
就業狀態:大四在學中 Senior student


email: scarlet9912@gmail.com

通訊地址address:104台北市中山區 TaipeiCity 



Mar 2020 - Sep 2020

客服pt TILC時代國際英日語(customer service)

學員服務、溝通/ 教室維護

Dec 2020- Aug 2021

講師/客服  明光義塾個別指導教室(math tutor)

國中小升學考試科目指導/客服相關事項 eg.家長應對、學生管理、教室維護

Dec 2020 - now

展覽推廣/銷售 (Sales)

多場動漫展、電玩展活動PG 廣發問卷(有KPI)

2020/11 金融博覽會 銷售金融服務及相關商品(有KPI)

2020/12 資訊展 銷售筆電

2020/12 食品展 清真認證推廣

2021/02 建築展 協助廠商換證

2022/01 精品珠寶展 服務

Feb 2022 - Present

英語講師  拓人個別指導



Sep 2018 - Jun 2022 (Bachelor)

東吳大學 SooChow University

國際貿易與經營學系 International Business

Aug 2021 - Dec 2021 (Exchange)

挪威東南大學 University of South Eastern Norway

紡織學系 Textile






大一至大三期間在台灣修習商學院課程如經濟、會計、微積分、統計、行銷、企管,大四上學期至挪威東南大學交換學習紡織、服裝設計,希望能夠將大四的時間當作Gap Year,學習商學院以外的專業,也朝自己有興趣的藝術發展,大四下希望透過實習獲取工作經驗以利未來工作發展


















希望能將大四作為GAP YEAR增加在學校以外的職場經驗,也藉機找出自己喜歡、有興趣且上手的事物以利未來發展











英文 English

I am Lin Jia-Yi. I am currently studying in the final year of the Department of International Business of Soochow University. I consider myself a person who likes to attempt to take new challenges, get new ideas and experience new things. Thus, I have a wide range of interests, including language learning, photography, boxing, skateboarding, guitar, cycling, etc. I have learned English and German since I was little, and I've gotten the language certificate in college life. About working  experience, I started to work from my sophomore year. I have been working for a year until now. I learned many things in the job I did before in department store, cram school and trade shows. Proper interaction with people, instant problem solving and effective communication are the three main skills I learned during work. The most unforgettable story I had is probably what happened when serving as a customer service in a cram school. One of the jobs of customer service in a small cram school for test is to chat with the parents. When the student finishes their class and the parent comes to pick their child up, I’ll have to chat for a minute with the parents. When I first arrived at my job, I was very poor at chatting with people. I always stand there with only a big smile. Now, I can chat with  parents without nervousness, making them feel like talking to friends, which makes them wanting to talk more about their child. While working as a mathematics lecturer in the cram school made me realize that I liked the time with children quite a lot. It also allowed me to take being a teacher into consideration in my future career plan. I’ve done many kinds of work in the exhibitions job, such as selling laptops, promoting the Halal certification, introducing financial services and products like Bitcoin and so on. In these jobs, I acquired many professional background knowledges I have never thought I would know in my entire life outside from school.

During College

1st-3rd year

Getting knowledges in International Business and having various part-time job to acquire experiences in working place. I think it’s important to get experience in working place instead of only get theoretical knowledges in school.

4th year

Having 1 semester exchange in Norway. I chose to study textile in Norway since I always want to study arts and I’d like to learn other professional skills besides business. Also, learning different skills give me different perspective of viewing things.


Sports-Boxing, Rock Climbing, Skateboarding

Photography-Film Photography, Digital Photography

*2020.09-12 Member of NTU Photography Club

*Film Photography Process Learning, film processing

Work Advantage

Promoting- Having experiences in promoting, selling various products. Good at introducing product advantages to customers.

Experienced Customer Service-One year customer service experience. Good at efficient, effective customer communication.

Photography/Blogging-Having my own blog up to 18k views. Good at blog photo shooting, article writing.

德文 Deutsch

Derzeit studiere ich die Fächer International Business und Deutsch an der Soochow Universität. Zudem habe ich vor meinem Studium bereits drei Jahre lang Deutsch gelernt. Deutsch zu lernen ist gerade von großem Interesse für mich, da ich dies als eine Möglichkeit empfinde, mein Gedächtnis zu trainieren. Zu dem bin ich von der Relevanz einer interkulturellen Kommunikation überzeugt. Welch großen Beitrag das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache dazu leistet, liegt dabei klar auf der Hand.

    Während meiner Schulzeit habe ich mich bereits in einem Global Learning Union Verein engagiert. Dort konnte ich bei zahlreichen Diskussionen und Präsentationen erste Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen anderer Kulturen sammeln. Dies erforderte sowohl kommunikative Kompetenzen als auch Teamfähigkeit. Darüber hinaus habe ich B1+ von Telc erfolgreich bestanden und spreche fließend Englisch.