Profile 03 00@2x

Pin Hsiang, Wang 王品翔

Software Engineer - Android Developer

A cautious and attentive Android Developer, who had released a personal application on Google Play. Be keen on fitness, snow-board, and self-challenge.


E-mail: [email protected]

Skills - Android Development

Language - Developed Android apps with Kotlin under Android Studio

Architecture - Respected MVVM by using ViewModel, Data Binding and LiveData 

Lifecycle - Declared app’s behavior when the user entered, left or re-entered the app by Jetpack Lifecycle

Design Pattern - Applied Observer, Factory and Singleton pattern to make app highly flexible and maintainable Data

Storage - Stored data locally with Room and SharedPreferences and remotely with Firebase 

Networking - Called RESTful APIs with Retrofit2, parsed JSON with Moshi

Image Loading - Displayed and cached images with Glide

Unit Test - Tested functions with JUnit and Espresso to ensure each function performed as designed

Version Control - Controlled development versions by Git and GitHub

Project Management - Scheduled software development with Scrum and managed tasks with Trello

Crash Tracking - Tracked crash reports by Crashlytics

UI Tools - Designed UI by and realized well-designed layout which was drafted by the designer on Zeplin

Fitracker - Record and Analysis Fitness Data

  • Published on Google Play
  • Architected the app with MVVM pattern to ensure readability, flexibility, and maintainability of code
  • Navigated across the different pieces of content within the app by Fragment and Jetpack Navigation
  • Arranged UI layouts with ConstrainLayout, and showed data sets by RecyclerView
  • Stored all data in Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Connected user’s Google account by Google Login API, furthermore, the developer could manage user accounts with Firebase Authentication
  • Used 3rd party CalendarView plugin written by Kiziton Wose for recording / showing data on a specific date
  • Integrated AndroidYouTubePlayer plugin written by Pierfrancesco Soffritti for playing Youtube videos
  • Deployed MPAndroidChart plugin written by Phil Jay for plotting line chart to display information of user data

Projects 01 00@2x

Google Play:


STYLiSH - An E-commerce Platform

  • Sent HTTP requests with RESTful APIs by Retrofit2, and parsed JSON by Moshi
  • Displayed and cached images with Glide
  • Downloaded data on child thread scope with Coroutines that did not block main thread to avoid ANR
  • Stored user’s cart list data in local storage by Room
  • Stored user’s personal information by SharedPreferences
  • Implemented Facebook login by Facebook Login API

Projects 01 00@2x


Android Class Trainee, AppWorks School, Taipei, Taiwan

Jul 2019 - Oct 2019

Possessed solid experience of development through project-based training that spent 75+ hours per week over 16 weeks and sharing knowledge and experience with other Android class trainees every day

Published a personal application program - Fitracker - on Google Play within 5 weeks. Not only implemented features but also made code clear through refactoring and testing

Developed an e-commerce application - STYLiSH - within 3 weeks, managed development versions of the project by Git

Cooperated with Android, iOS, Front-End and Backend developers to add new features on STYLiSH. In charge of the memory game, coupon, wish list and product searching

Resolving merge conflicts with a developing partner who developed other features on STYLiSH

Encapsulation Material R&D Engineer, Lextar, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Aug 2016 - Oct 2017

Improved efficiency and reliability of LEDs
Research heat mechanical of LED encapsulation


Master of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

Jul. 2013 - Sep. 2015 

Bachelor of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan 

Jul. 2009 - Jul. 2013