Kuan-Wen Chen

4 months of work experience in software projects. Good understanding of C++, Python, Ruby, node.js with four years of coding experience. Familiar with version control, automated testing, web technologies and machine learning tools & concepts.

Software Engineer Intern NCCU Computer Science kev888kev@gmail.com 


Maicoin Ltd.,Backend Enigneer Intern,2018/06  - 2018/10

  • Developed and maintained content management system for customer service to manage user data, with Ruby on Rails
  • Integrated the website backend system with Slack to send analytic information to Slack channels   
  • Collaborated with customer service to automate user data analysis with third party API. Compared to manual operation, reduced workload by 15-20%.
  • Assisted frontend engineers to change and develop website frontend.
Keywords:Ruby、Ruby On Rails、Git、automated testing、database、backend development

HP Inc.  2019/07  - 2020/06

  • Manage 3 proof-of-concept projects enabled in 2021 and 2022 product lines 
  • Research and report Windows modern standby and Chrome OS security- and power-related features
Keywords:Automation, project management


Technical Skills

  • Programming languages: C++, C#, node.js, Python, Ruby, Haskell
  • Front-end languages:Html, CSS, javascript. 
  • database system:MySQL, MongoDB
  • Software framework:Express.js, Ruby On Rails 
  • Version control: Git 
  • Machine learning and data analysis: Graphlab

Soft Skills

  • Fluency in English:TOEFL 98 
  • Teamwork:Participated in basketball team for 7 years 
  • Leadership:Basketball team lead for 2 years  
  • Self-learning:Finished 6 online courses.

Related Courses 

Computer Science

Learned in School:C Programming、C++ Object-oriented Programming、Algorithms、Data Structures、Computer Networking、Operating System、SICP@UC Berkeley

Self Learned in Coursera: Machine Learning Foundations


Learned in School:Calculus、Linear Algebra、Probability、Discrete Math、Logic

Self Learned with Textbooks: Statistics (reference books)


Early Warning System for Predicting Taiwan Financial Crisis

Automatically collect and transform economic data with ETL module to clean data for machine learning modeling. 

Keywords:RNN, LSTM, Multilayer perceptron, Keras, data pipeline, web API, ETL