




I worked at 元凱 Information Co., Ltd. in my first year of college. The work content is virtualization and setting up backup rescue software.

I started to join the IMAC community in the third year of college to learn coding skills.

The senior year began to plan the system architecture and project planning and execution of the competition.

The master began to join TWISC to discuss and solve the problem of the project. When the plan is executed, plan the short-term, medium-term and long-term progress, question discussion, related knowledge reading, actual field architecture drawing, re-architecture, setting up a simulated environment for experiments, actually deployed in the field, problem discovery and architecture change after landing, solving issues.



08-2020 ~ 07-2022

Research Assistant . National Chung Hsing University

Main technical Fields are blockchain and information security, responsible for implementing the professor's assigned plans and projects, planning the detailed structure and implementing and improving it according to the general direction designated by the professor.

09-2018 ~ 07-2020

Research Assistant . National Taichung University of Science and Technology.

As a leader in IoT, responsible for project execution including (requirements discussion, architecture planning, talent utilization, talent cultivation, technology implementation, schedule planning, program quality optimization).

11-2016 ~ 09-2018


server overhaul, Customer Network Architecture Configuration,  VMware installation and basic settings, ,CDP Backup Installation and Maintenance, CDP report analysis.

09-2014 ~ 01-2016

Waiter . In Sky Hotel

Serving guests.


2020 - 2022

National Chung Hsing University

Management Information Systems

2016 - 2020

National Taichung University of Science and Technology

Computer Science and Information Engineering



Python (Proficient)
Node.js (Familiar)
C++ (Familiar)
solidity(Familiar )


Docker , VMware , Heroku , Mlab , Nginx , MQTT , MongoDB , RTMP , PM2 , IOTA , IPFS.

Version Control

Git, Gitlab, Github


Familiar with Restful Api and Mongodb backend (python, nodejs)

Familiar with Git, Docker, VM, Linux, Windows

Past project experience: (nginx live broadcast + image recognition) main language python,

(Crawler and applied scrapy framework with experience of more than 20 websites) The main language is python,

(Combination of computer room IoT and Linebot) application languages python, Nodejs, C++,

(libreNMS+Grafana network management) application language bash shell, DB shell,

(Donation and bookstore smart contract + ERC20 issuance) main language solidity,

(IOTA+IPFS+IOT architecture + information security) main language Nodejs, python