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Google 如何落實多元共融?讓 Google DevRel PM Eric 和 Woman Techmakers Ambassador Eva 告訴你!

所重視的 D&I 文化( Diversity and Inclusion 多元共融 ),其中便包括了另一位來賓 Eva 所參與的 WTM program(Woman Techmakers)。 什麼是 D&I( Diversity and Inclusion 多元共融 )? 誠如眾多企業都曾分享過的經營法則,一個健康、高效能的團隊通常都會具備 diversity
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

Building an Inclusive and Thriving Workplace with DEI

DEI interview questions . Table of Contents Unpacking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Workplace The Advantages of Embracing DEI in the Workplace Implementing Effective DEI Strategies in the Workplace Real-World Success Stories: DEI Initiatives in Prominent Corporations Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Pathway to Organizational Excellence Unpacking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Workplace In today's dynamic work environment, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have emerged as essential components of a thriving and forward-thinking
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

Daftar Perusahaan Startup Indonesia dengan Reputasi DEI Terbaik Januari 2024

Faktanya, rata-rata seseorang akan menghabiskan sepertiga waktu dari hidupnya untuk bekerja. Tempat kerja bukan sekadar tempat kita menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu, namun juga tempat dimana kita berkolaborasi, bertumbuh, dan mengembangkan kehidupan profesional. Tak heran jika orang-orang memilih perusahaan untuk bekerja dengan penuh pertimbangan. Ada banyak faktor penentu yang memengaruhi pilihan tempat kerja, termasuk kompensasi yang diterima, ruang pertumbuhan, sampai nilai-nilai yang dianut perusahaan. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, tingkat DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) muncul
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

How to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: What is EEO? EEO Compliance How to Make Sure You’re EEO Compliant EEO Violation Examples Companies nowadays are often promoting diversity and inclusion within their workplace, and this extends to their hiring practices. However, whilst diversity, equity and inclusion are related to workplace culture, equal employment opportunity (EEO) is related to the protection of employees against discrimination during the hiring process and the employment. EEO is enforced by law, and
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

What Makes an Effective DEI Policy? Examples, Case Studies, & Tips

inclusion policy results Procedures for policy violations Now let’s look at the core components of an effective DEI policy. Statement of Commitment It goes without saying that a DEI policy has to articulate the organization's commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. To portray this, share what diversity and inclusion in the workplace means to your organization, what the plans are, what is already in place, and what you expect to achieve. In other words
Skill Interview
6 Mar 2024

DEI Interview Questions: How to Answer (+ Samples)

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Why Diversity Matters Tips for Answering Diversity Interview Questions Example Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Interview Questions and Answers Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Interview Questions to ask Employers Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are implemented by employers to ensure all employees can feel accounted for in the workplace. As part of these initiatives, many companies include DEI questions in the interview to better an inclusive, diverse, safe and progressive environment that
Manajemen SDM
22 Mar 2024

DEI: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Cara Menerapkannya di Lingkungan Kerja

tim CakeResume akan membahas lebih detail seputar pengertian, manfaat, dan cara menerapkannya. Tak hanya itu, penulis juga akan membagikan contoh perusahaan dengan program dan capaian DEI terbaik. Yuk, simak selengkapnya! Daftar Isi: Apa itu DEI? Perbedaan antara Diversity, Equity, dan Inclusion (DEI) Manfaat DEI di Lingkungan Kerja Cara Menerapkan DEI Lingkungan Kerja Contoh Perusahaan dengan DEI Terbaik Apa yang Dimaksud dengan DEI ? Diversity , equity , and inclusion adalah sebuah konsep yang mewakili asas keberagaman ( diversity ), kesetaraan ( equity ), dan inklusi ( inclusion ). Dalam
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

Forming An Employer Branding Strategy: A Guide

as well as a Twitter, Facebook or Instagram page, depending on the industry and target group. Make use of each social media’s preferred method of posting, and have a consistent method of sharing your employer branding message. 🔍 Introduce diversity and inclusion initiatives. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are implemented within company practices to promote diversity in the workplace. Including DEI principles such as transparency, equality, choice and opportunity will help with employer branding not only in the
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: What Is It and How Can You Change It

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: What Is It and How Can You Change It Did you know that your brain is subconsciously forming mini opinions all the time about people and situations? This is called unconscious bias and it can silently influence your decisions and interactions in the workplace. Unconscious bias (sometimes called ‘implicit bias’) refers to the automatic and unintentional judgments we make about others based on characteristics such as gender, age, race and more. According to a 2019

才華主導你的職涯!戴爾科技集團怎麼用 DEI 魅力狂吸新世代多元人才?

在全球擁有超過 13 萬名員工的 Dell Technologies 戴爾科技集團,是美國《Fortune》雜誌每年評選「世界 500 強公司」排行榜上的固定名單企業,作為國際上首屈一指的電腦與技術服務公司,力求創造出推動人類進步的強

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