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Career Development
mars 6ème 2024

9 Cara Efektif Belajar Coding untuk Pemula! [+Website Belajar Coding Gratis]

belajar coding di HP. Dengan banyaknya website untuk belajar coding , belajar coding dari nol pun bukan lagi merupakan tantangan yang besar. Situs belajar coding yang menawarkan kelas coding gratis sangat mudah ditemukan. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai berbagai cara belajar coding , mulai dari berbagai situs belajar coding hingga langkah awal belajar coding . Apa Itu Coding? Sebelum mempelajari berbagai hal mengenai belajar coding , ada baiknya untuk mempelajari pengertian, jenis-jenis, dan pentingnya belajar coding . Pengertian Coding Sederhananya, coding adalah salah satu
Success Stories
mars 6ème 2024

史丹佛如何改變我對 Coding 的想像?stanCode 創辦人 Jerry 的留學收穫與創業初衷

的嗎? 29:25 不同程式語言之間的轉換 30:50 創業的辛酸血淚史與不吝付出的正向回饋 從材料系到 coding 交大材料系畢業後、到美國攻讀碩士也鎖定材料系的 Jerry,在台灣時就曾經接觸過程式語言,但他
Career Development
mars 6ème 2024

12 Bahasa Pemrograman Paling Relevan 2024 [Jenis, Contoh, Dll.]

Di era teknologi ini, keterampilan pemrograman sangat dibutuhkan. Mempelajari bahasa pemrograman akan memberikan dampak yang besar pada prospek karir kamu kedepannya 一 lowongan pekerjaan berlimpah dan gaji yang menarik. Bahkan, tidak hanya orang lulusan TI dan SI atau developer saja yang perlu memahami bahasa program ming , tetapi banyak profesi kerja lainnya yang mendukung karyawannya untuk memahami bahasa pemrograman seperti product manager , UX designer , dll. Oleh karena perkembangan teknologi yang cepat, semakin banyak perusahaan, produk, ataupun layanan perlu menggunakan komputer. Percaya
People Operations
mars 6ème 2024

A Guide to Google Interview Questions: 20 Examples and Tips

the technical questions may range from a wide range of topics and may be very specific about Google's culture and products. In this article, we'll walk you through how to prepare for a Google interview. We'll cover coding and technical questions, common Google interview questions, behavioral questions and tips. Let's go! Google Coding and Technical Interview Questions Technical interview questions in a Google interview heavily focus on problem-solving skills. Some of the most prevalent topics
Career Planning
mars 6ème 2024

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

basics you need to know on how to get into software development. Follow the steps to become a software engineer and make a plan using the resources below. 5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer Step 1: Learn about different coding career paths. First and foremost, clarify and learn about different coding career paths. Software engineering is the general terms of the following roles, including differences in job duties, qualifications, and talents. You should understand the specific details or inquire
mars 6ème 2024

5 Contoh Portofolio Programmer Menarik untuk Inspirasi Kamu!

proyek coding personal yang pernah kamu buat. Biasanya programmer dapat mencantumkan screenshots atau tautan link ke proyek sebelumnya dalam portofolio programmer mereka, ada juga yang mencantumkan testimoni dari pemberi kerja sebelumnya, kolega, atau profesor mengenai etos kerja dan kemampuan mereka. Coding portofolio juga berisikan informasi yang relevan untuk rekruter seperti riwayat pendidikan, sertifikasi, dan pengalaman kerja. Mengapa Butuh Coding Portofolio ? Umumnya, manajer HRD akan mengharapkan pelamar kerja untuk memberikan portofolio programmer supaya HRD dapat mengetahui kemampuan dan potensial kandidat lebih
Resume & CV
mars 6ème 2024

Game Developer Resume Examples, Templates, Formats [Top Tips!]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a professional game developer resume What is the best resume format for a game developer? How to make a game developer resume template Top 10 Game Developer Resume Dos and Don'ts Game Developer Resume Sample A game developer transforms a game designer’s design into the actual game users can play through coding. Please do not confuse a game designer with a game developer as the former role designs the
Resume & CV
mars 6ème 2024

All You Should Know about GitHub to Improve Your Resume

for Including GitHub in the Resume We are all living in the digital era. The increased presence of technology in our lives and the influence of the internet have changed the labor market. There has been an increased demand for coding jobs. For example, companies are looking for computer programmers, web developers, front and back-end developers, computer system engineers, and many more. Anyone looking for a similar job would benefit from showing their coding skills on their resume. However
Industry & Job Overview
mars 6ème 2024

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover the steps to becoming a freelancer: Step 1: Define your services Step 2: Find your target audience Step 3: Create a financial plan Step 4: Create a strong freelance resume and portfolio Step 5: Find work Step 6: Maintain client relationships Freelancers are self-employed workers who offer their services on a project or contract basis. They offer their skills, talent and assistance in areas such as: Web, graphic or interior
Success Stories
mars 6ème 2024

那些科技新創教我的事 XII「停在港口的船很安全,但那不是造船的目的」- 黃思齊 ( VoiceTube 前端工程師 )

黃思齊 ( VoiceTube 前端工程師 ) :停在港口的船很安全,但那不是造船的目的 專注在甚麼地方 就會成為甚麼樣的人 我算是比較早就發現自己的興趣所在。高職唸完電子科後,我發現自己還是對軟體比較感

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