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在過去17年餘的職場生涯裡,深耕市場洞察、產業趨勢、以及專案管理許多年,並且奠定產品策略、新產品開發、新事業開發、以及企業策略的專業職能和跨領域、跨產業整合的溝通與領導能力。除了期待自己的本職學能達到既廣且精的程度,更期望能協助企業在快速變遷的環境中,找到轉變且永續經營的方向。 I deeply believe that a role with integrated expertise of consumer insight, trend of industry, strategy planning, and project management would assist companies to adjust in the fast-changing market. I am confident and sure that I am the suitable one.
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