Mag Michael A. Marczell

Current Position    City, IN

Hi, I am Mag Michael A. Marczell and I have been leading US operations for an international airline catering company for about 5 years. During my leadership, the company was feeding over 10.000 passengers every day. So you can imagine that I was leading a prestigious restaurant with millions of guests from all over the world with different tastes, the Chinese expect their own specific meals, Hispanics have their own tastes, Americans may need a quick meal, Austrians would like to have a Schnitzel. This brought me to an idea of inclusiveness. All of us no matter how diverse we are we have the need for quality serving, professional treatment, and our personal requirements must be fulfilled.
Mag Michael A. Marczell-Philosophy of International Catering
I like the togetherness feeling in it. There is no place for discrimination in everyday life. Also in professional life, we need to feel in every moment we live on the same planet and there is no difference between each of us. Especially New York (NYC) city is a very cosmopolite city with people from all over the world. It is one of the biggest cities in the world.NYC has almost 20 million people and it is one of the biggest megacities. With over 900 languages spoken in New York, it is definitely the most linguistically diverse city around the world.
New York is also one of the most visited cities. As I was living in New York, the most interesting events were with international and celebrity people with good food and very good DJs such as DJ Ben, Dennis Ferrer, Todd Terry as examples, especially on the rooftop locations.I think the best rooftop place in NY is Haven Rooftop & Restaurant, with their happy hours between4–6 PM. That would be one of the top 5 recommendations in NYC. It is not just about drinks and the good view, it is especially their very delicate and high-quality food such as Crap and Avocado Palette or shrimp cocktail. Kale Salad was also one of my favorites.
I Mag Michael A. Marczell made many Hispanic friends in NY, who later invited me to Mexico City which I love and recommend all of you by the way. One day my friend Juan and his wife were invited to a special event of ENAR (European Network Against Racism)(1)where we met our friends from France, we talked about togetherness, peace, dialog, cooperation, and working together against racism. This talk highlighted in my mind the power of cooperation.
Importance of CooperationAs you may know, cooperation is one of the most fascinating solutions to game theory. I can still remember our talk about the importance of cooperation. Cooperationconnectionalways bring positive points to you and your company.“Companies that do highlight cooperation, instead of the competition will always win in long term” This has been always my motto and road to success. That is actually what the world is becoming and also that is the very nature of us humans. Eventually it something that evolved in millions of years with us. (2,3,4,5,6)
Managing your staff in catering Business So my leadership style is based on cooperation using the diverse elements of guests. This is from my perspective the most important aspect of being a successful international catering company. Catering is about passion and knowledge of good management. It can be salads sandwiches or some good stake which has the right temperature.
It is also very important how you serve how skilled your chefs are. You need food preparation experience for having a proper plan for menus, right preparation, reheat, and also the transport of the food for the flight or event. As an experienced caterer, I was always aware of good safety laws in my area. In the beginning, I took many courses ( food safety and culinary upgrades. It was one of the best courses and I may recommend them as it is important to learn about protecting and improving global human public health.
I Mag Michael A. Marczell may also recommend taking some of the courses from Udemy or Alicia for food safety and sanitation. Know your customer this is of course one of the themes you can write books about. But please remember what I told you in the beginning: I managed a huge team that served eventually approximately 15 million customers in the food sector. Please calculate the number of people with food allergies, dietary requirements like diabetes, or personal preferences like no carbs, besides special wishes.
Your customer will be always thankful that you as a caterer knowing your customer thought of it beforehand. This builds long-term trust and better customer reviews. But eventually what I will propose as a solution will not surprise you: To protect a customer from nuts anaphylaxis you need only two things.
Thanks for Reading
Warm Regards
Mag Michael A. Marczell