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20+ Best Free Online Resume Builders | 2021 Reviews

designed for professionals, freshers, students, and etc. It is important to first identify your job search goals, and choose a suitable resume creator. In this article, we are going to provide a list of the best free resume builders in 2021 . Best Free Resume Builder Websites in 2021: CakeResume Google Docs Novoresume Jobscan Indeed Enhancv ResumeMaker.Online Resumake (LaTex resume builder) Resume.com Canva Kickresume CraftCv Creddle Resumonk Resume Genius Zety LiveCareer MyPerfectResume Resume Now ResumeLab We will evaluate these

醫療設備產業的 PM 都在做什麼?從金融、美妝到醫療的職涯旅程 (上) Philips Sr. Product Marketing Manager Yvonne 的醫療產業觀察 & 歐洲遊牧紀錄

2021 年熱門韓劇《機智醫生生活》第二季播出,裡面不少讓人非常緊張的驚險手術場景,都讓觀眾再次體會到了醫療工作的不易。這些千鈞一髮的生死關頭,除了仰賴經驗豐富的醫護人員以外,也不能

SHOPLINE 產品總監 Liwei 的阿里巴巴經驗與電商 PM 修煉之路

你最近一次網購是什麼時候?2021 年五月台灣的 Covid-19 疫情變得嚴峻、全台進入三級警戒,無論是為了避免實體購物,或是一時的囤貨熱潮,都讓電商產業再度掀起高峰,甚至有超越雙 11 的態勢。 隨著數

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

Hey there, we’re coming to the end of a magnificent decade. Bid farewell to 2021 and hello 2022! 2021 was a whirlwind of a year: a bumpy one for the world, but for the freelancing industry, it’s undoubtedly rewarding. Thanks to the Internet, with one simple click, you’re connected with the world and surrounded by an unprecedented lot of information and opportunities that can blow your mind. In 2019, we saw a proliferated growth in the freelancing

【IKEA 面試分享】IKEA UX 設計師面試,準備方向、面試心法一次公開!

邀請 Kevin 分享 IKEA UX 設計師的面試流程 2021 年初時,我收到 3 間來自總部的 UX 設計師面試邀請,分別是半導體的 ASML、德國家電 BOSCH、還有賣肉丸兼賣家具的 IKEA。最後我選擇進入 IKEA,一個讓我大開眼界,非常有
Career Development

GoTo Layoff, Apa yang Harus Kita Lakukan?

Tiga tahun belakangan terasa sangat penuh dengan kejutan. Setelah pandemi yang menyerang tahun 2020 dan 2021, tahun ini diramaikan dengan Rusia yang menyerang Ukraina. Dan seakan belum cukup di sana, kini kita dikejutkan dengan Tech Winter . Pandemi Covid-19 membuka jalan bagi berbagai solusi berbasis teknologi. Dan ditambah dengan kiat pemerintah di seluruh dunia untuk meredam efek pandemi kepada perekonomian negara dengan menjalankan easy money policy, maka dalam dua tahun belakangan harga saham teknologi pun melambung tinggi. Setelah pandemi berangsur


邀請 Tiffany 分享 TSMC 台積電的面試流程 嗨,大家好!我是在 2021 年暑假面試台積電的 Tiffany。 台積電無疑是許多理工人的首選、優選、不得不選的工作之一,雖然網路上關於台積電面試的資訊和討論應該是多到

CakeResume 商務開發實習生:面試經驗、實習日常

大家好~我是今年就讀台大國企系二年級的蔡詩云,我在 2021 年 的 10 月加入 CakeResume 擔任 BD intern(商務開發實習生),主要負責企業招募活動的宣傳以及 CakeResume 的社群拓展,實習畢業後想來和大家分享我當初怎麼

A Complete Guide to Singaporean Work Culture

Singapore is a small Southeast Asian city-state on the southern section of the Malay Peninsula. With a population of 5.41 million (2021) residents, with over 20% being expats from other countries, Singapore is a central point for Asian and global commerce. Widely regarded as one of the most modern cities on Earth, Singapore has become a prime destination for businesses and professionals seeking to break into the Asian market and capitalize on a rich and competitive working environment

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at CakeResume

My journey of becoming a content marketing intern at CakeResume actually started from working as a freelance SEO content writer with them. Let’s start from summer 2021. I was in my 3rd year of uni in Taiwan as an Indonesian student, majoring in Applied Foreign Languages. And every one of my friends already got summer jobs in restaurants and stores making bucks, while I was still volunteering online as a content writer, penniless. FOMO almost made me follow my


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