Keith Price - Web Developer

I am a self-taught web developer looking for mentorship so I can build on solid, foundational skills and become a valued member of a development team. As a self-taught developer, I have used my skills to build a React app that takes in and uses data from the NASA APOD API as well as an app that uses Three.js to create 3D models of our Earth, Moon and the ISS including their rotations and orbits. If I can create these things independently then, as part of a supportive development team I know that I can become a professional web developer. I am a lifelong learner and am always excited about learning new skills. 

In addition to front end development, I am also interested in game development and enjoy experimenting with the Unity game engine (C#), Godot (GDScript) and Rogue Engine (JavaScript, Three.js). 

I also like to produce music, run, travel, play with my kids and eat spicy food. 


Work Experience

Online ESL Teacher


February 2017 - Present

Remote, Freelance

• Responsible for planning and delivering high quality English language lessons to students from all over the world.
• After 4 years on the platform, he has achieved an overall 5 star rating from his students.
• Received consistently high praise and excellent feedback regarding the quality of his teaching.

ESL Teacher

ESL Teacher, Various Schools, Asia

January 2005 - January 2018


In order to learn new skills and gain valuable life experience, he left the UK and spent over a decade teaching English in various countries in Asia, including India, Laos, Thailand, India, China and Thailand.
By pushing himself far out of his comfort zone, he was able to learn through facing adversity, dealing with pressure and succeeded through being adaptable and creative.

Hard Skills:

  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Three.js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

 Soft Skills:

  • Creative
  • Determined
  • Patient
  • Coachable


1987 - 1992

King James High School