Avatar of Jason (謝易芨) Hsieh.
Jason (謝易芨) Hsieh
共同創辦人/經理 | Co-Founder&Manager
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Jason (謝易芨) Hsieh

共同創辦人/經理 | Co-Founder&Manager
Hello, I'm Jason, the business development manager from TJ2 Lighting, responsible for business development and marketing. TJ2 Lighting(東捷生活科技) is a professional LED lighting manufacturer in Taiwan. Our team has more than 10 years of experience in the Lighting industry and specializes in "indoor lighting, commercial lighting and outdoor lighting" with more than 20 country partners. Welcome friends from all around the world to develop a stable and long-term business relationship with us!
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TJ2 Lighting 東捷生活科技有限公司
Logo of the organization.
Taipei City, Taiwan

Professional Background

  • Current status
    Not open to opportunities
  • Profession
    Operations Manager
    Marketing Operations
    Project Manager
  • Fields
    Marketing / Communications
    Mass Distribution
  • Work experience
    6-10 years (6-10 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
    Microsoft Project
    illustrator cc
    Google Analytics
    Google Ads
    Facebook Ads
    Internal Control
    Internal Audit
    Wolfsberg CBDDQ
    GRI Standards
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
  • Desired work locations
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

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共同創辦人/經理 | Co-Founder&Manager

Aug 2023 - Present
Taichung City, Taiwan
| Industry: Lighting Manufacturer | Products: Indoor Lighting, Outdoor Lighting and Commercial Lighting. 1. Develop growth strategies and plans focused both on financial gain and customer satisfaction. 2. Conduct research to identify new markets and customer needs. 3. Promote the company's products/services addressing or predicting clients' objectives. 4. Develop long-term and stable relationships with new and existing customers. 5. Build our owned media, paid media and earned media channels to drive qualified traffic and improve revenue. 6. Produce valuable and engaging content for our official website, social media and blog that attracts and converts our target groups. 7. Oversee and improve the performance of marketing campaigns, gain insight and assess against goals. Website: https://tj2lighting.com/ Products: https://tj2lighting.com/lighting-products/
Logo of the organization.

創辦人/執行長|Founder & CEO

Jan 2020 - Present
New Taipei City, Taiwan
行銷管理一級棒為專業行銷服務網站,為企業提供『SEO網站診斷、SEO優化顧問與各類行銷企劃案』相關服務,協助解決企劃成效不彰、無法達成預期關鍵字排名等問題,為您提高品牌知名度、互動率並帶來營收成長。 行銷服務: 1.SEO顧問 2.SEO檢測 3.行銷企劃 4.簡報製作 5.文案撰寫 合作客戶與經驗: 1.室內設計產業: 知名港式海鮮餐廳|商業空間企劃。 2.家電零售業: 北市知名家電經銷商|官網SEO優化。 3.線上遊戲產業: 知名跨國遊戲公司|網站SEO優化。 4.行銷顧問業: 行銷顧問工作室|官網SEO優化。 5.照明燈飾產業: 中部知名燈飾公司|社群媒體行銷。 專案成就: 1.與知名室內設計公司合作規劃商業空間提案簡報,一舉拿下大安區精華地段高檔餐廳建築設計案。 2.一千六百萬筆搜尋結果之交易型關鍵字,3~6個月做到首頁前六名,帶進多筆精準客戶與詢盤。 歡迎加入LINE@詢問喔~ LINE官方帳號: https://page.line.me/?accountId=328bvyhg 官方網站: https://yichibusiness.com/ 成功案例: https://yichibusiness.com/marketing-cases/
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董事長特助| Special Assistant to Chairman

Aug 2021 - Jul 2022
1 yr 0 mos
【產業類別: 雷射應用相關服務】 本期間為董事長特助,負責行銷業務、內部控制與櫃買中心創櫃事宜: 【行銷企劃/產品企劃】 ●建置電商價金保管平台: 包含商業模式擬定、需求訪談與分析、架構規劃、用例圖、流程圖功能設計等。 ●防疫窗簾產品企劃: 從市場分析、需求分析、規劃商品與售後服務、彙整佐證用測試報告等內容,進行產品簡報製作與說明。 ●參與國內、外展覽競賽: 代表公司參與「IIIC國際創新發明競賽、TIE台灣創新技術博覽會、GI綠點子發明競賽」等活動,包含活動聯繫、簡報製作與公眾演說,獲得金牌獎。 ● 通路合作洽談: 執行通路策略合作事宜,包含擬定合作模式、代表洽談、簽訂合約並跟進合作案,成功談成上千萬之年度合約。 【營運管理】 ●企業營運規劃: 執行國、內外總體環境、競爭者、替代品分析與自身資源盤點,進行強弱分析與策略擬定,訂出短、中、長期目標、計畫與預估損益表,完成企業營運計畫,提供給櫃買中心。 ●登錄櫃買中心創櫃板: 完成雷射應用項目之創櫃板內部控制制定、營業計劃書規劃並提交給櫃買中心。 -主導創櫃業務: 完成商業模式擬定、營業計劃書彙整、內部控制規劃、制定與執行,並提交給指定輔導機構KPMG安侯建業會計師事務所進行創櫃事宜。 -投資效益評估: 分析項目之五年營收、成本與費用,統計五年損益並完成淨現值、內部報酬率與回收期計算。 ●內部控制導入與落實: 依櫃買中心與KPMG創櫃要求,從零到一獨立完成並落實創櫃板內控制度擬定、修改與控管流程,偕同各部門測試流程有效性。 -於兩個月內獨立完成之內控制度包含「採購付款、銷售收款、庫存管理、資產管理、財務收支、借款管理與投資管理」等辦法。 1. Performed PEST, market and SWOT analysis, set short, medium and long-term goals, formulated business plan and submitted it to Taipei Exchange. 2. Finished the internal control regulations in two months for going to the incubation board and passed the written audit conducted by the KPMG accounting firm. 3. Analyzed the five-year revenue, cost and expense of the project, and drafted the forecast of Profit and Loss, net present value, internal rate of return and payback period. 4. Implemented the internal control system of the incubation board in our operational process, including " Sale and receipt cycle, Purchase and payment cycle, Labor and wage cycle, Property, plant and equipment cycle, Investment cycle”...etc. 5. Drafted and amended various contracts, such as procurement contracts and strategic collaboration agreements, and communicated with law/patent firms to follow up on the progress of legal/patent cases. 6. Formulated the official powerpoint, gave the official presentation and won the gold medal in IIIC (International Innovation and Invention Competition) and silver in the Green Idea Invention and Design Fair.
Logo of the organization.


Feb 2020 - Mar 2021
1 yr 2 mos
【產業別: 家用電器零售業】 本期間為總經理特助兼網路行銷部主管,業務上含括零售門市、百貨專櫃與電子商務,主要成就為『帶領網路行銷部,首年業績即提升至近數百萬/月』。 【業務範疇: 網路行銷部主管】 ● 公司官網運營: 規劃官網主題與結構、網站建置、URL提交、上架商品、活動規劃與SEO優化(標題/關鍵字/描述優化、URL提交、SSL加密、主題群集規畫、RWD、Schema結構化資料),帶進新增營收。 ● 網路商城運營: 運營『樂天商城、蝦皮購物』兩大平台,含括策略規劃、商品上架、商店布置、行銷活動、業務接洽與訂單處理,進駐電商第一年,活動月達數百萬元。 ● 社群媒體經營: 經營『FB粉絲專頁、Line@』兩大社群媒體,透過貼文主題設計、業務接洽、客訴處理、商品上架與臉書廣告投放之方式,轉化業績第一年,活動月可達上百萬元。 ● 行銷活動規劃: 透過擬定活動企劃、設計輔銷物與現場陳列之方式,執行百貨、零售店與展場之活動規劃,如母親節、除濕機團購等主題,創下團購除濕機業績百萬。 ● 媒體網紅合作: 透過事前討論與企劃、事中影片拍攝與後製、事後效益評估等方式,與知名Youtuber勵家人合作,帶進來客與營收。 ● Youtube影片企劃: 透過主題企劃、腳本擬定、器材準備、拍攝執行與後製剪輯,完成活動商品介紹影片。 【業務範疇: 總經理特助】 ● 世貿展覽專案: 透過行銷規劃、擬定價格表、攤位陳列、進撤場與展場銷售之方式,曾參與台北3C家電大展、3C電器影音展、國際建築建材展、電器3C年終購物展等,個人電視銷售超過數十萬元以上/日。 ● 社區團購專案: 透過商品彙整與訂價、表單建立、客戶接洽、訂單確認、貨況跟進與配送物流之方式,參與社區建案團購,單一建案帶進逾數百萬以上業績。 ● 績效考評導入: 落實考評專案於各門市,擬定考評辦法、獎懲制度等10份文檔以上,同比提升業績超過10%。 ● 行政流程優化: 設計倉儲管理辦法、進銷存流程與團購SOP作業流程共3份,提升工作效率20%以上。 ● 工作說明擬定: 設計倉庫物流部主管與助理之工作說明書共2份。 1. Led marketing department and raised the revenue from 30 thousand to nearly 5 million per month in a year by setting sales targets, formulating strategies and plans, and continuing PDCA every single month. 2. Managed the E-Commerce platform(Rakuten/shopee), which included product launching, marketing strategy planning, and order processing. 3. Built and managed the official website, which included structure planning, buying a domain, product launching, and SEO setting, bringing extra revenue for our company. 4. Managed social media, which included writing posts, providing customer service, product launching, dealing with all orders, and buying ads. 5. Implemented performance evaluation projects in all stores and increased revenue by more than 10% year on year. 6. Optimized the workflow in the administrative department and raised the working efficiency by 20%. 7. Participated in the projects of group buy-in communities and brought extra revenue for our company. 8. Participated in more than 4 exhibition projects, which included marketing arrangement, Move-in and move-out, and customer service.
Logo of the organization.


Jan 2019 - Dec 2019
1 yr 0 mos
【產業別: 軟體開發】 本期間為總經理特助兼SEO部主管,報告給總經理,主要成就為『帶領總經理室完成10個以上子公司建置與帶領SEO部達成網站訪客數UV近2.5萬/月,並帶進新增營收』。 【業務範疇: SEO部主管】 ● 目標管理: 帶領SEO部,半年內即達成網站訪客數UV近2.5萬/月,讓公司持續獲得營收。 ● 網站運營: 透過網站規劃與架設、促銷活動設計、SEO優化,完成網站建置與運營,讓公司持續獲得營收。 - On Page: 標題/關鍵字/描述優化、主題群集規畫、H1標籤、Alt標籤 - Off Page: 反鏈規畫、外鏈交換、RWD、Schema結構化資料、網站速度 - Technical: SSL加密、Sitemap網站地圖提交 ● 軟體開發: 透過需求擷取、功能分析、時程規劃、開發進度跟進與測試之方式,帶領SEO部門完成排名查詢軟體之開發。 ●教育訓練: 透過規畫OST、OJT、擬定教育訓練文件、安排時程、落實執行之方式,完成教育訓練事宜,提高同仁工作效率10%以上。 【業務範疇: 總經理特助】 ● 子公司建置專案: 透過分析業務範疇、彙整組織架構、跟進招募進度、政府文件流程、整合軟硬體資源、完善組織制度與業務目標跟進之方式,帶領總經理室達成10個以上之子公司建置。 ● 跨公司合作專案: 透過專案範疇確認與佈達、每週視訊例會、每月定期會議與專案業務跟進,帶領總經理室協助旗下子公司完成10件以上之各類專案,如資安建置、大量招募等。 ● 營運績效分析: 透過預算之績效分析、提出經營警示訊息,如專案時程滯後、新客戶數降低等,以利高管進行目標管理,共彙整10份以上之月報表。 ● 行政流程優化: 透過釐清業務重點,與行政單位共同建立釘釘電子化流程,如請採購等類別,減少50%以上作業時間的浪費。 ● 外國貴賓接待: 代表公司接待英超球隊董事總經理,參與並協助完成贊助合約簽訂事宜。 1. Led SEO team and reached the target of unique visitors/week on our website and made extra revenue for our company. 2. Led GM Office and established more than ten subsidiaries by analyzing business scope, clarifying the organization structure, assisting in staff recruitment, acquiring software and hardware resources and following up on business goals 3. Analyze the budget and performance of each subsidiary, and make recommendations according to the budget variance to improve the revenue. 4. Designed the E-flow with the administrative department and reduced half the waste of working time. 5. Established GM Office by cooperating with HR and recruiting job vacancies such as special assistants and administrative assistants through 104 job bank. 6. Built and managed our websites, which included marketing campaigns, and SEO optimization. - On Page: Title/Keyword/Description Optimization, Topic Cluster Planning, H1 Tag, Alt Tag - Off Page: Backlink planning, external link exchange, RWD, Schema structured data, site speed - Technical: SSL encryption, Sitemap site map submission 7. Developed SEO Ranking software through the filing of product Backlog, functional analysis, schedule planning(Gantt chart), following up with the progress and software testing. 8. Conducted the training courses of the SEO department and improved the efficiency of our staff by more than 10% through on-site training, on-job training, off-job training.
Logo of the organization.


Mar 2018 - Dec 2018
10 mos
【產業別: 流通零售業】 本期間為董事長特助兼任專案主管,業務上對接三間公司,報告給董事長與總經理,主要成就為『參與100家以上全家便利商店新零售合作案與完成NEO藝廊建置,帶進新增營收』。 【業務範疇: NEO藝廊專案主管】 ● 產品策略規劃: 透過3C分析、競品分析、市場調查、BCG矩陣之品線規劃,確認藝廊營收組成之產品線、成本、售價並訂出銷售預測。 ● 物料採購生產: 依預測進行產品物料採購、進銷存掌控、擬定生產排程與品質控管。 ● 物流配送出貨: 與物流公司合作進行產品配送。 ● 通路規劃執行: 上架全家便利商店O2O互動屏、上架公司購物官網,為公司帶進新收入。 【業務範疇: 董事長特助】 ● 全家商店合作專案: 透過例會協商、商務合約簽訂、商品上架、物流配送之方式,參與100家以上新零售O2O智慧商店合作專案,為公司帶來新增營收。 ● 互動屏幕開發專案:透過需求確認、驗收標準定義、合約規劃與簽訂、階段測試與驗收之方式,參與上市公司硬體開發專案,完成兩個以上的硬體開發並成功導入全家門市。 ● 明曜特賣專案: 透過專案會議、進、撤櫃與陳列等方式,參與明曜百貨特賣會,帶進新增營收。 ● 新創募資專案: 透過例會協商、彙整營運計劃書與財務報表之方式,與募資負責人合作,參與020項目之募資活動,成功媒合2件以上合作案。 ● 內部流程優化: 透過加強客戶關係、擬定銷售預測、安排時程與插件之方式,降低50%溝通時間。 ● 對外溝通談判: 透過溝通協調,代表公司與廣告點位之房東進行誤會釋疑,將大幅調升之租金降低75%。 1. Built and managed the new business called NEO Gallery by strategy planning, supply chain management, and product manufacturing and brought in extra revenue for our company. -Planned product strategy: Included market analysis, competitor analysis, planned product line by BCG matrix, cost analysis, set the selling price and made sales forecast. -Material procurement and production: Purchased materials, inventory control, scheduled production and quality control according to the forecast. -Logistics and delivery: Cooperated with logistics companies for product delivery. -Channel cooperation: Filed our products for familymart and made sure to be launched in their online channel. 2. Participated in O2O projects which cooperated with 100 convenience stores of family-mart and brought extra revenue for our company through attending regular meetings, signing business contracts, product development, and logistics arrangements. 3. Drafted and negotiated various contracts such as MOU, LOI, NDA with listed companies and amended the working rule. 4. Developed the interactive digital signage with listed companies through acquiring requirements, defining acceptance criteria, signing contracts, testing and successfully introducing into the whole family stores. 5. Optimized supply chain process by interviewing each workstation, analyzing the problem and coming up with solutions including enhanced customer management, developing sales forecasts, visualizing production schedules, and reducing plug-in cases. 6. Participated in the fundraising project by attending regular meetings, negotiating, drafting business plans, filing financial statements and succeeding in financing.
Logo of the organization.


Jan 2012 - Dec 2014
3 yrs 0 mos
【產業別: 金融保險業】 本期間主要完成以下事務並累積業務職能: ● 熟悉各種不同類型保險的功能(如:產險、壽險、儲蓄險、醫療險、意外險)。 ● 依據客戶的需求與現況,提供適當的保險規劃服務,如透過不同年期儲蓄險,協助客戶做理財規劃;透過旅平險安排,讓客戶出國旅遊安心享保障。 ● 協助客戶辦理保險理賠、契約變更等業務,保障客戶權益。 ● 顧客關係管理的技巧:定期關心瞭解客戶狀況、記錄每次訪談重點、客戶生活需求協助,依據客戶不同價值觀/生活方式給予客製化商品建議。 1. Be familiar with the functions of various types of insurance and provided them to customers after KYC procedure. 2. Helped customers in handling insurance claims and contract changes. 3. Maintained and developed a good customer relationship by providing beneficial insurance information, continuing greeting and sharing other claims.


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Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
2021 - 2021
Logo of the organization.
Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
2021 - 2021
Logo of the organization.
Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
2021 - 2021
Logo of the organization.
Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
2017 - 2017
Study tour in July 2007.
Logo of the organization.
Bachelor’s Degree
2008 - 2012
Activities and societies

Licenses & Certifications

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Credential ID: 1213252019
Issued Mar 2023
No Expiration Date
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Issued Dec 2021
No Expiration Date
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Google Ads 多媒體廣告認證 _ Google

Issued May 2021
No Expiration Date
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Issued Mar 2020
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.


Issued Feb 2020
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.

Google Ads 搜尋廣告認證 _ Google

Issued Feb 2020
No Expiration Date
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Google Analytics 分析進階認證

Issued Jan 2020
No Expiration Date
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TQC+ 網頁程式設計

Issued Dec 2019
No Expiration Date
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Issued Aug 2019
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.


Issued Jun 2019
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.


Issued Jan 2018
No Expiration Date
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Issued Jun 2017
No Expiration Date
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台灣金融研訓院 TABF
Issued Jun 2017
No Expiration Date
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Issued May 2017
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.


Issued Apr 2017
No Expiration Date