Mark Santolucito

I am a PhD student in the Dept. of Computer Science at Yale in the C2 (Creative Consilience) program. My advisor is Ruzica Piskac, and my research focus is Program Synthesis and Computer Music.
New Haven, CT


Yale University, CS PhD Candidate, Sept 2016 - Present

Advisor : Ruzica Piskac

Synthesis of functional reactive programs from linear temporal logic formulas.

Yale University, CS MS, Sept 2013 - May 2015

Advisor : Paul Hudak†, Ruzica Piskac

Programming by example

Amherst College, CS BA, Music BA, Sept 2009 - May 2013
Cum Laude

A double major in Computer Science and Music. Award for best senior thesis and award for excellence in music performance. Thesis on compressed caching on-memory.

Building Bridges

I specialize in bringing together different goals, research, and people.



I write code in Haskell, a functional language that catches bugs before they happen.


I speak basic Korean.