How to pass the Russian language exam 2022 at 90+?

It's no secret that almost every graduate has long had in his head a website that will help solve all the problems of studying which he wants to use by all means. "Here I will pass the mark "90" and then I will definitely live up to my hopes. How to pass the USE in Russian language 2022 at 90+, tells the teacher Umskul Alexander Dolgikh.

A set of 100 marks

You need to know the enemy by sight. But for us the upcoming should be a faithful friend and a reliable guide to the world of higher education. What does the Russian language KIM consist of?

Work with the text (tasks 1-3, 22-26)

Culture of speech (tasks 4-6).

Grammar (tasks 7 and 8)

Spelling (problems 9-15)

Punctuation (problems 16-21)

And now, attention, a spoiler, after which your world will probably never be the same: the codifier does NOT give a clear system when preparing for the Russian language exam. But remember, we're talking about a specific subject now, that kind of thing doesn't work everywhere!

What, then, to rely on?


Simakova "Russian Language. Handbook."

Any Rosenthal textbook

Site (and no reshu.ege!!!)

2. Practice

Tsybulko "36 training options.


Ready? There is simply no perfect preparation aid. Combine all of the above, and 90+ you are guaranteed!

And here's another one: act from theory to practice and no other way. This is the guarantor of the best assimilation of information.

Secrets of High Scorers

And here we come to the secret practices of our predecessors. No, no magic wands other than is really the real magic in the world of essay writing. Everything is crystal clear and simple.


High scorers do not study topics point-by-point in every section!

High scorers don't solve CMMs in a standard sequence.

Then how do they do it?

We start with spelling (9-15),

then move on to punctuation (16-21),

Then come grammar (7, 8),

Why? It's all about criteria 7,8 and 9, which test your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Here, talent in writing will clearly not be enough.

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