Rakhi Sharma

rakhish1994@gmail.com    (+91) 958-746-0894    Jaipur, India


Mozilla, May 2016 - August 2016 (Outreachy intern)

Worked on Firefox browser. Improved several distinct aspects of Firefox's UI on all desktop platforms. Improved Firefox reliability using XUL, CSS & JS.

Learn It, Girl, Feb 2016 - April 2016 (Scholar)

As a scholar worked on a gaming project, which taught the basics of maths and computer science function to middle school students.

It's FOSS,  May 2016 - Oct 2016 (Writer)

I worked as the writer. My topics of articles in involve open source technology, innovation & Linux.


Arya college of engineering & IT, Jaipur (B.Tech: 2013-2017)

Computer Science and Engineering: 70.88%.


KeyDetector https://rakhisharma.github.io/keyDetector/

It’s a Konami code detector. Press any button & see the result in console browser. Unicorn.js is added to make things interesting.

Catastrophe Aid (Topcoder Hackathon)

A helping hand for disaster prone areas. An application that would allow you to easily find both historical and current data on humanitarian

DrumKit https://rakhisharma.github.io/drumkit/

It maps the keys A through L on the keyboard to a corresponding drum sound effect, & shows a visual key as feedback for the user.

Rakhisharma.github.io https://rakhisharma.github.io/

This project is an interesting application representing my own work.


Programming Languages: Javascript, React.js, C, Html5, Css3, Xul.

Certification: Oracle database 11g Administrator certified Associate. (Oracle, License 2329028715DBOCA11G).

Knowledge: Git, Mercurial, Jquery, Sql, Flask, Database, Rest Api, JSON, D3JS, Debugging, Linux/Unix, Coccinelle, Kernel programming, Gimp & Krita.


Mozilla: FSA, Invited for London all hands Meeting.

Outreachy: Travel Grant for attending conference.

PM Application: Idea got selected for prime minster app.

Volleyball: Team captain, Regional player.