
國外業務    Taichung,TW    penny360x@gmail.com





English Name: Penny

Birthday: 1993/10/05

Mobile Phone: 0919-644-825

Skill: English Language、Espanol、Negotiation、MS office softeware

Certificate: IELTS 6.5、TOEIC gold

Language Abilities: English (proficient)、Spainish (average)、Japanese (average)

Educational Background: Bachelor of Tunghai University (2012-2016)

Work Experience: the manager of Japanese Restaurant

Primary Tasks: Training new stuff, coping with the customers, managing financial affairs

Being the Manager

A manager is like a core of the restaurant. Everyday is a new challenge for me. The scope of my duty included to be a bridge between chef and customers, being a curator on the social media, as well as being a  director of service field.
Though it was much divergent from what I majored before, I still enjoyed of this job and never got tired of it. 


After resigning from the restaurant, I would like to switch career occupation. The international sales representative is a position which I have been dreaming of. There are some personal traits which make me a strong candidate for this position.
For instance, 
(1) diligent- do everything conscientious
 (2) ambitious- have explicit life goal
 (3) flexible- learn new things quickly and methodical. 
These personal advantages make me courageous, and I believe that they can also help your company for better future. 

