trajectory of the scooter on the lane.
  • Use different statistical methodology (Ex: t-test & F-test) to analyze the driving behavior.

Software calibrate  •  intelligent signal control project

Aug 2020 - Feb 2021

  • Use vehicle simulation software, Vissim, to build a virtual intersection.
  • Calibrate the parameters to comply with Taiwanese vehicle characteristics.


Reinforcement Learning(RL)

Master's thesis, Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning from Demonstration for Signal Timing Optimization, combines CNN and Q-learning. The algorithm will be based on the road conditions to optimize the signal control logic and reduce the waiting time for the vehicle in the network.

Machine Learning & Deep Learning(ML & DL)

  • Knowing the forward and backward propagation to update the weight, and how to train the model.
  • Having used some ML models, like SVM, decision tree, and random forest, in projects to predict the crash or not. 
  • Using the classic DL model, CNN to classify the type of picture.

Objective-oriented Programming(OOP)

  • Having a learning background in the programming language, C++.
  • Knowing the concept of reference(&), pointer(*), and inherit.
  • Using C++ to build a simple restaurant recommendation system in the OOP course project.

Structured Query Language(SQL)

  • Using MySQL to manipulate the big data of Cellular Vehicle Probe(CVP) to analyze tourist hotspots on holiday in Tainan, and providing the bus route improving suggestions in the Bachelor course.