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我是李諺儒,是一個樂觀上進的人,對於新事物充滿好奇心也非常喜歡學習新技能,可以獨立完成個人業務,並能有效率的準時完成,同時也喜歡與工作團隊一起完成任務分享喜悅的感覺。喜歡透過數據分析來解決問題,並期望能為社會帶來好的改變。 A responsible and optimistic person who is flexible and adaptable in the workplace. Able to work effectively independently or as part of a team. Leverage my experiences in statistical analysis and project management to take on new tasks. Being able to use numbers and data to solve real-world problems is something that valuable as it has the potential to bring change into the lives of many people.
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