
陳致宇 Mike Chen

  • 10年電商平台商城經營及商品操作經驗,熟悉3C、家電、電腦資訊、汽機車百貨類相關商品業態。並針對不同商品及供應商策劃行銷活動。協助供應商於平台上取得業績。
  • 1年以上平台招商經驗,介紹個人開店平台,並輔導客戶上架,行銷販售,物流等相關作業。
  • 1年平台以上開發經驗,協助企劃個人開店平台後台建置,操作流程與邏輯,並整理相關法務與帳務資料。
  • 3年電腦經銷實體門市經驗,依照消費者需求分析並介紹筆記型電腦,促使達到成交。
  • 1年中國重慶創業經驗,協助實體店面開店。



連絡電話 :+886-917896475

電⼦信箱:[email protected]  



  • 2022/11開發Kinyo原廠,成功簽約,已成為主要供應廠商
  • 2022/12禾聯家電成功簽約
  • 2023/4 豪洗洗衣球快銷品簽約
  • 2023/5 上山採藥簽約
  • 2023/8 東隆電器成為合作夥伴


  • 快煮鍋年採購量超過2000pcs以上,年銷量1800pcs以上
  • 電暖器季採購約500pcs,1季銷售數量約95%
  • 電扇季採購約1000pcs,1季銷售數量約98%
  • 洗衣球採購約2萬顆,年銷售約90%
  • 洗沐類商品月採購金額約2萬元,每月可創造2.5萬業績


  • 淘寶台灣「家電」類別負責人,招募及維護商城商家,輔導商家在平台達成目標業績。
  • 蝦皮商城「汽機車」經理人,負責維護入駐商家的活動規劃、行銷活動、廣告曝光與廣告販售。
  • momo摩天商城「3C家電」「汽機車」品類經營主任,協助商家規劃行銷活動,廣告曝光與版位販售。
  • 崑碁電腦ASUS門市副店長。


  • 分析市場對於4K訊號的需求度增加,故推廣高清LED。整體電視GMV於淘寶台灣成長約10%以上。
  • 運用過年前"除舊布新"概念,規劃汽車美容商品活動於蝦皮商城,整體GMV 成長30%。
  • 整合O2O,協助「麗車坊」在實體門市放置蝦皮商城廣告導流,並支援蝦皮商城折扣碼,促使折扣碼轉換率約5%。
  • 協助「歐洲精品家電」精選Top 20 item於摩天商城促銷,Daily GMV 成長10%~15%。
  • 運用空汙議題,主打空氣清淨機活動於摩天商城,整體GMV成長20%。


  • Tescom吹風機於淘寶台灣揪划算版位曝光,1小時銷售出50組。
  • Caper S3 機車行車紀錄器於蝦皮千萬補貼活動版位,2小時售出約100組以上。
  • id221 MOTO A1 藍芽耳機於蝦皮限時特賣20分鐘200組售完。
  • CASIO TR50 自拍相機於摩天商城Line推播,10分鐘30組售完。




  • 工作內容 
  1. 分析市場趨勢 :  分析商品與市場趨勢,給予內部建議主力商品販售。
  2. 商品採購開發:開發供應商,並判斷分析該供應商商品未來可售性。
  3. 計算毛利結構 :  確保商品販售得到最大效益毛利。
  4. 客訴客服處理 :  協調消費者與供應商端達成共識,確保雙方權益。
  • 達成成就
  1. 開發廠端從 0 至 8 家供應商(持續增加中)。
  2. 同時操作蝦皮購物,東森購物,Line購物商城,GOMAIJ等平台並持續增加。
  3. 協助公司業績於網路購物平台 YOY 成長90%。
  4. 建構公司進出貨整體SOP流程。

訊崴技術有限公司 (華為台灣區總代理)


  • 工作內容 
  1. 商品操盤 :  與各平台經理人接洽,洽談活動安排。
  2. 分析市場:分析競品與市場趨勢,給予內部建議主力商品販售。
  3. 廣告投放 :  給予外部媒體投放單位建議,針對商品特色,活動訊息,廣告視覺等事項微調,並撰寫廣告文案。
  4. 客情維護 :  與經銷廠商維持密切關係,並確保合作順暢。
  • 達成成就
  1. 操作新品並洽談合作曝光,使該商品類別績占比從4%提升到13%。
  2. 協助廣告單位轉換率由0.3%提升至1.4% 。



  • 工作內容 
  1. 賣家運營:分析北美市場,並提供市場趨勢協助賣家,洽談活動商品,與廣告曝光。
  2. 賣家招商 : 負責招募品牌及經銷 ,加入跨境北美電商平台。
  • 達成成就
  1. 賣家招募6間,維護23間商家。
  2. 協助台灣自有品牌 KC 碳纖維汽車精品,WPG雪豹打蠟機加入北美市場。

英商克雷達投資有限公司 (淘寶台灣)


  • 工作內容 
  1. 家電品類招商 : 負責淘寶商城招募品牌及經銷 (如:東隆電器、集雅社,歐洲精品家電,日本TAIGA大河)。
  2. 商家運營:透過商家反饋及業務需求,提供系統新增/調整功能等需求,並測試⾄最後上線的正確性,來解決商家問題。
  3. 活動業績達成:安排每月主題活動、與商家邀品提案,藉此達成業績KPI。
  4. 活動規劃:規劃年度活動時程,完成活動提案規劃,透過提案徵選獲取資源,並執行會場架設,確保上線完善及業績達成。  
  • 達成成就
  1. 重點商家招募15間,維護23間商家。
  2. GMV快速成長,6月至9月家電GMV成長約103%。
  3. 協助銀行分期功能規劃於淘寶台灣,並規劃主軸活動曝光。

新加坡商蝦皮娛樂電商有限公司台灣分公司 (樂購蝦皮) 

品類客戶營運經理,2018年7月– 2020年4月

  • 工作內容
  1. 汽機車百貨類客戶經營 : 負責蝦皮商城賣家經營品牌及活動規劃(例:麗車坊、車麗屋、 Gozilla狗吉拉),並依照蝦皮行銷活動邀品及協助曝光。
  2. 協助招商開發 : 整理競網,或本身有在經營官網之潛力賣家清單給予招商團隊開發。
  3. 活動規劃 : 分析市場趨勢,並針對該趨勢策劃未來3個月的活動主軸(例: gogoro 配件、除舊布新、開學季)。
  4. 賣家輔導 : 透過賣家回饋及業務需求,提供系統調整或協助問題解決(例:帳務問題,客訴協調,系統操作)。
  5. 分析成效 : 運用每日報表數字分析活動成效,並提供意見或改善計畫協助賣家活動方向。
  • 達成成就
  1. 汽機車百貨維護商家約151間。
  2. 商城商家整體 GMV YOY 成長330%。
  3. 規劃除舊布新(汽車美容)線上活動,GMV MOM 成長約35%。
  4. 整合麗車坊O2O資源,規劃蝦皮商城&麗車坊實體店面廣告導流,折扣碼領取率98%,轉換率約3.5%。
  5. 規劃KOL(女子車流)安全帽新品開箱,開箱商品於一周活動期間創造20萬GMV。
  6. 分析Gogoro周邊趨勢,安排Gozilla狗吉拉賣家活動頁於蝦皮首頁曝光,創造一天88萬GMV。



  • 工作內容
  1. 3C電腦資訊家電、汽機車百貨品類管理 : 負責規劃品類整體活動,與商家自主活動及配合全站大促邀品。
  2. 協助招商開發 : 協助招商人員並參與招商會議,說明整體商城活動計畫,版位配置等行銷廣告方向。
  3. 活動規劃 : 依照市場趨勢給予全站、品類、商家活動方針。
  4. 商家輔導 : 輔導新進商家上架,帳務,後台操作等細節,進一步分析商家產品面向與優勢,給予商家建議。
  5. 分析成效 : 運用每日報表數字分析活動成效,並提供意見或改善計畫協助賣家活動方向。
  • 達成成就
  1. 維護超過250間商店。
  2. 操作空汙議題,規劃清淨機活動,使整體類別商品成長35%以上GMV。
  3. 協助單一商店操作 TOP 20 商品排行榜,協助商家MOM穩定成長15%~20% GMV。
  4. 神腦國際開店慶,規劃整體曝光商品面向,並安排活動曝光,創造單月百萬業績。
  5. 規劃良興電子開店慶活動,安排廣告版位與活動曝光,創造期間150萬業績。
  6. 協助法雅客入駐摩天商城。
  7. 操作CASIO TR50自拍相機,安排站外資源與商店內部廣告宣傳,達成 GMV MOM成長 120%,創造單月250萬業績。

京廣數位 / 宏齊科技

招商企劃專員 2013年5月-2014年7月

  • 工作內容
  1. 協助企劃開發個人開店平台。
  2. 規劃線下招商活動。
  3. 安排開店課程,聘請講師等實體活動。
  4. 協助商品上架。


營業人員 (創業) 2012年3月-2013年2月

  • 工作內容
  1. 協助採購原料與設備。
  2. 協助POS系統上線。
  3. 規劃店面平面設計圖。
  4. 招募人員。


門市人員 2008年11月-2011年6月

  • 工作內容
  1. 門市筆記型電腦銷售。
  2. 門市業績管理。
  3. 門市管理。


中文 / 台語

  • 聽 : 精通 / 普通
  • 說 : 精通 / 普通
  • 讀 : 精通 / 普通
  • 寫 : 精通 / 普通


  • 聽 : 普通
  • 說 : 普通
  • 讀 : 普通
  • 寫 : 普通


Windows10、Windows7、Windows XP、Excel、Outlook、Word、PowerPoint、Photoshop


Mike Chen

  • 10 years of experience in e-commerce platform business operation and product operation. Familiar with 3C, home appliances, computer information, automobile and motorcycle related merchandise formats. And plan marketing campaigns for different products and suppliers. To help suppliers achieve results on the platform.
  • 12 months of Merchants experience. Introduction personal shop platform, client counseling shelves, marketing, selling, logistics, and other related operations.
  • 12 months of experience in platform development and planning. Assist in the planning of the back-end establishment of the personal store platform, the operation process and logic, and the collation of relevant legal and accounting information.
  • 3 years of sales experience in computer physical stores.
  • 1 year of entrepreneurial experience.


Present PremisesBeitou,Taipei ,Taiwan

Phone Number :+886-0917896475

Email Addressl:[email protected]  


Supplier Development

  • 2022/11 Developed Kinyo original factory, successfully signed the contract, and has become a major supplier.
  • 2022/12 HERAN Home Appliances successfully signed a contract.
  • 2023/4 NICEWASH Laundry Ball  Signing Agreement(FMCG).
  • 2023/5 Sofnon signing.
  • 2023/8 PANASHOP becomes a partner.

Procurement and sales case sharing

  • The annual purchase volume of instant pots exceeds 2000pcs. and the annual sales volume exceeds 1800pcs.
  • The quarterly purchase of electric heaters is about 500pcs, and the sales volume in the first quarter is about 95%.
  • The quarterly purchase of electric fans is about 1,000pcs, and the sales volume in the first quarter is about 98%.
  • About 20,000 laundry balls are purchased and annual sales are about 90%
  • The monthly purchase amount of laundry products is about 20,000 yuan, which can create 25,000 yuan in sales every month.


Category Management & Store Management

  • Head of the " Electrical appliances" category at Taobao Taiwan. Recruitment and maintenance suppliers, counseling supplier performance in achieving objectives.
  • Shopee "Motors' managers. Responsible for maintaining supplier settled in event planning, event marketing, selling, and advertising exposure.
  • momomall "3C" "Electrical Appliances" "motors" category management. Assist suppliers in planning marketing activities, advertising exposure, and sell.
  • KUN CHI COMPUTER ASUS deputy store manager.

Event Planning & Result

  • Analysis of market demand increased by 4K signals. Therefore, the promotion of high-definition LED. TV GMV's overall growth of about 10%.
  • Use the concept of "in addition to the old and the new". Planning the auto beauty product activities in shopee mall, the overall GMV increased by 30%.
  • Integration O2O, help "Autolife" ad placement shopee diversion in the physical store, and support discount code, discount code to promote the conversion rate of about 5%.
  • Assisting "CHEN TSAN" to promote selected Top 20 items in momomall, and Daily GMV grew by 10%~15%.
  • In response to air pollution issues. Main activities of air cleaners in momomall, overall GMV growth of 20%.

Commodity operation & Result

  • Tescom hairdryer in Taobao ad slots exposure, 1 hour sold 50 groups.
  • Caper S3 locomotive driving record in shrimp campaign slots, two hours sold about 100 sets.
  • id221 MOTO A1 Bluetooth headset sets sold out in 20 minutes 200 ad slots.
  • CASIO TR50 selfie camera in the momomall Line Push Ferris, 10 minutes 30 group sold out.

Work Experience

Weichih Co., Ltd. E-commerce Operations Development Manager, 2022/11 - Currently employed

  • Work content
  1. Analyze market trends: Analyze products and market trends, and provide internal recommendations for selling main products.
  2. Product procurement and development: Develop suppliers and judge and analyze the future salability of the supplier's products.
  3. Calculate gross profit structure: ensure maximum gross profit from product sales.
  4. Customer service handling of customer complaints: Coordinate consumers and suppliers to reach a consensus and ensure the rights and interests of both parties.
  • Achievement
  1. Development factory side from 0 to 8 suppliers (continuously increasing).
  2. At the same time, we operate Shopee Shopping, Dongsen Shopping, Line Shopping Mall, GOMAIJ and other platforms and continue to increase.
  3. Helped the company's performance grow by 90% on the online shopping platform YOY.
  4. Construct the company's overall SOP process for import and export.

XUNWEI Technology Co., Ltd. Investment EC Manager & Key Account Manager,2022/5 - 2022/11 

  • Work content
  1. Commodity Trader: Negotiate commodity activities, arrange contact exposure on the E-Commerce platform.
  2. Market analysis: Analyze competing products and market trends, and give internal recommendations for main product sales.
  3. Market analysis: Analyze competing products, and market trends, and give internal recommendations for main product sales.
  4. Customer maintenance: maintain close relationship with distributors and ensure smooth cooperation.
  • Achievement
  1. Operating new products and discussing cooperation and exposure, the proportion of this product category has increased from 4% to 13%.
  2. Helped to increase the conversion rate of ad units from 0.3% to 1.4%.

Newegg Inc.,Investment Manager & Key Account Manager,2021/3-2021/6

  • Work content
  1. Merchants for sellers: Responsible for recruiting brands and distributors to join the cross-border e-commerce platform.
  2. Seller operation: Analyze the market and provide market trends to assist sellers, negotiate event products, and expose advertisements.
  • Achievement
  1. The seller recruits 6 shops and maintains 23 shops.
  2. Assist Taiwan's own brand KC and WPG waxing machines to enter the US market.

Claddagh Venture Investment Limited (taobao tw),Investment Manager & Key Account Manager,2020/5-2020/11

  • Work content
  1. Merchants for electrical appliances: Responsible for brand recruitment and distribution on Taobao Mall (EX: Panashop、Gseven,CHEN TSAN,TAIGA)
  2. Business Operations: feedback through business and business needs, providing new systems and adjustment needs, and the last on-line test to ensure that solve business problems.
  3. Activity achievement: Arrange monthly theme activities, and propose proposals with merchants, and have reached performance KPI.
  4. Activity planning: plan the annual activity schedule and complete the activity proposal plan. Obtain resources through proposal solicitation, and implement the event webpage to ensure that the online is perfect and the performance is achieved.
  • Achievement
  1. Recruit 15 key businesses and maintain 23 businesses.
  2. GMV grew rapidly, GMV grew by approximately 103% from June to September.
  3. Assist bank installments functional planning. And plan the spindle activity exposure.

SHOPEE (TAIWAN) CO. ,LTD.,Key Account Manager,2018/7–2020/4

  • Work content 
  1. Motors customer management: Responsible for the brand management and activity planning of Shopee Mall sellers (EX: Autolife、Car Quality、 Gozilla). Follow the invitations of marketing activities and assist in an exposure.
  2. Assist in investment promotion: sort out competitors, or list of potential sellers on the official website of the business, and give it to relevant departments.
  3. Event planning: Analyze the market trend and plan the main axis of the event for the next 3 months (EX: gogoro accessories, remove the old cloth, and the school season).
  4. Seller counseling: Through seller feedback and business needs, provide system adjustments, or assist in problem-solving (EX: accounting problems, customer complaint coordination, system operation).
  5. Analyze the effectiveness: Use daily reports to digitally analyze the effectiveness of activities, and provide suggestions or improvement plans to assist sellers in the direction of activities.
  • Achievement
  1. Maintain more than 150 stores.
  2. The overall GMV YOY of mall merchants grew by 330%.
  3. Planning the online activity of "Remove the Old and New (Auto Beauty)", GMV MOM will grow by about 35%.
  4. Integrate "Autolife" O2O resources, plan "Shopee&Autolife" storefront advertising diversion, the discount code receiving rate is 98%, and the conversion rate is about 3.5%.
  5. The planned KOL (Powergirl go!) safety helmet new product was released, and the product created 200,000 GMV during the week of the event.
  6. Analyze the trends around Gogoro and arrange the "Gozilla" event page to be exposed to Shopee, creating 880,000 GMV per day.

Fubon Multimedia Technology CO.,LTD.(momo shop),momo mall Category Management ,2014/8-2018/6

  • Work content 
  1. 3C, computer information, electrical appliances, Motors management: Responsible for planning the overall activities of the category, independent activities with merchants, and invitations to activities.
  2. Assist in investment promotion: Assist investment personnel and participate in investment conferences, explain the overall mall activity plan, layout configuration, and other marketing advertising directions.
  3. Activity planning: Give activity guidelines based on market trends.
  4. Merchant coaching: Coaching new merchants on the shelves, accounting, background operations, and other details. Further, analyze the product orientation and advantages of the merchant, and give suggestions to the merchant.
  5. Analyze effectiveness: Use daily reports to analyze the effectiveness of activities. Provide advice and assistance to improve the planning activities sellers direction.
  • Achievement
  1.  Maintain more than 250 stores.
  2. Air pollution issues, planning Air purifier activities. Performance growth of more than 35% GMV.
  3. Assist the store to operate the TOP 20 product ranking list. Assist the merchant MOM to grow 15%~20% GMV steadily.
  4. "Senao" Shop celebration. Plan to expose the product aspect, arrange the event exposure, and create a single month of millions of sales.
  5.  "EcLife" Shop celebration. Arrange for ad placement and event exposure. 1.5 million sales during the creation period.
  6. Assist "Fayaque" to join momoMall.
  7. Operate the CASIO TR50 camera. Arrange to advertise. Achieved a 120% growth in GMV MOM, creating monthly sales of 2.5 million.

Ching Kuang Digit CO., LTD. / Hung Chi Technology CO., LTD. ,Investment  Planner,2013/5-2014/7

  • Work content
  1. Assist in the planning and development of a personal shop platform.
  2. Plan offline investment promotion activities.
  3. Arrange store courses, hire lecturers, and other physical activities.
  4. Assist merchandise on the shelves.

Yummi Food CO., LTD.,Chongqing China (Shareholder) ,2012/3-2013/2

  • Work content
  1. Purchase raw materials and equipment.
  2. Assist the POS system to go online.
  3. Planning store design drawing.
  4. Recruit staff.

KUN CHI COMPUTER CO., LTD. ,Sales 2008/11-2011/6

  • Work content
  1. Store management.
  2. Performance management.
  3. Sales laptop.

Language and other skills

Chinese / Taiwanese

  • Listen: Proficient / Normal
  • Speak: Proficient / Normal
  • Read: Proficient / Normal
  • Write: Proficient / Normal


  • Listen: Normal
  • Speak: Normal
  • Read: Normal
  • Write: Normal


Windows10、Windows7、Windows XP、Excel、Outlook、Word、PowerPoint、Photoshop,Illustrator