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Here's Why Workplace Communication is so Important & How to Improve It

Building effective communication skills in the workplace is essential to ensure cooperation and success among your team. This article will go through the importance of having strong communication in the workplace, as well as finding your communication style, and how to build your communication skills . Table of Contents: What is Workplace Communication? 7 Common Communication Styles Why is Workplace Communication Important? Ways to Develop Your Communication Skills at Work How To Improve Workplace Communication? What is Workplace Communication? Workplace communication

Endorse: Jenis, Hal yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan, dan Cara Memilih yang Tepat

Dalam dunia pemasaran, ada banyak strategi yang dipakai untuk mencapai target yang diinginkan. Salah satu strategi yang ampuh untuk menjangkau banyak orang adalah melalui endorsement . Apa itu bisnis endorse ? Endorse termasuk promosi apa? Apa gunanya endorse? Singkatnya arti endorse adalah bentuk periklanan yang menggunakan tokoh terkenal. Di artikel kali ini, CakeResume akan membahas secara detail mengenai apa itu endorsement , kelebihan dan kekurangannya, serta tips dan strategi yang tepat dalam melakukan endorsement . Daftar isi: Endorsement Adalah Jenis-jenis Endorsement Hal-hal

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

Pursuing higher education in Taiwan has only become increasingly popular this past decade - students from Southeast Asia, Latin America, and all parts of the world all gather to study in Taiwan as international students. Not only is Taiwan a safe, convenient and affordable country to study in, Taiwan’s quality education and open field of wonderful opportunities are factors that truly attract students to study in Taiwan. Additionally, planning to study in Taiwan can be hassle-free if prepared well
Industry & Job Overview
thg 3 22 2024

Daftar 13 Skill Programmer yang Dicari Perusahaan!

Programmer diprediksi menjadi salah satu karier dengan prospek bagus untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Data dari Bureau of Labor Statistics Amerika Serikat melaporkan bahwa lapangan kerja di bidang komputer dan teknologi informasi akan mengalami pertumbuhan sebanyak 13% sepanjang tahun 2020-2023. Dengan proyeksi tersebut tentu kualitas skill programmer menjadi faktor sentral dalam pertimbangan perusahaan merekrut karyawan baru. Lalu kemampuan apa saja yang harus dimiliki programmer agar dapat dilirik oleh tim rekrutmen? Jawaban atas pertanyaan ini akan membantu job seekers untuk

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

Created by CakeResume If you’ve ever considered starting a side hustle for some extra cash, you’re not alone. Nearly 40% of Americans report they have a regular side hustle in addition to their full-time job . It’s a great way to pursue your interests and expand your skills, while putting some extra money in your pocket. If you’re uncertain about starting a side hustle, this article will cover some great tips as well as side hustle
Personal Development
thg 3 6 2024

Impostor Syndrome: Pemicu, Cara Menghindari, dan Cara Mengatasinya

Akhir-akhir ini, istilah impostor adalah salah satu istilah yang mulai terkenal. Kamu pasti pernah mendengarnya jika kamu pernah main game “ Among Us ”. Tetapi apakah kamu familiar dengan istilah impostor syndrome ? Impostor syndrome artinya sindrom yang membuat seseorang merasa ragu atas kemampuan, bakat, dan kesuksesan yang dicapainya. Sindrom imposter ini membuat orang berpikir bahwa pencapaian yang dihasilkan merupakan sebuah keberuntungan. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang apa itu impostor syndrome , ciri ciri imposter syndrome , hingga cara menghadapi imposter syndrome di artikel CakeResume

Elevate Your Profile with Publications on Resume [+ Formats & Examples]

Created by CakeResume While including publications on a resume is not a common practice, it can sometimes give you the advantage of standing out among applicants. When you apply for jobs in the academic, scientific, or medical fields, publications in your resume or CV are not just beneficial but a must! For this distinction, publications are listed differently on a resume and CV. In a CV, publications are listed in greater detail and offer more insight, whereas publications on

Work Abroad in Singapore: First Step to Start Your Career at the Ideal Destination!

According to surveys, over 60% of Taiwanese young professionals are thrust to work oversea. In fact, working abroad seems to be a common dream among millennial throughout the world, what are their reasons? “I would like to broaden my horizons by living and working in different countries!” - Mary (23 y.o., fresh graduate) “Salaries in Taiwan are below average in the industry, when can I buy my own house with this pay” - Michael (26 y.o., front-end developer) “ It

How Many Bullet Points Should I Put Per Job on a Resume?

How Many Bullet Points Should I Put Per Job on a Resume? Creating a professional resume is a simple yet stressful task. Resumes have to convey a large amount of information about yourself in a short amount of space. It requires careful consideration of every word and phrase, ensuring that your professional achievements and skills are highlighted in the most effective way. Well, by now you likely realize that writing a jumble of words is no good. If you suspect

9 Ciri Lingkungan Kerja Toxic dan Cara Menghadapinya, Perlukah Resign?

Kebahagiaan karyawan sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan dimana ia bekerja. Umumnya, karyawan akan menghindari lingkungan kerja toxic yang dalam beberapa kasus dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan berpengaruh negatif pada kesehatan mental. Menurut laporan survei dari American Psychological Association yang rilis pada Juli 2023, 1 dari 5 karyawan di seluruh dunia pernah mengalami lingkungan kerja toxic yang membahayakan kesehatan mental. Survei ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat lingkungan toxic di tempat kerja masih tinggi. Sebelum terjebak, kamu bisa mengenali ciri-ciri lingkungan kerja toxic untuk

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