Kelp Senior Web Developer | Taipei, Taiwan |

Senior Full-Stack Web Developer with 10+ years of experience.
Focus on building Single Page Applications with Node.js and React.


- JavaScript - 10+ years of experience.

- Node.js - 6+ years of experience.

- Amazon Web Service - EC2, S3, CloudFront, Route 53, Lambda, SES.

- Integration testing - I write integration tests on most of my open source projects.

- Single Page Application - 8+ years of experience. I build a frontend engine by myself based on jQuery for my first SPA.


Ljit,2020-04 - Present

  • Lead the backend team to build real-time web systems based on Socket.IO and Express.
  • Deploy web applications to AWS EKS and keep that working.
JavaScript, Docker, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, EKS

AndroVideo,2017-12 - 2020-03

  • Our team used golang to build an embedded website that is a camera manager. It is a Single Page Application based on Vue.js. The OS of the camera is Android.
  • Build a development environment. Let our local web access APIs in the camera.
  • Build a new web architecture based on Node.js and React for the next generation camera manager.

Go, JavaScript, Vue.js, Docker, React, Node.js

iDreams,2016-02 - 2017-09

  • Interview customers with PM to understand what issues them got, then provide the total solution.
  • Work with a frontend developer. She does the design part, and I do Node.js and AngularJS applications.
  • Build a lot of Single Page Application websites with Node.js and AngularJS that are written in CoffeeScript. Such as a book copyright management system.

JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Node.js, AngularJS, Elasticsearch, AWS

biideal,2015-08 - 2016-01

  • Join the team to maintain the website with Python Pyramid and AngularJS.

Python, Pyramid, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, AngularJS

Rinse,2014-03 - 2015-02

  • Refactor the website with less latency, clear AngularJS app.
  • Build the CI flow to automatically deploy the website on AWS EC2.

Python, Django, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, AngularJS, Elasticsearch, AWS

Accupass,2012-06 - 2014-02

  • A leader of the frontend team. We use AngularJS to build the frontend app in JavaScript.
  • Use Objective-C to build the iOS App.

ASP.NET MVC, C#, JavaScript, AngularJS, Objective-C,2010-12 - 2012-06

  • Interview customers to understand what issues them got, then provide the solution.
  • Got awards Microsoft MVP (ASP.NET) 2011 and 2012.

APS.NET MVC, C#, JavaScript, jQuery

Site projects


Meetpet is a pets adoption board.

It is a location based service. We provide adoptable pets near the user.

I use capybara-router and puppeteer to build a search engine friendly SPA.

- JavaScript, Node.js, React, MongoDB, AWS


Ping-API is a powerful API inspector. It allows you to inspect any HTTP API call with complete request and response data.

I build Ping-API just by myself. It is a Single Page Application based on AngularJS and Node.js written in CoffeeScript.

- JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Node.js, AngularJS, Elasticsearch, WebSocket, AWS

Open source projects

electron-s3-file-manager is a GUI AWS S3 file manager. It supports  download files, upload files, keyword search and preview videos.

- JavaScript, Node.js, AWS, SQLite, React, Electron

bull-admin-panel is an admin panel of Bull it is a priority job queue backed by redis, built for node.js. This project is based on WebSocket and React.

- JavaScript, Node.js, React, WebSocket, Redis, Integration testing


I have used redux, but I think redux takes too much time to build actions and reducers.

The capybara router is a react router without flux and redux. It provides a simple way to build a frontend app of SPA.

- JavaScript, React