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部落格與粉專經營者 @ 夏綠蒂的選股筆記
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部落格與粉專經營者 @ 夏綠蒂的選股筆記
曾在勤業眾信會計師事務所任職 3 年,位階為組長,擔任上市櫃公司的案件負責人,工作內容為查帳以及撰寫財報。之後到了全曜財經服務,職稱為專案經理,工作項目為財務、個股分析、企劃等。 本身有經營臉書粉絲專頁與部落格:夏綠蒂的選股筆記。 https://ccinvest.com.tw/
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Professional Background

  • Current status
  • Profession
    Market Finance
  • Fields
  • Work experience
    4-6 years (4-6 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
  • Skills
    Google Drive
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
  • Desired work locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    New Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

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Jan 2019 - Present
目前有經營粉絲專頁「夏綠蒂的選股筆記」以及同名部落格,並且曾在追夢玩家有上架影音課程,主要內容是簡單的投資知識與運用0050以及財報教學,希冀能幫助更多新手有好的正確觀念。 因為自己平時有在撰寫部落格,對於寫文能力、找尋資料,都具有不錯的能力。 Now, there is a fan page "Charlotte's stock notes" and a blog of the same name. I also have videos course have been put on the shelf for dream-player. The main content is simple investment knowledge and application 0050, hoping to help more novices have a good right idea. Because I usually write blogs and articles which according to the case, I have good abilities in writing and searching for information.
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Project Manager

Sep 2018 - Dec 2019
1 yr 4 mos
從勤業眾信離職之後,到了全曜財經,能力延伸到了財報的分析,寫財報和分析又是不同的面向了,這是離開勤業眾信之後很大的體悟。在全曜財經也很幸運受到老闆的重視,進而有開課分享基礎投資理財的機會,同事也時常詢問我財報相關問題,自己也持續精進財報分析的能力、掌握最新的審計公報,讓自己保持學習力。 亦曾參與過一個專案,發揮我的行銷與寫文專長,創下每月營收200萬的好成績。 In CMoney, my ability had extended to the analysis of financial reports. The writing of financial reports and analysis are different. This is a great understanding after leaving the Deloitte. I am also very fortunate to be paid attention to by the boss in CMoney. I had the opportunity to share basic investment and financial management. Colleagues often asked me about financial reports. I also continued to improve my ability in financial analysis and keep up to date with the latest auditing bulletins.
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Audit team leader

Jan 2016 - Aug 2018
2 yrs 8 mos
大學就讀會計資訊系,畢業後便至國內的龍頭會計師事務所─勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所服務,學習許多審計、稅務、撰寫財報等技能,並與同事有良好的合作關係,第二年已能完成上市櫃公司的財務報表。曾經帶了兩位新人至新客戶的大陸的處所查帳,在面對人力短缺以及尚未熟悉新客戶的情況下,仍然奮力完成財報及稅報。在事務所期間並接觸過IPO的案子,雖然很累很忙,但也讓自己受益良多。 I major in accounting information department of the university. After graduation, I went to the leading accounting firm , Deloitte, to learn many skills in auditing, taxation, and financial reporting, and had a good relationship with colleagues. Once, I went to China for business trip with two newcomers, for auditing a new customer.Facing of manpower shortages and unfamiliarity with new customer, we were still struggling to complete financial reports and tax reports . Although I was very tired and busy during the office and I was exposed to IPO cases, I also benefited a lot.


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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
2011 - 2015
Activities and societies
1.大三的暑假前往美國黃石公園打工旅遊,認識許多外國人,因為國情不同,有時候工作習慣不太一樣,但很快就融入了,之後也在加州自助旅遊 3 周,學習獨立與規劃,也讓自己勇敢的跨出國外生活的一步。 2.大學曾參加學生議會,舉辦校園活動例如:園遊會,並為學生利益發聲。 3.參與過迎新活動的活動長,和其他校系一起聯合舉行,在暑假便開始密集籌備,學習到團隊合作,中間必定有摩擦,也學會溝通,這樣才能讓事情圓滿結束。 1. In the summer of junior year, I went to Yellowstone Park in the United States to work and know many foreigners. Because of different national conditions, sometimes my work habits were not the same, but I quickly integrated them. After that, I also spent 3 weeks in California self-help travel, learning independence and planning. It also allowed me to bravely step out of life abroad. 2. I had participated in the student council and organized campus activities such as: garden tour, and voiced the interests of the students. 3. I had participated in the welcome activities, and held together with other school departments. In the summer, we began to intensively prepare, learned teamwork, there must be friction in the middle, and learned to communicate, so that things could be successfully concluded.
大學的時候就讀會計系,認為這是具有深度專業能力科系,期間也有至英文補習班打工,打工我覺得是很重要的一環,提早學習職場相處與應對,並且善運當時補習班的資源,加強自己的英文能力 When I was in college, I was studying in the accounting department. I thought that this was a department with in-depth professional ability. During the period, I also worked in an English tutoring class. I felt that it was an important part of working. I should learn about the workplace and cope with it, and be good at the resources of the tutoring class, to strengthen my English ability