
Paulo Henrique

frontend - backend webdev  •  João Pessoa, PB, BR  •  [email protected]

Web development student at Instituto Federal da Paraíba, looking for some great challenges and accomplishment. Focus and positivity.

Hard Skills

JavaScript, node.js, bootstrap, git, C, HTML5, CSS3, Ruby, JQuery, jest.

Soft Skills

Creative, patience, focus, teamwork, organization, responsibility and leadership.


Internship at FUNDAC, Set 2016 - Set 2017

Controlling the flux of process and helping with the protocol system (just rebooting server when it was needed)

Coordinator at Ministério Atuemos, Feb 2014 - Feb 2016

Coordinate people to work in theatrical plays, and finance events like gathering money to costumes


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Banda Apolo Website

Project made for conclusion of discipline Markup Language at University.
