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Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Tạo CV content writer thế nào để bắt chuẩn xu hướng?

và viết mục kinh nghiệm làm việc sao cho hợp lý. 📍Nên sắp xếp các vị trí đảm nhiệm theo trình tự thời gian và nên thêm vào portfolio nếu có. Ví dụ về “Kinh nghiệm làm việc" trong CV Content Writer: Content Writing Freelancer - IVY Beauty 08/2018-nay Lên kế hoạch bài viết chuẩn SEO và phù hợp cho từng chiến dịch marketing của khách hàng (tối thiểu 3 bài/tuần và dự án kéo dài tối
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

14 Contoh Soft Skill dan Hard Skill dalam CV yang Disukai HRD!

dll. 6. Skill Menulis Writing skill adalah skill yang sering dianggap sepele. Namun faktanya, hampir semua perusahaan akan menuntut setiap karyawan untuk menulis dengan baik. Contohnya, skill menulis akan diperlukan untuk membuat proposal, membuat presentasi untuk klien, promosi pemasaran, dll. Writing skill dalam CV meliputi: Copywriting, Content Writing, Email Writing, Business Writing, Writing Reports, dll. 7. Kemampuan Bahasa Asing Memiliki skill bahasa asing akan meningkatkan value kamu sebagai pelamar kerja. Dengan kemampuan berbahasa asing, kamu bisa terhubung dengan lebih banyak
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Contoh CV Freelance Lengkap dengan Surat Lamaran Kerja & Cara Membuatnya

Daftar isi: Cara Membuat CV Freelance Tips Membuat CV Freelance Contoh dan Template CV Freelance Contoh CV Freelance Virtual Assitant --- Dibuat di CakeResume Jenuh dengan pekerjaan kantoran atau yang jam kerjanya 9-5? Mungkin kamu bisa mempertimbangkan untuk switch career menjadi seorang Freelancer . Selain memiliki konsep work from anywhere , Freelance Job juga bisa menjadi salah satu pekerjaan side-hustle di zaman sekarang. Ada beragam jenis pekerjaan Freelance yang populer, diantaranya adalah Freelance Writer , Freelance Content Writing , Freelance Web Design , dan
Mar 6th 2024

4 Contoh Portofolio Content Writer Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya

sisi terbaikmu di portofolio content writer kamu karena banyaknya pengalaman dan karya tulis yang kamu miliki. Yuk, para penulis, mari kita merapat karena CakeResume telah merangkum segala informasi yang kamu perlukan untuk membuat portofolio content writer beserta berbagai contoh portofolio content writer untuk referensi kamu! Daftar isi: Apakah Membuat Portofolio Content Writer Penting? 6 Hal yang Perlu Dicantumkan dalam Portofolio Penulis Cara Membuat Portofolio Content Writer 4 Contoh Portofolio Content Writer yang Menarik Pentingnya Membuat Portofolio Content Writer Selain CV
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at CakeResume

job. Yes, you guessed it, it was a freelance writing job with CakeResume for Indonesians. I was beyond happy because CakeResume is one of the fastest-growing growing startups in Taiwan, and I ticked all the criteria! An experience in content writing ✅ Basic knowledge of SEO ✅ Native Indonesian speaker ✅ Immediately I wrote my cover letter and CV using CakeResume’s platform. From here, I found that CakeResume has a mission to help talents find and connect with
Mar 6th 2024

Mẫu portfolio cho copywriter & content writer (kèm hướng dẫn A-Z)

bản thân và kinh nghiệm làm việc, sản phẩm thực tế,... trên “giấy trắng mực đen", bạn tạo một portfolio online dưới dạng slide thuyết trình, video, hoặc website portfolio cá nhân. Dưới đây là 5 portfolio online cho copywriter, content writer và content creator cực đỉnh! Divine Mae Pasinabo Portfolio content writer này được tạo bởi CakeResume - website tạo CV và portfolio miễn phí cực đơn giản. Các dự án được cô trình bày với cùng một font chữ
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

3 Contoh CV Social Media Specialist untuk Melamar Kerja

yang kreatif, bermotivasi tinggi, dan suka bersosialisasi. Memiliki ketertarikan yang besar dalam social media marketing, content creation, dan SEO writing. Bisa bekerja dalam tim dan seseorang yang suka berada dalam lingkungan dinamis. 📚 Baca juga: 18 Contoh Deskripsi Diri dalam CV yang Disukai Rekruter! 3. Sertakan Riwayat Pendidikan Dalam membuat CV sebagai social media specialist, kamu dapat menuliskan riwayat pendidikan dari yang terbaru di paling atas diikuti dengan yang berikutnya. Biasanya, untuk CV kamu dapat menuliskan 2-3 riwayat pendidikan
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

30+ CV Tips to Get You to The Next Round

a three-page or longer CV is acceptable. 2. Use ½”–1″ margins. An essential CV formatting tip is to leave a margin between ½ to 1 inch on both sides. You can flexibly change the margins to fit your content arrangement better, but a margin that is smaller than ½ inch is not recommended. 3. Use standard fonts. Using standard and readable fonts is also important when writing your CV. A well-chosen font is one that is easy
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Digital Marketing Resume: Samples, Formats, Writing Guide

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a digital marketing resume? What to put on a resume for digital marketing? Tips for writing the best digital marketing resume. How to write a cover letter for a digital marketing job? Digital Marketing Resume Sample (Text Format) Digital marketing is a wide field in today’s world. Figuring out how to do a successful digital marketing resume can be complex. A resume is similar to what all marketers do every
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Part-Time Jobs in Malaysia: Get Paid to Do What You Love

Looking for a part-time job in Malaysia? Whether you're trying to add some work experience to your CV, merely make use of your free time, or a student trying to save up for tuition and maybe earn some extra cash, there are plenty of great options available. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about how to find a part-time job in Malaysia, including part time job work from home Malaysia, from the

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