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商業分析師如何用「數據」為企業和個人帶來成長?Amazon Sr. BI Engineer Henry 的美國職場觀察與職涯成長思考!

師這樣的角色因應而生,也成為一個很熱門的職涯選項。 今天《科技職涯》很開心可以邀請到目前在 Amazon 擔任 Senior Business Intelligence Engineer 的 Henry,來跟我們分享商業分析這份工作的 insights 以及美國求職經驗。如果對於你也好

Microsoft Software Engineer 的美國求職挑戰:我如何以化工與機械背景加入 Amazon 成為軟體工程師

求職的最佳時機點 16:25 韋安會給當初的自己/面臨同樣困境的聽眾什麼建議? 17:55 當初可以拿到 Amazon offer 的關鍵是什麼? 19:40 Amazon 對於人才背景相較不注重? 20:55 後來是怎麼進入 AWS 的? 22:30 為什麼目前

扎根台北,前進新市場!Lalamove 即時快送背後的堅實團隊與文化

發專員(台南) 、 商務開發專員(高雄) 醒目的橘色標誌在大街小巷中奔走,為 Lalamove 帶來高效的品牌的曝光。 AM 接手企業用戶的經營,建立長期的合作關係 在企業用戶的需求與合作關係初步穩定後,AM 將會

AWS 如何用雲端幫企業 & 求職者改頭換面?Training Manager Michelle 從人才市場角度剖析雲端技術的影響力!

不願被地點、物價等固定成本所限,也因而 「企業文化」 成為不少人考量工作的重要條件。 而 AWS 所屬的 Amazon,完全是數位轉型的好例子。書店起家的 Amazon 發展到如今的宏偉版圖、發展出 AWS 這類的創新服務,本
Tips Cari Kerja
6 Mar 2024

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

IT and development jobs are among the most desirable careers in 2020. As a developer with a few years of experience, it's easy to find many suitable roles and choose the one that best meets your career path and lifestyle. Although jobs are abundant, it's still important to avoid these critical mistakes when you're applying for a new role. Having a Good Resume When applying for a job in IT, like any other job, a strong resume
6 Mar 2024

Communication Skills for Your Resume: What You Need to Know

Communication skills facilitate understanding and coexistence among individuals. Both in social interaction, as in the workplace and personal life, knowing how to transmit and capture ideas is essential to achieve a stable and harmonious coexistence. Understanding this will allow establishing win-win relationships in which the agreement between partners predominates. Otherwise, disagreements and problems will be frequent. For your resume, communication skills are an important element when job searching (beside computer skills ). From the start of making a resume, you
Industri & Profesi
6 Mar 2024

Steps to Becoming a Physical Therapist You Need to Know [+ FAQs]

Created by CakeResume According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) , a physical therapist “optimizes the patient's quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.” In particular, physical therapists diagnose and treat individuals of all ages who have injuries, disabilities, or other health conditions that affect their function and movement. PTs, the abbreviation for “physical therapists”, will thus develop a treatment plan to improve their ability to move, reduce or manage pain, restore function, and
Tips Karier
28 Mar 2024

Why Empathy Matters in Leadership: Understanding Its Definition and Significance

Why Empathy Matters in Leadership: Understanding Its Definition and Significance Among the myriad qualities of successful leaders, empathy stands out as paramount. Employing empathy enables leaders to forge meaningful connections with their teams, a trait highly valued by employees. In 2023, according to the survey, 86% of respondents believe empathy boosts morale in the workplace and cultivates mutual respect, underscoring the importance of empathy in leadership. In this article we’ll discuss the meaning of empathy, the traits and actions
Tips Cari Kerja
6 Mar 2024

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

Work used to be so mechanical. You wake up at 5:00 am, prepare breakfast, pack lunch, take a quick shower then head out the door to what most certainly would be the morning rush hour. But as expected, technology found a way to shake things up. Work and lifestyle have become flexible. In fact, technology has merged them by creating the means to work anywhere in the world. Today, there are more and more companies that allow you to
6 Mar 2024

Best Waiter/Waitress Resume with Examples [Resume Writing Guideline]

Created by CakeResume Waiter/Waitress is one of the most popular job options among students and job seekers of all ages. A waiter/waitress resume must demonstrate one's skill clearly to pave the way for a job interview. In this article, we will share with you all you need to know when crafting a resume for a waiter/waitress position. TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Write a Professional Waiter/Waitress Resume Best Resume Format for a Waiter/Waitress Resume

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