求職信(Cover Letter)

台灣學經歷如何前往英國挑戰國際職涯?軟體工程師 Aaron 的英國求職策略

唯一解,Aaron 將以他個人經驗分享,如何活用自己的經歷和能力,挑戰世界舞台。 軟體工程師 – Aaron Hsieh 看看 Aaron 的履歷: https://www.cakeresume.com/me/aarontthsieh 臺灣工程師進入英國公司容易嗎?  「要出國工作,最主要還是簽證問題。」 Aaron

LinkedIn 公布 2020 最夯工作:AI /機器學習免費資源、最新職缺都在這!

更有神人將全書翻譯成中文版放在 GitHub 上,有興趣的人趕緊收藏起來就對了。 3. Deep Learning 作者:Ian Goodfellow、Yoshua Bengio、Aaron Courville 三位作者分別是 Google 的研究科學家、計算機科學教授與助理教授,從基礎的神經網路到深度生

What Makes an Effective DEI Policy? Examples, Case Studies, & Tips

Before we get into the article, let’s first address the elephant in the room: what is DEI? D-E-I, or D-E-and-I, is an acronym for Diversity, Equity, (and) Inclusion. Which is, in other words, your new best friend when it comes to attracting top talent and building an inclusive workplace within your organization. In the context of a DEI policy, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion refers to how one’s race, ethnicity, age, etc. are acknowledged
產業 & 職位介紹

Apa itu UI dan UX? Kenali Perbedaan, Tugas, Gaji, Dll.

Daftar Isi: Pengertian UI dan UX Perbedaan UI UX Karir UI vs. UX, Mana yang Cocok untuk Kamu? Workflow UI dan UX Cara Menjadi UI/UX Designer Pada zaman millennial ini, banyak pekerjaan baru bermunculan berkat perkembangan teknologi. Salah satunya adalah UI/UX. Akronim bahasa Inggris ini adalah singkatan dari User Interface dan User Experience . UI dan UX seringkali dipandang suatu pekerjaan yang sama walau sebenarnya dua hal ini merupakan hal yang berbeda. Belum tahu apa perbedaan UI UX? Telusuri

System Analyst Resume Examples: Templates & Samples [Skills, Objective, Summary]

It’s important to use a font that is legible for the hiring manager so they don’t have a hard time reading your information. Here is a list of fonts you can consider using in your system analyst resume: Aharoni Century Gothic Arial Calibri Georgia Helvetica Times New Roman For font size, keep your body text between 10-12 pt, so you can fit all the necessary information in one page. It’s recommended that your headings be around

Kemeriahan Lomba Bikin CV CakeResume Menarik Jutaan Talenta Indonesia Meraih Karier Impian

dengan penjelasan yang rinci. Tips menulis CV dari Yova Beltz: Gunakan spasi, ukuran, tata letak, dan warna yang jelas dan rapi agar mudah dibaca HRD. Jelaskan dengan detail tanggung jawab dan skill yang diterapkan di bagian “Pengalaman”. Hindari penggunaan singkatan/akronim Eza Hazami Webinar "Jadi Kandidat yang Berkesan di Mata HRD" dengan Eza Hazami - CV Making Competition 2023 Eza Hazami selaku recruitment & EB specialist content creator mengisi sesi kedua webinar dengan sub-topik “Jadi Kandidat yang Berkesan di Mata HRD

How to Write a Letter of Employment Like an Expert (+Tips)

an employee presents a verification letter, it must include the full name of the person verifying the document. If possible, add a job title. Company name: It might sound obvious, but ensure to include the full name rather than an acronym when creating a proof of employment. Address: Write the company’s address under the company name. City, state, ZIP code: The more detailed a verification of employment form is, the better. Add all relevant information to increase its reliability

Intip Tips dan Syarat Kerja di Boga Group dari Orang Dalam | CakeResume Company Xpose

yang terus belajar. Menerapkan sistem bisnis yang kokoh untuk membangun bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan bernilai tinggi. Memelihara kemitraan strategis jangka panjang dengan para mitra bisnis. Kerja di Boga Group Seperti Apa? Boga Group Jatim menegakkan nilai-nilai perusahaan dengan mengadopsi akronim IT WORKS to GROW sebagai budaya inti yang ditanamkan kepada seluruh anggota timnya. Nilai-nilai ini mencakup: Integrity (integritas) Trust (kepercayaan) Work as a team (kerjasama) Openness (keterbukaan) Respect (saling menghormati) Keep learning (pembelajaran sepanjang waktu) Smile and have

Make a Perfect CV: A Step-By-Step CV Guide

majority of the CV design, so it’s important to choose a suitable font. There isn’t exactly a best font for CV, but you should definitely pick one that is clear and legible. Recommended CV Font Style For Headings: Aharoni Century Gothic For Body Text: Arial Book Antiqua Calibri Cambri Garamond Georgia Gill Sans Helvetica Times New Roman Verdana Recommended CV Font Size 10 to 12 pt for the body text, depending on how much information you have on

Situational Interview Questions With Examples & Answers

Created by CakeResume In this article, we will cover: What Are Situational Interview Questions? How to Answer Situational Interview Questions Tips for Answering Situational Interview Questions Situational Interview Question Examples Anyone who needs to work knows that they will have to go through one of those tricky job interviews at some point. As hard skills and soft skills are becoming more demanding in today’s job landscape, questions designed to help interviewers assess those skills become trickier. Other than situational


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