Jacky Lai

Domain knowledge : Network、Medical radiology
Language. : Python、Javascript 

Web framework : Flask、Vue.js 
Database. : MySQL、MongoDB
Version control : github


As a radiographer, I possess an assertive attitude and a strong sense of responsibility. With my experience in learning programming across multiple fields, I have gained cross-disciplinary skills that enable me to bridge the gap between healthcare and technology. 

Through self-learning on platforms like Hahow and YouTube since last July, I have developed a passion for programming and continuously improved my skills outside of work. My resume reflects my commitment to developing expertise in programming and exploring new areas of knowledge. During my learning journey, I have found a sense of achievement that motivates me to explore the coding field further. 

Overall, I am a fast learner with logical thinking, enthusiastic communication skills, and a passion for exploring new areas of knowledge.


Side project

Flask Backend System with MongoDB Registration/Login and Frontend Design

Created a backend system using Flask and utilized MongoDB to provide users with a registration and login mechanism. The frontend was beautified using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and users could write articles on their own page after logging in.

Selenium Web Scraping of High Speed Rail Data Integrated with Django LineBot

Utilized Selenium web scraping to obtain Taiwan High Speed Rail data and integrated it with a LINE bot using Django.

Web Scraping Wikipedia Tables with Beautiful Soup and Organizing Data with Pandas

Utilized BeautifulSoup4 to crawl specific data from tables on Wikipedia based on customer needs, and used Pandas to organize and output the data in Excel format.

BeautifulSoup4 Web Scraping of Cross-Table HTML Futures Data

Used BeautifulSoup to crawl cross-table HTML data on futures and saved it.

Creating a Tkinter GUI Interface for Parameter-Based Access to Excel Content

Created a GUI interface using Tkinter, allowing users to directly call up the content (Excel) they needed based on parameters.


Miaoli General Hospital

Jul 2022 - 

Radiographer with computed tomography , X-ray ,MRI and Angio skills

Da Chien General Hospital

Oct 2021 - Jul 2022

Radiographer with computed tomography , X-ray and MRI skills

Landseed International Hospital

Dec 2018 - Jun 2020

Radiographer with computed tomography and X-ray skills


2014 - 2018


Medical Imaging and Radiological Science