Jon Pitchfork

Jon Pitchfork is the Director of Concentrates Direct, a business that adopts an approach to reduce environmental impact of products through Concentration, meaning less production, transportation and packaging resources are needed. Having launched in May of 2017, Concentrates Direct specialises in highly and super concentrated cleaning and maintenance products for a greener and cleaner world.

Beginning in late 2013, Jon started to involve himself in the emerging world of Blockchain technologies, believing that Blockchain will eventually beat many of the services that we have today. Jon hopes to eventually help drastically improve the world, making it fairer, less corrupt and more sustainable through his work. He has faith in the transformative power of technology and sees it as a driving force for changing the world. 

Besides from his business ventures, Jon Pitchfork stays deeply rooted in charitable work. He has a voluntary Trustee position with a local animal charity and supports a number of organisations working in areas including environment, animal welfare, population, humanism, equality, and anti-corruption.

Director of Concentrates Direct
Derby, United Kingdom

Jon Pitchfork Online

Visit Jon Pitchfork online to learn his thoughts on various topics related to technology and how it's being used to make the world and better and more fair place for all.

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Technology and Social Change

There’s no question that technology is rapidly changing the world. From new developments in AI to Blockchain’s role in transforming every industry it comes in contact with, technology continues to outgrow itself every day.


Viable Alternative Energy Solutions

CO2-sucking factories are beginning to pop up around the world. These plants capture CO2 in the air to be used for different purposes, such as in greenhouses.


How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Wildlife Research 
