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Master's Ranch Christian Academy

Master's Ranch Christian Academy is a boarding school program that provides at-risk children from throughout the region with life-changing structure, support, and discipline. Pastor David Bosley, the retired founder, and Master's Ranch are committed to restoring and healing to suffering youths and their families, as well as offering the resources, friendship, and faith-based therapy needed to achieve a fresh start and direction in their life. Counseling & Therapeutic Healing for Over 20 Years David Bosley, the now-retired founder, and Master's Ranch Christian Academy have worked with at-risk kids with a variety of anger and behavioral issues for more than 20 years, helping those who are self-destructive or have been diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, or RAD discover the hope and confidence they need to find a better path.

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  • Pengalaman Kerja
  • Management
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

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