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Success Stories
mar 6º 2024

那些科技新創教我的事 VI 「軟體工程師必須成為一位 Fast Learner」- 楊崑 (Forbole 總指揮暨共同創辦人)

楊崑 (Forbole Conducter) : 軟體工程師必須成為一位 Fast Learner 🚀 想加入新創,快速自我成長,手刀點此: 看過大鯨魚的世界 更決定要用小蝦米的方式 開始改變 我來自香港,畢業於香港科技大學計算機工程系
Recruitment & HR
mar 6º 2024

Cultural Fit: What You Need to Know and Its Importance in the Hiring Process

or break organizational productivity. Whether it’s a quiet and professional office or a lively and interactive space, you’ve probably experienced how company culture can govern the way you present yourself, what you feel are appropriate ways of conduct or how openly you can communicate with others. Companies can suffer from disparate views that block collective progress without an established workplace culture. Even the influence of a disengaged employee can snowball into hefty hiring and productivity costs in
People Operations
mar 6º 2024

Topgrading Interview: What Is It and How to Conduct A Topgrading Interview

way is to add a top-grading interview to your evaluation process. These help recruiters understand whether a candidate is a right person. In this article, we’ll share all-thing topgrading interview, from its definitions to how you can conduct one. Let’s jump right in! Table of contents: What Is Topgrading Interviewing? Why Should You Use Topgrading Interviews? Topgrading Interview Process Topgrading Interview Example Questions Topgrading Interview Tips Topgrading Interview Tips What Is Topgrading Interviewing? While the aforementioned
Interview Skills
mar 6º 2024

Informational Interview: What It Is and How It Can Help You

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: What Is an Informational Interview? How to Hold an Informational Interview 15 Informational Interview Questions & Answers Tips for Conducting an Informational Interview Informational Interview Email Templates What Is an Informational Interview? An informational interview can be one of the most insightful and useful tools in the job-hunting process. Whether you’re looking for your first job, or preparing for a career change, it opens the door for you to learn
Cover Letter
mar 6º 2024

Research Assistant Cover Letter: A Guide to Outstand the Rest [w/ Examples]

Created by CakeResume A research assistant is a role that provides help or support to research teams. Responsibilities associated with this role include, but not limited to, conducting research, summarizing findings, preparing progress reports, and other research-related tasks. People who aspire to be a research assistant in the future not only need an impressive GPA as proof of their academic performance, but also need to have required skills and passions. This is where a cover letter for a research
Job Search Tips
mar 6º 2024

How to Stand Out in the Crowd as a Perfect Candidate

Currently, there are a lot of people in the market that are looking for work, which means for any open position, employers usually receive hundreds of resumes. To increase your chances of a successful application, you have to show the manager who is conducting the interview that you are the best person for the job. In order to do this, you have to stand out as the perfect candidate. 1. Open in a Strong Way You should open every interview
People Operations
abr 4º 2024

Advice for Employers – Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace

Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace Feeling welcomed and included at work is a crucial aspect of employee satisfaction; yet 83% of employees have witnessed discrimination in the workplace at least once. Companies often set the expectations for employees through a formal code of conduct, which outlines what behaviors are not tolerated in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace can have serious implications for both employees and the company’s reputation, as many countries have placed anti-discrimination acts
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

10 Steps to Crafting an Exceptional Staff Nurse Resume for Success

Created by CakeResume As a staff nurse, also known as a bedside nurse, your role is highly valued in the nursing field for providing immediate assistance to patients in the hospital. Responsibilities include assessing patient conditions, offering direct care based on their needs, preparing patients for surgical procedures, and conducting routine check-ups to ensure comfort and safety. With numerous tasks to manage, showcasing your ability to handle responsibilities is crucial. A professional staff nurse resume or CV enables the
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

Visual Merchandising Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume With the aim of attracting more customers and boosting sales, a company will need the help of a visual merchandiser. Visual merchandisers leverage their skills and knowledge in design to handle the visual display of product images, features, and more. Additionally, they also evaluate the company’s value and conduct market research to figure out the most appealing layouts and designs to attract more customers. In general, the position may bear some resemblance to the job requirements
Cover Letter
mar 6º 2024

A Comprehensive Electrician Cover Letter Writing Guideline [+Examples]

Who says electricians don't need a cover letter? But if they do, what to include on an electrician cover letter or how to write one? Being an electrician requires one to be diversely proficient. The role includes, but not limited to, ensuring the electrical system's operation, maintaining the circuits' safety, and conducting regular inspections of the electrical wiring system. With such abundant skills to demonstrate, providing a good electrician cover letter to recruiters helps emphasize one’s strengths

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