吳倫愷 Eric Wu 

因為被工程師唬爛而決定要認真學習程式設計的人,喜歡動手寫程式打造一項產品,但不是一個狂熱的技術宅,比較熱衷於參與一個專案,了解客戶需求後將一個產品從頭打造出來的成就感;因此也常在一個專案裡扮演多重角色,接洽客戶、安排規劃、頁面設計、功能開發、部署上線;同時,對線上教育也非常有興趣,希望可以利用自身的經驗傳達給新進 :)。

lunkaiwu@gmail.com | +886-966-630-777 | Taiwan


Self Employed

Aug 2016 - Present 

  • Running individual studio.
  • I've performed 12 projects till Apr 2018.
  • Most of my participation in projects include customer communication, project management, front-end development, website deployment and customer service.

Teaching Assistant, ALPHA Camp

Oct 2017 - Present 

  • In charge of answering questions from students.
  • To film teaching and experience sharing videos.

Teaching Assistant, Everyonecanwebsite

July 2017 - Present 
  • In charge of answering questions from students.
  • To film teaching and experience sharing videos.

Renewal Account Manager, UpToDate                      

Aug 2014 - Dec 2015

  • Manage renewal business for 52 accounts and 1.2 million sales in the pipeline. 
  • 9% increase in revenue sales from previous sales year of Q4 of 2014. 
  • 11% increase in revenue sales from previous sales year of 2015. 
  • Upsold 2 accounts at USD$27,140 by 55% increase within 3 months after the new product launched in  October 2014. 
  • Upsold 12 accounts at USD $314,482 by 17% increase in 2015.

Sales Account Manager, UpToDate 

Jan 2014 - Jul 2014
  • Develop new business for one-third provinces in China - Identified 70 prospects at 100% within 4 months. 
  • Initialized trials at 50% of the target in the 3rd quarter and conducted demonstrations.

Account Manager, Elsevier Taiwan LLC.

Jan 2010 - Jan 2014
  • Manage new and renewal business for print and electronic books, journals and databases sales to hospitals and universities. Responsible for sales, customer service and product training. 
  • Managed 21 accounts in central and eastern Taiwan. 
  • Took over the territory of southern Taiwan and managed 19 accounts. 
  • Cooperated with customers to hold workshops in evidence-based medicine and nursing. 


Ruby on Rails

User Authority:devise / rolify / cancancan
User Registration:Facebook, Google account re
Multi Language Website:rails-i18n / globalize
Shopping Cart:Buying progress and managing system
Third-Party Payment:Pay2go(智付通)
State Machine:aasm
Admin Panel:ActiveAdmin / RailsAdmin / CMS
Image operation:paperclip / carrierwave and upload to AWS S3 and image crop
Mail:mailgun / sidekiq
PDF:downlad HTML as PDF
Editor:Integrate CKEditor into admin panel
Pagination:kaminari and lazyload

Front-End Development





。Responsive Website Design

。Bootstrap 4

。Semantic UI

Server / Deploy / Git

。Familiar with git and github workflow


。SEO:meta-tags and sitemap building
。Website Monitor:Google Search Console
。Analytics:Google Analytics
。Google Map:Store Information in Goole Map
。Socila Media:Facebook API / Open Graph / Facebook Pixel

Website Planning


Project Management / Sales

。Google Number
。Account Management
。Direct Sales
。Solution Selling
。Customer Service
。Strategic Partnership
。Product Training

Projects, Aug 2016 - Apr 2018


1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

3. Database Design

4. Front-end web pages(100%)

5. Back-End functions(70%)

Footprint Okinawa 行腳沖繩

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

4. Database Design

5. UI Design and Planning

6. Front-end web pages(90%)

7. Back-End functions(20%)

8. Google Console 

9. Google Analytics  

10. Server、DNS、CDN、Deploy 

i-Baby 愛寶抓周趣

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning 

3. Project Management 

4. Database Design 

5. UI Design and Planning 

6. Front-end web pages(100%)

7. Back-End functions(100%)

8. Google Console

9. Google Analytics

10. Server、DNS、CDN、Deploy 

B.B. Sauce B.B.麻辣專家

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

4. Database Design

5. Front-end web pages(100%)

6. Back-End functions(30%)

7. Google Console

8. Google Analytics

9. Server、DNS、CDN、Deploy

讚爾藝術 JARLL

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

4. Database Design

5. UI Design and Planning

6. Front-end web pages(80%)

7. Back-End functions(10%)

8. Only be responsible for 1st stage official website development. The shopping cart, Facebook API... is developed by another team  

FDA Taiwan Document Search System

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning 

3. Project Management 

4. UI Design and Planning 

5. Front-end web pages(100%) 


1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

4. Database Design

5. Front-end web pages(100%)

6. Back-End functions(100%)

Wingtext(End Operations)

1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning

3. Project Management

4. Database Design

5. UI Design and Planning

6. Front-end web pages(100%)

7. Back-End functions(100%)


1. Customer Interview

2. Requirement Planning 

3. Project Management 

4. Build Web Pages(100%) 


1. Front-end web pages(30%)

Unbusy(End Operations)

1. Database Design(50%)

2. Third-Party Payment - Pay2go(100%)

3. Front-end web pages(100%)

4. Deployment and Server Management


