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Mengenal Information Security Analyst, Profesi Bergaji Tinggi

Profesi Information Security Analyst alias Analis Keamanan Informasi adalah posisi yang potensial untuk digeluti saat ini, terutama karena data digital makin mudah untuk diakses oleh black hat hacker . Muncul perkiraan dari Insight Global, memasuki tahun 2025, dunia akan mengalami kerugian sebesar 10,5 Triliun Dollar Amerika karena kejahatan siber yang tidak dicegah dari awal. Tidak heran jika data dari Western Governors University memperkirakan kebutuhan atas tenaga ahli Information Security Analyst bakal meningkat sebesar 31%. Peningkatan tersebut selaras dengan meningkatnya penggunaan
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

Contractor Resume Examples [+ Templates & Formats]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: 5 steps to write a professional contractor resume Adopt the right contractor resume format Create your own contractor resume template 10 dos and don’ts while writing a contractor resume Contractor Resume Sample As a contractor, you are hired for a predetermined amount of time and money to complete a specific task; or considered self-employed in some cases. Contractors usually get paid on an hourly, daily, weekly or project basis, after submitting an
Cover Letter
mar 6º 2024

Marketing Cover Letter Examples & Template [+Writing Tips]

In this article, you’ll learn about: Marketing Cover Letter Examples for Different Positions Tips on How to Write a Marketing Cover Letter Marketing Cover Letter Templates Sample Marketing Cover Letter In today’s high-tech society, marketing is of vital importance for any business and thus becomes among the top career choices. It is exceptionally versatile with a variety of jobs you can do (i.e., content marketing, digital marketing, market research analyst, SEO specialist, etc.) that you would
Job Search Tips
mar 6º 2024

8 Rekomendasi Kerja Part Time untuk Menambah Penghasilan

Kerja paruh waktu biasanya menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan. Terlebih bagi yang memiliki waktu luang, seperti mahasiswa hingga ibu rumah tangga. Selain untuk tujuan finansial, kerja part time juga bisa membantu mengasah kemampuan manajemen uang dan waktu kamu. Tahukah kamu? 17-20% pekerja di Amerika, Inggris, dan Jepang merupakan pekerja part time. Menariknya, di Belanda pekerjaan part time mencapai 51% , dimana jumlah ini adalah presentasi terbesar di dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, kerja sambilan juga semakin populer, hal ini
Personal Branding
mar 6º 2024

Creative Personal Branding - 5 Steps to Build Your Very Own Brand

Are you struggling to generate enough traffic to your website or blog? Or, perhaps you’re generating traffic, but it’s not the right type of traffic that you need to grow your business? If so, there’s no need to feel defeated, as these pain points are very common amongst many business owners and marketers. In this article, we are going to help you start driving more quality traffic to your website with one of the best online marketing
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

Mastering Google Docs Resume Templates [w/ 10+ Essential Tips]

Created by CakeResume Creating a resume is not easy. There are many common difficulties job applicants face when creating a resume such as not having enough work experience to put on the resume, using the incorrect resume format , having a large number of jobs in a short amount of time, making a resume for a career change , having big career gaps, or even being overqualified or underqualified. Another popular approach to creating resumes is to utilize the free resume
Recruitment & HR
mar 6º 2024

Everything You Need to Know about Hybrid Work [+ Tips]

Long gone are the days when going to the office every day of the week was the norm. Nowadays, more companies and employees are opting for hybrid work. Moreover, the rising trend of hybrid work will not fade - a hybrid work-focused survey shows that 87% of American participants would opt for a hybrid work schedule if possible. According to the same report, over 50% of the employed respondents have the chance to do hybrid work or entirely work from
Career Planning
mar 6º 2024

Work Efficiently Under Pressure: How-to & Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn: What Does Working Under Pressure Mean? Why You Should Build the Ability to Work Under Pressure How to Work Under Pressure: Our Tips Do you feel like you're constantly under pressure to perform at your best? You're not alone. In 2019, 94% of American workers report experiencing stress at their workplace, according to Wrike’s United States stress statistics , with 23% of them describing their workplace stress level as
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

Contoh CV Data Scientist yang Bakal Dilirik HRD

Belum banyak contoh CV Data Scientist yang tersedia untuk para pencari kerja di Indonesia. Padahal sejak tahun 2012, Harvard Business Review telah memprediksi Data Scientist sebagai pekerjaan paling menggiurkan di abad 21. Tak berhenti di situ, menurut Towards Data Science, sejak tahun 2020 Data Scientist masuk dalam 3 besar pekerjaan yang paling banyak dibutuhkan di Amerika Serikat. Kemungkinan loker yang tersedia akan semakin besar tiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu CakeResume menyediakan berbagai contoh CV Data Scientist beserta tips yang berguna

Mengenal CEO (Chief Executive Officer) dan Tugasnya dalam Perusahaan

Daftar Isi Apa itu CEO? Apa saja Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab CEO? Apa Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh CEO? Bagaimana Cara Menjadi CEO yang Handal? Kata CEO pasti tidak asing lagi bagi kebanyakan orang. Mungkin kamu sering mendengar beberapa nama terkenal seperti Elon Musk sebagai CEO Tesla, Mark Zuckerberg sebagai CEO facebook, Jeff Bezos sebagai CEO Amazon, dan masih banyak lagi. Orang-orang terkemuka ini memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menjalankan perusahaan yang mereka pimpin. Lalu, sebagian orang mungkin

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