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Rachel Smith's Thirteen Reasons Why

Sure, she's good with ed tech, but she doesn't yet have her LMS certification. Why should you take a chance on her?

Here are thirteen reasons why:

  1. She lives and breathes ed tech .
  2. She has taught students about online research and safety, is familiar with the district's LMS curriculum, and is capable of teaching it.
  3. She is passionate  (and experienced) about helping her colleagues use technology to help students learn.
  4. She is driven to improve herself by constantly learning new things.
  5. She loves this school and wants so much to make a difference in the lives of staff and students.
  6. She has an M.A. in English and reads YA literature  .
  7. She is familiar with the NMS culture and has ideas about what she'd do in this position.
  8. She has a good working relationship with the NMS administration.
  9. She's applying for the ACES ARC  program in January.
  10. Her biggest goal would to make the library a welcoming place to learn, and she has tons of creative ideas  about how to best accomplish this.
  11. She isn't afraid to try something innovative , fail forward, and then try again.
  12. She seeks help when needed.
  13. Her knowledge of YA lit includes the novel, "Thirteen Reasons Why." 

Top Three LMC Ideas


A simple space for students to create: yarn, glue, 3d printer, 3d pen, objects that need re-purposing, Legos, origami paper, cardboard, duct tape, old technology.

Tech Tuesdays & Thursdays

Drop-in time for students and staff to ask questions, lunch-time mini tech sessions, weekly staff edtech newsletter, weekly student newsletter w/helpful resources.


Monthly podcast sharing mini interviews of students, emails to staff/students/community members, regularly updated website, etc. 

What Rachel's Reading

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The Selection

This series features a competition between young women to win the hand of a prince and become queen of a post-apocalyptic nation. Romantic and full of action, I'm finding this novel utterly absorbing.

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The Lunar Chronicles

A sci-fi retelling of Cinderella, this book features a girl cyborg trying to survive in a city plagued by disease and poverty. Plot points like interstellar politics, a handsome prince and step-sisters make this book easy to love.

Just a few more ideas...

Student tech help desk (aka Genius Bar)

A place where students, staff, and parents/guardians could stop by to ask I.T. questions.

Comfortable reading spaces

Bean bags to start with. Definitely bean bags.

Collaboration with clusters

This looks like classroom visits, mini lessons, and inviting classes to the library for special activities.