
Motion Graphics Design & 3D Artist

(010) 9891-0916
Seoul, South Korea


Bread Communications, 2015.08.20 - 2016.10.31

CG, Advertisment and Design Company. 

기획, 모션그래픽 디자이너로 근무

Hats Off to Charlotte McBean, 2013.10 - 2014.07

해외 iTunes, Apple에 판매되는 어린이를 위한 전자동화책 제작 - 일러스트레이터로 해외클라이언트와 진행

한국만화영상 진흥원 - 한국만화박물관, 2013.04 - 2013.12

만화박물관 Staff (인턴) 

Virginia Commonwealth University 졸업, 2009.08 - 2012.12

Communication Arts (Major)

Magna Cum Laude (학력우수상)

졸업성적 (GPA) : 3.67 / 4.00

동우여자 고등학교 졸업, 2005.03-2008.02

인물계열 졸업


Cinema 4D

3D Modeling, UV Mapping, Animation and Composting Skill  

Adobe Programs 

Adobe After effect, Illustration and Photoshop skills for making video and artwork

Illustration & Drawing 

Drawing character and story board skill, making UV map such as water color style for 3D object

Experience of Children's book illustration 

Language. English

Speaking, Listening and Writing English

Study Design and Art in U.S for 4 years (University)