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Mar 6th 2024

GoTo Layoff, Apa yang Harus Kita Lakukan?

Dan harga saham tertekan makin dalam. Inilah yang menyebabkan Tech Winter atau musim dingin pada sektor teknologi. Demi bertahan dalam situasi pelik ini, perusahaaan-perusahaan teknologi mencoba untuk mengurangi beban pengeluaran perusahaan. Salah satunya, dengan mereduksi gaji karyawan. Berturut-turut Amazon dan Meta (Facebook) melakukan perumahan karyawannya. Di Indonesia, para tech startup juga melakukan PHK. Shopee memberhentikan 3% dari karyawannya. Langkah yang juga diikuti oleh RuangGuru dan Zenius. Sampai akhirnya, GoTo pun mem-PHK 13% dari karyawannya pada 18 November

BD 跟業務有什麼不同?從工作內容、必備技能等認識缺一不可的 BD & Sales

麼 BD 很少看到新鮮人? 總結:BD 和 Sales 的工作內容、技能與未來發展 Part 1 BD 和 Sales 的不同 JD 首先,我們以 Amazon 的 AWS(Amazon Web Services,雲端運算服務)業務中的 Business Development Manager 及 Sales Manager 為例,將兩者的職責、能力要求及加分條件列
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

遠端工作將成為主流工作型態?資深連續創業家 Weiting 的經驗淺談

果納入僅部分時間遠端的人數,更是佔了全美受雇者約 50 %。疫情爆發後,隨著政府、知名企業 (如:Google、Facebook、Amazon 等) 開始倡導實行在家工作,員工對遠距工作型態的接受度提高了,而團隊如何在遠距合作的模
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Warehouse Worker Resume: Examples and Tips

It is a great way to let recruiters see your skills right at the beginning. A strong warehouse resume headline is short but concisely shows your best strengths. Warehouse resume headline examples: Warehouse Associate with 3 Years of Experience in Amazon Experienced Warehouse Worker with Proven Leadership & Teamwork Skills Motivated Warehouse Manager Who Exceeded KPI Goals 🖋 Step 2: Craft a professional warehouse worker resume summary. When hiring managers face a huge pile of warehouse worker CVs, they likely spend
Personal Branding
Mar 6th 2024

10 Inspiring Personal Branding Quotes [Infographic]

deeper understanding of the importance of personal branding, let’s take a look at what these famous people have to say: Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. Jeff Bezos , Founder of Amazon You too are a brand. Whether you know it or not. Whether you like it or not. Marc Ecko , CEO of Eckō Unltd Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in
Success Stories
Mar 11th 2024

【PM 面試技巧分享】0.1%的錄取率下,奪得知名外商 SaaS 設計平台產品 Offer!

年以上產品經理經驗,三年帶團隊經驗。 面對畢業於常春藤大學 (Stanford, UC Berkeley, Princeton..etc.) 擁有在百大企業 Google、Airbnb、Amazon、百度、抖音、騰訊、阿里巴巴等多年工作經驗的 PM 競爭者們,我是如何脫穎而出? 到了最終關,我與其
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

【履歷範本】BD 履歷教學,說服人資就是你!

BD 工作內容 在開始了解 BD 的工作內容前,邀請你先了解業務跟 BD 的差別: BD 跟業務有什麼不同?以 Amazon 為例認識缺一不可的 BD & Sales BD 都在做什麼呢?以 CakeResume 的 Business Development Associate 為例,在利益關係人多為「科技公司」並
Career Tools
Mar 6th 2024

OKR 是什麼?超實用的 OKR 模板和案例,帶你活用這套企業管理框架

幫助組織訂定明確的目標並管理成功指標,OKR 系統最初由英特爾(Intel)所制定,後來被廣泛應用到如 Amazon、Google、Meta、LinkedIn 和 Netflix 等全球企業。因為 OKR 更強調目標的重要性,且其框架相對靈活,因此能有效促進組織
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

Tips On Preparing for a Phone Screening Interview

desire to work at Google. However, the technical component of the phone screen will explicitly test your knowledge related to the role – such as fundamentals of programming, debugging code and explaining the rationale or concepts behind solutions you employ. 📞 Amazon phone screen interview : Amazon’s phone screen interview also has a brief behavioral component, but the main component of their phone screening interviews is solving a technical problem. This can come in the form of short coding questions, or
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

things like understanding the difference between GET and POST requests or being able to evaluate the output of a regular expression within a PHP code block. Whiteboard questions are often stressful for developers, but many large organizations like Google and Amazon still use them during their hiring processes for both junior and senior level developers. Try to get some practice before showing up! Portfolio You should never come to an interview without a portfolio of your previous work. Even if

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