Jorge Dominguez

Retired Harvard Professor Jorge Dominguez

Jorge Dominguez’s relationship with Harvard University spanned more than half a century. He enrolled at Harvard as a graduate student in 1967 after earning his bachelor of arts in history summa cum laude from Yale University. While pursuing both his master of arts and doctorate in political science at Harvard, Jorge Dominguez earned designations as a Harvard junior fellow, a Danforth fellow, Woodrow Wilson fellow, and a Harvard Graduate Prize fellow. 

After graduating with his PhD in 1972, Mr. Dominguez remained with Harvard as an assistant professor with its Department of Government. He ultimately became a full professor and moved from the Department of Government to teach coursework in international affairs and the study of Mexico. 

Over the years, Jorge Dominguez has offered undergraduate and graduate courses that have ranged from US-Latin American Relations to Comparative Politics in Latin America. Before retiring from Harvard in 2018, he held concurrent positions as an Antonio Madero Professor for the Study of Mexico and the chair of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies.

Center Harbor, NH, US


Jul 1, 1972 - Jun 1, 2018

Harvard University 

Jul 1, 2004 - Feb 1, 2018

Harvard University

Jul 1, 2006 - Jun 1, 2015

Vice Provost for International Affairs
Harvard University 


Sep 1, 1967 - Jun 1, 1972

Harvard University
Political Science

Sep 1, 1963 - Jun 1, 1967

Yale College