劉維倫 Wei-Lun Liu

Having two years experience of web development and JavaScript, I have worked on frontend and backend pages for bankings as well as products developed using modern JavaScript frameworks including React, Vue, and Angular. During my employment, I have consistently pursued the study and practical implementation of new technologies, continuously enhancing my development skills through dedicated learning and hands-on experience.

I graduated with a degree in German Language and took part in an exchange program at Jena University in Germany. The discipline cultivated during my studies has made me more adept at acquiring programming languages.I worked at TPIsoftware, where I gained experience of approaching development with a more systematic mindset. In my current role at BoxTradEX, I have honed the ability to independently accomplish tasks.


HTML & CSS     

  • Semantic HTML
  • Well knowing layout attribute i.e.

    Flex, Grid

  • Use SCSS/SASS preprocessor to

    boost productivity

  • Accomplish RWD without Ul



  • Experience of TypeScript


  • Familiar with native ES6 JavaScript syntax
  • Use Fetch, async/await, axios to

    communicate with Back-End

  • Knowing advance JS concept i.e.

    this, closure, scope..


  • React
    • hook, redux, redux-toolkit, framer motion, styled-components
  • Vue
    • Vue 2.x, vuex, Element UI
  • Angular
    • use RxJS to handle asynchronous programming



  • Compilation of my side projects (React, Vue, Angular)
  • Developed using React and TypeScript
  • Implemented Ul (RWD) without Ul framework
  • 118n supported (English and Mandarin)



  • Official B2C product website
  • Developed using React and TypeScript
  • Implemented Ul with SASS
  • Collaborate with designers, PMs, and backend

    engineers to accomplish product features

  • Scrum


Bank of Taiwan official website

  • Revamped the official website of Taiwan Bank
  • Developed using Angular and TypeScript
  • Use RxJS to handle asynchronous programming



Frontend Developer • BoxTradEx

2022/11 - Present

Product front-end development and maintenance:

  • Referenced design for SASS and Responsive Web Design (RWD), developing reusable UI components.
  • Implemented development standards with defined types:
    • Led the elimination of unnecessary usage of any type in the project, and standardized type management within the front-end team, enhancing code stability.
  • Addressed the issue of redundant API calls:
    • Understood the concept that each render in React hook has its independent scope, refactored the project's state flow and effects to avoid redundant API calls.
  • Implemented third-party login processes:
    • Collaborated with backend engineers to integrate Steam third-party login, assisting users in quickly creating accounts.
  • Used WebSocket to monitor user video viewing time and distribute viewing rewards:
    • Developed a video player component matching UI design with the react-player package, utilizing the package's event detection to monitor user viewing status. Communicated with the backend via WebSocket, allowing the backend to accurately calculate if a user has reached the viewing duration for reward distribution, increasing product interactivity.
  • Developed forum using Draft.js, enabling users to post and interact with comments on articles.
  • Implemented a chat room feature using WebSocket, allowing users to send text or images/videos.
  • Skills: React, TypeScript, React Redux, Recharts, WebSocket, SASS, i18n, Git flow

Product internal OMS development and maintenance:

  • CRUD operations.
  • Component refactoring and independent planning.
  • Integrated Vuex for project state flow management.
  • Connected with back-end data to display charts and generate Excel data.
  • Skills: Vue 2, Element Ul, Vuex, Apache ECharts, Git flow

Frontend Developer • TPIsoftware

2022/03 - 2022/10

Back of Taiwan official website:

  • Develop UI with Angular and SASS.
  • Utilize RxJS for handling asynchronous requests and processing backend response data.
  • Optimize infinite scroll with intersection observer API.
  • Skills: Angular, TypeScript, SASS, Git flow

Internal portal for asset leasing:

  • Customize components based on design.
  • Collaborated with PMs and backend engineers to design operational workflows.
  • CRUD operations.
  • Skills: Vue 2, Vuetify, Vuex, Git flow


2019/09 - 2020/03

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena Germany

exchange program, scholarship(學海飛颺獎學金)

Teaching Program for German as a Second Foreign Language

2017 - 2021

Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City Taiwan

Bachelor of German Language and Culture