
黃韻芝 34歲 女 最高學歷: 大學畢業 私立東吳大學 國際經營與貿易學系 希望職稱: 行銷企劃

[email protected]

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YCM Products CO., LTD._優克美有限公司 行銷企劃專員,2021/11~2022/01 (3個月)

產業類別: 綜合商品批發代理業  職務類別: 廣告文案/企劃 公司規模:30~100人 管理責任: 無 工作內容:行銷工作上完整的發想、企劃、執行、分析、檢討、再學習,廣告投放與調整分析追蹤管理,社群工具操作管理,網路行銷課程教學。

名留國際股份有限公司 網路行銷專員,2018/10~2021/10 (3年)

產業類別: 藥品╱化妝品及清潔用品零售業  職務類別: 廣告文案/企劃 公司規模:500~2000人 管理責任: 無 工作內容: 行銷工作上完整的發想、企劃、執行、分析、檢討、再學習,廣告投放與調整分析追蹤管理,社群工具操作管理,網路行銷課程教學。

翔宇生醫科技股份有限公司  媒體公關,2018/4~2018/11 (7個月)

產業類別: 藥品╱化妝品及清潔用品零售業  職務類別: 廣告文案/企劃 公司規模: 300~400人 管理責任: 無 工作內容: 規劃網路行銷企劃及活動、文案撰寫、口碑話題,網路行銷成效追蹤及分析,與主管制定業績目標,操作社群媒體、部落客、KOL合作。

滔客線上雜誌 行銷公關 ,2016/03~2018/03 (2年1個月)

產業類別: 雜誌/期刊出版業 職務類別: 媒體公關/宣傳採買 公司規模: 1~30人 管理責任: 無 工作內容: 依照顧客需求,針對企業架站及網路行銷活動,進行網站規劃或網路行銷創意執行,以提升網站流量、會員數、會員購買力、產品銷售量。

意藍資訊股份有限公司  行銷公關, 2013/06~2015/09 (2年4個月)

產業類別: 電腦軟體服務業 職務類別: 媒體公關/宣傳採買 公司規模: 30~100人 管理責任: 無 工作內容: 從事產品行銷企劃擬定,透過廣告、公關、媒體、品牌的資源整合與運用,以提升公司形象及產品競爭力。

聯合利華股份有限公司 財務分析專員 ,2010/12~2012/08 (1年9個月),

產業類別: 清潔用品製造業 職務類別: 財務分析/財務人員 公司規模: 100~500人 管理責任: 無 工作內容: 分析各項量化資料或資訊,提出與財務、稅務、投資、融資等相關之專案報告;督導、執行各項與資金有關之財務作業。協助處理財務作業、會計作業與部門行政事務等相關業務。





https://www.ettoday.net/news/20130801/249340.htm http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20140805004804-260405 

滔客線上雜誌新遊牧世代專題企畫: https://pr.talk.tw/Nomadicgeneration/ 

參與提案發表: https://okaykrypto.com/top-30-blockchain-companies-at-the-world-blockchain-summit-singapore-2018-part-1/ 


(出版書籍) https://www.facebook.com/encounterwithself/

(個人魅力穿搭術) https://www.facebook.com/personal.charming/



工作技能: 提案與簡報技巧、實體活動規劃與執行 公關新聞稿撰寫與報導、公關活動規劃與執行 客戶關係管理、客戶資料更新維護、業務或通路開發 

認證資格: 英語相關證照:TOEIC 650、GEPT中級

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I am a positive attitude and earnest person, and my specialty is getting along with different types of friends. 

I am willing to develop career in serving other people. 

More than 3 years of PR and Social media management. 

More than two years of sales and marketing practical skills. 


Languages: English , Chinese Mandarin 

Computers: Microsoft office Word, Excel, Power Point. 

Motorcycle Driver’s License: Feb. 2009 

INTERESTS: Traveling, Reading , Movie Language 

Qualification: GEPT Intermediate, TOEIC 650 


* Excellent sales and negotiation skills that have been highly polished in competitive selling environments, and an in-depth knowledge of successful marketing concepts and strategies. 

* Able to effectively communicate complex technical, engineering, and industry related terminology and concepts to people from a broad cross-section of professional backgrounds. 

* Always thinking about how to expand and promote the business by out-sourcing fresh business opportunities and developing solid referral networks. 

* Totally dedicated to providing the highest level of professional and personal service in order to bring about "Great Customer Satisfaction."


我畢業於東吳大學國際經營暨貿易學系,喜歡與人接觸,在陌生環境中能夠快速適應,代表公司參加資策會idea show,喜歡訓練自己理解力和學習能力,性格獨立和成熟,喜歡和主動積極的人相處。

 第一份工作在聯合利華擔任財務專員,協助部門主管整理財務報表,分析各項量化資料或資訊,提出與財務、預算、結帳、稽核等相關之專案報告;督導、執行業務部門之各項與資金有關之財務作業,以及協助業務進行業績評估,使我收穫良多,並且有機會和換誇部門溝通。 在意藍資訊服務期間,總共協助公司舉辦過六場公開的實體活動,如:社群口碑發表會,並邀請媒體記者來參加,舉辦發表會目的是提升公司形象以及推廣產品,同時兼撰寫活動新聞稿,記者邀約聯繫,每場活動都超過上百人,同時客戶反應良好,對於公司形象以及業務服務大幅提升。 



My name is Katrina. I was born in Taipei, Taiwan. My personality is optimistic and active in school. So I chose the most popular department of international business as my major degree. My parents also encourage me to develop in my interests. When I was in the Soochow University, I tried to join campus club and part-time job. After engaging in different activities, I love to receive new friends and keep our relationship. In my work experience, I was most impressed for enterprises, groups or individuals, engaged in domestic sales of goods or services, business promotion, product marketing, customer maintenance, customer development and so on. I also play marketing planner when I worked in recent job. As well as exploit new customers and keep the relationship. My experience in holding two events of seminar in GIS NTU convention center. Between that, I had contacted with newspaper/TV reporters and media friends. I also help to issue press news twice a month. For some media friends to collect resources, I will help them to analysis in popular subjects of talk. I felt sufficient while learning to prepare the press release. In the future, I expect myself toward my dream of an outstanding “server” performance in the alternation of the new generations and inheritance culture. I pursuit a stable job and pursuit of self-and group co-exist and the ambition for the company to promote higher performance.