Kellen Cheng 鄭勝宇
Phone: 0988-750-149

Ming Chuan University, 2011 – 2015
Department of Information Management

Professional Skills
Backend: Ruby on Rails / Golang / Node.js / Sidekiq / Beanstalk / Backburner / Elasticsearch
Frontend: JavaScript (ES5, 6) / HTML5 / CSS3 / Angular1 / Vue
Database: Mongo / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Redis
IDE: VScode
Version Control: Git
DevOps Tool: K8s / Docker / helm
Testing Tool: RSpec / Jest
CICD: Bitbucket Pipelines

Work Experience
Software Engineer, SHOPLINE Technology Corpora.on Limited, 2019.3 – Now
  • Mentoring team members in implement new features on the new architecture. 
  • Planing the roadmap for the next quarter and content of Promotion Feature revamp with the tech leader. 
  • Develop and maintain e-commerce platform, co-work and communicate with PM and DevOps, Front Engineers. 
  • Set up CI/CD for the new project and cooperate with DevOps.
  • Co-work with cross border team. 
  • Develop and research the last technology. (Transfer from Ruby on Rails to NestJs and Golang).
  • Calculate api - is a micro service for calculate promotions discounts with checkout.
- Mentoring team members implement new promotion features.
- Implementing backend application with Golang, and use fx package make feature modularize.
- Implementing application connect MongoDB and use ODM(mgm).
- Implementing application connect PostgresSql and use ORM(bun).
- Using gRPC to tandem core system.
- Implementing monitor with Grafana and New Relic.
- Implementing CICD with bitbucket pipeline and terraform create CD role.
- Implementing Auto Scaling with helm and AWS EKS. 
  • Cart service - is a micro service for storing the shopping cart data. 
- Researching AWS RDS for make service can accept 5000 rpm data , and setup postgreSQL by terraform. and using TypeORM    transaction set serializable isolation to avoid race condition.
- Implementing backend application from search NestJS, Typescript, TypeORM and PostgresSql, develop all function independently within half a year.
- Using gRPC to tandem core system.
- Implementing monitor with Grafana and New Relic.
- Implementing CICD with bitbucket pipeline and terraform create CD role. 
- Implementing Auto Scaling with helm and AWS EKS.
  • CRM Feature module - it contains multiple promotions and CRM feature.
- Optimizing checkout time by enhance apply promotion calculation time, 40% reduction in required time by filter out cannot apply promotions, ex: invalid products or category, or invalid coupon code.
- Develop and maintain multiple promotion application logic, ex: priority order, full item, full amount. calculate the maximum discount amount, and modularize various types of discounts to reduce the modified test range.
- E-commerce user credit and member point apply to discount order total amount. 
  • Sync Social User - is an AWS API Gateway to pass social platform user data enqueue AWS SQS, and dequeue by ruby worker.
- Building API Gateway and SQS with Terraform.
- Implementing dequeue worker with ruby gem shoryuken.
- Cooperating with cross border team for sync social platform data. 
  • FB live shopping - sync j live shopping cart data to core system
- Implementing deployment AWS Lambda storing shopping cart data to DynamoDB with serverless.yml.
- Integrate fb live cart and e-commerce shopping cart with cross border team. 
  • Cross border 7-11 pick up/post - Integrate 7-11 api to implementing cross border delivery
- Tandeming 7-11 cross border api.
- Collaborating with 7-11 engineer and PM to implement logistic functions.
- Using deploy job(Backburner) to get shipping label.
  • Job Service - is for Import a great amount of data.
- Using Sidekiq to duque greate amount data, ex. 30000 users, 20000 products.

Software Engineer, OneAD Inc., 2016.10 – 2019.2
  • Implementing new feature with UIUX Design, Specialist and PM.
  • Develop Target Audience feature, ex: area, environment, age and interesting.
  • Building new Advertisement system front-end using Vue.js.
  • Maintain existing ERP system using Ruby on Rails and Angular1.
Intern Software Engineer, International Integrated Systems, Inc., 2015.2 – 2015.7 
  • Develop banking terminal System Front end using angular1 and Discuss requirements with System Analyst.