
梁元宇 Json Liang

My name is Json, I works as an Senior Backend Engineer in  TKSpring.
Struggling to become an Engineer who has many experiences for handling high concurrency system 

Back-end Engineer
[email protected]

Work Experiences

TKSpring, Senior Backend Engineer, Nov 2022 ~ till now

I am a  senior backend engineer, TKSpring is a company that build a CryptoCurrency trading platform with zero-knowledge-proof technology.


Develop api for trading platform.

Deploy service on to cloud.

RedPill, Senior Backend Engineer, Nov 2019 ~ Oct 2021

I am a  senior backend engineer, RedPill is a company that produce AR/VR IDE to help creating AR/VR content.

RedPill Authentication/Authorization Service:

  • Build a authentication/authorization server with AWS Cognito service. This make service could be use cloud service to calculate usage rate for RedPill products, for example: RedPill Studio, AiCast  
RealTime Calculate lambda:
  • Build a real time calculate usage function with AWS lambda. This make service could charge by the calculated time.
Promo Code for RedPill Studio/AiCast
  • Develop a Promo code service with AWS Elasticache. The service is for RedPill Studio/AiCast user Promo code to use coupon.

RedPill Admin Web/AiCast Web:

RedPill Aicast WebRTC server/client:
  • Build a signal server by WebSocket  by AWS Fargate service. This server is for exchange information between 2 WebRTC client.
  • Help front-end engineer to build AiCast video website with AWS S3 and AWS Cloudfront as a static website. This site is the portal for AiCast user to use WebRTC interact with AiCast software by AiCast signal server.


  • Use AWS cdk as the deploy tool to make the deployment for architecture could be easy to control and maintain,  reduce the deploy time for original hand-by-hand deployment.
  • Setup deployment part on the Github Action to make deploy process easily to control and share with team member.

Tech Stack:  AWS Fargate,  AWS elasticache, AWS Cloudfront ,AWS S3, node.js ,nuxt.js , WebRTC ,AWS cdk, Github Action

Coolbitx, Full stack developer, Oct 2017 ~ Oct 2019

I am a full stack developer, Coolbitx is a company that produce Crytpo Currency hardware wallet.

Coolbitx Wallet api server:

  • Develop Coolbitx Wallet RESTful api server on AWS EC2 with Docker implement by koa2. This server provides RESTful api for Coolbitx Wallet to interact,which is a proxy server between wallet and Crypto Currency nodes. 
HSM api server for Coolbitx Wallet:
  • Develop HSM(Hardware Security Management) verify node on AWS EC2 with Docker, use AWS HSM to preserve wallet secret key. This node provide RESTful api to access by key which is deploy on AWS EC2 and wrap in a Docker container.
  • Develop account management service in Sygna project by koa2 on AWS EC2 wrap in Docker container. This account management service use Redis as the verify account activate cache by cache the not activated account in Redis
Sygna Bridge:
  • Help coworker to deploy Sygna Bridge with AWS lambda, and AWS DynamoDB as storage, Synga Bridge provides a whitelist check middleware between two exchanges when users in two exchanges try to transfer transaction between two exchanges.
  • Help coworker to deploy Sygna Bridge webhook callback mechanism by AWS SQS consumer to make the webhook work more efficient and reliable by queue the request on AWS SQS then consumer by AWS SQS consumer.  

Coolbitx Wallet:

  • Develop wallet connect api for Coolbitx Wallet to support interact with Binance Dapp. Wallet connect api is a protocol for mobile app to interact with Dapp, I wrote the event in Coolbtix Wallet app to enable this function work .
  • Develop Changelly api for Coolbitx Wallet to by ReactNative event. Changelly is a token exchange for swapping Token, I wrote the ReactNative event to enable Coolbitx Wallet to use Changelly api to swap token in wallet.


  • Setup the deployment on gitlab-ci pipeline for easy to deploy Sygna-related service on AWS cloud for easily to maintain and control the deployment, make team member could easily deploy and reuse  the deployment for same architecture use previous.

Tech Stack: AWS DynamoDB,AWS EC2,AWS HSM,AWS lambda,AWS SQS, Docker,node.js,koa2, gitlab-ci,ReactNative

Gorilla Tech, Web developer, Apr 2016 ~ Oct 2017

I am a Web Developer. Gorilla Tech is a system integration company.


  • Maintain WIFI-Tactical project which is wrote by nodejs use WebSocket to streaming the result , help upgrading nodejs version. This web project is portal for search the sniffing message from antenna which receive the message send from our hacked app on suspect's phone. 

Crime investigation search ui: 

  • Use reactjs to implement interface. This website is the portal for crime investigation engine to search suspect's monitoring data sorted by timeline, which could make the analysis the geographic location of the suspect.

Tech Stack:  Java Swingnodejs, Reactjs, Websocket

SYSCOM, Software developer, Apr 2015 ~ Apr 2016

I am a software developer. SYSCOM is a system integration company.

Broker order system:

  • Develop Broker order system for emerging stock by Java Web and SQLServer and use javascript for ui control. The system interactive with emerging stock operation system which will report and show the  stock information daily.

Maintain broker order system for emerging stock:  

  • Backup DB regularly,   Disaster Drill for system crash

Tech Stack: Java Web, SQLServer, javascript, Bootstrap

ASUS, Firmware developer, Apr 2014 ~ Apr 2015

I worked in ASUS as an firmware developer. ASUS is a computer hardware and consumer electronics company.


  • Porting device function to motherboard: implementation hardware driver to make hardware could work normally.
  • Board Supported Platform Research and help developing mobile device driver.

Tech StackC, git, gerrit, UEFI


NCTU, Master Degree, Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, 2010 ~ 2012

My main research field is image pre-processing
My graduated thesis is  Detection of Imagery Symmetry due to Optical Reflection

NCHU, Bachelor Degree, Department of Applied Mathematics, 2006 ~ 2010

Brief Introduction

Json Liang graduated from NCTU with master degree in Computer Science, study for Image pre-processing with OpenCV library. First year after graduation, worked as firmware engineer at ASUS. However, with great interest with Web development, I applied another job on web development at SYSCOM. With many web develop technique improve, the web develop need to integrate with both front-end and back-end. Use nodejs , I could maintain both end with only one language ,namely javascript. I would like create some fantastic app with a team to make the world more colorful and help people work efficiently. Thus, I am struggle to cultivating my ability to become a back-end worker.

Side Project

Practice blind75  with golang in 30 days(2022.9)

I practicing articles about how to use leetcode to learn data structure.

Learn web3 knowwledge from Ethereum whitepaper in 30 days(2022.9)

I wrote 30 article to learn basic knowledge of ethereum

Learning k8s from official website 30 day(2021.10) 

I wrote 30 article to learn basic knowledge of k8s

Golang leetcode 30 day(2020.8) 

I wrote 30 article to solve 30 leetcode easy level problem to practice golang

Vue.js Component and Vuex Statement 8 day(2019.8) 

I wrote 8 article to record my learning for Vue.js and Vuex state management