Khaled Mohamed

I'm Khaled Mohamed from Egypt,I work a bug hunter and penetration testing for more than 1 year and I discovered vulnerabilities in some program in Hackerone Like Vulnerabilities XSS, CSRF, SSRF...etc

Penetration Testing - Bug Hunter
Damietta, EG


 Work Email:-

Personal Email:-


  1. have excellent knowledge of web application security vulnerabilities.
  2. Ability to used Tools Kali Linux like Wireshark , Metasploit, NMAP, Burp Suite...etc.
  3. Strong understanding of Windows/Linux/Unix operating systems .
  4. Have excellent knowledge about how to exploit vulnerable machines and how to privilege escalation to gain root access for example.
  5. Speed Learning.
  6. Ability to work in Team.

Training Summary

  1. CEH.
  2. ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking.
  3. ITI Platform Certificates :-
                Computer Network Fundamnetals
                Introduction to software testing concepts & techniques
  1. SANS 542 - Web App Penetration Testing.
  2. ePTPv3.
  3. Some Courses in Udemy.

Bug Bounty - Hall of Fame

  1. IBM
  2. FORD
  3. U.S. Dept Of Defense
  4. Copper
  5. GovTech - Singapore
  6. Polymail, Inc.
  7. AT&T
  8. MTN
  9. Epicgames
  10.  8x8
  11. Adobe
  12. Sony 
  13. PayPal
  14. LifeRay ...etc



Diploma, Associate’s Degree, EGYPTIAN Schools, 2017 ~ 2020