Murilo Dal Ri    London, UK

Full-Stack Web Developer passionate about maintainable code and new technologies. I am highly motivated, inquisitive and eager to learn new skills. I want to work with people who share the same passion for code and technology.


I learn fast

I love learning new languages (not only programming ones) and doing coding challenges. I've built several small projects in the past year and worked on a few websites. In our final project at Makers, I learned the basics of Java and developed a proof-of-concept Android app in just a few days.

I am curious

I have a thirst for knowledge and love researching about various topics I don't understand well. I am particularly interested in reading about frameworksprogramming paradigms,
new languageslibraries and how the world of tech is evolving.

I am adaptable

I like to get out of my comfort zone and put myself in challenging situations to push my boundaries. Moving to the UK and adapting to a new culture took a lot of courage and determination, but it allowed me to grow and learn much more than I would have otherwise.


An Airbnb inspired website.

My BnB is a peer-to-peer online marketplace and homestay network enabling people to list or rent short-term lodging in residential properties, with the cost of such accommodation set by the property owner.

Javascript, Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL

A Twitter-inspired social website.

An online social networking service that enables users to send and read short messages called "purrs". Registered users can read and post purrs, but those who are unregistered can only read them.

Ruby, Sinatra, HTML5, Javascript, PostgreSQL


Track your journeys with Pointr and never get lost again!

A mobile app which allows users to track their journeys and go back to the starting point following their steps.

Angular JS, Ruby on Rails, Ionic


Makers Academy, 2016

Web Development Bootcamp.

  • Intensive 12 weeks of pair programming, building relationships and great software practices.
  • Focused on Object-Oriented and Functional Programming.
  • Learned to test drive projects using industry standard best practices.
  • Practised Extreme Programming, Agile, and building MVPs.

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009 - 2010

Bachelor of Computer Science.

  • Logic in Computer Science.
  • Programming using technologies like Java and SQL.

Colegio Santa Teresinha, 2005 - 2007

As part of my High School, I enrolled in a course which covered Electrical and Electronics Engineerings and Computer Science topics.

  • Learned about Electrical Engineering and how to design and solder circuit boards.
  • Wrote computer programs in Delphi and Pascal and learned the Binary Number System.
  • Learned about Computer Networks including architecture, structure and components.



I've been to roughly 30 countries in 4 continents, but this is not about numbers. Backpacking allows me to meet amazing people, learn about different cultures and have unforgettable experiences. Boarding a train to the wrong country, suffering from food poisoning, being lost at midnight in Marrakech or Gdańsk, all these experiences have shaped who I am and thought me to be fearless and ready to deal with any situation life can throw at me.


I like to read blogs, articles, books and technology news. Hacker News is one of my favourite websites and I check it almost daily.  I'm interested in books about philosophy, economy, psychology and I'm a fan of dystopic novels.


My mother had a video rental shop from the late 80s up until pirate DVDs and the internet killed the business. I grew up in this environment, watching movies every day and have a vast and mostly useless knowledge of movie references.


When I'm not pair programming I like to have Spotify open on an artist's radio or some cool playlist. I usually listen to Chill-Out, Electronic, Instrumental or something more experimental. A few bands I like to code to are Bonobo, Tycho, Caribou and their radios on Spotify.