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Success Stories
mars 6ème 2024

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

中國仍然有許多業務持續運作,像是 to B 的廣告收入,協助中國品牌在其他國家的行銷推廣。另外 Google 在北京也設了一座 AI Center,專注於技術的研發,同時也有為印度開發 Google Pay App 的工程團隊。軟體之外
People Operations
mars 6ème 2024

A Guide to Google Interview Questions: 20 Examples and Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Google Coding and Technical Interview Questions Common Google Interview Questions Google Behavioral Interview Questions Tips for Cracking Google Interviews Do you want to work at Google? It's a dream for many people, and with good reason. Google is well known for being one of the most difficult places to interview. They're looking for the top 1% of candidates, which means that they're extremely selective. Google looks for candidates
Success Stories
mars 6ème 2024

從資料科學走向產品管理!在好奇心與成本之間取捨的 PayPal 資深產品經理 Nicolas

在本集的 《科技職涯》中,我們邀請了目前在美國 PayPal 擔任 Senior Product Manager 的 Nicolas,來跟我們分享這 15 年的職涯經驗。Nicolas 在中央大學數學系畢業後繼續唸了交通大學的資工所,拿到碩士學位後加入了 IC 設計公司
Job Search Tips
mars 6ème 2024

How To Get Maximum Use From Job Search Sites

sometimes should be taken with a grain of salt, as unhappy employees are more likely to leave scathing reviews. 🎯 Google Jobs Google has its own job search engine, where you can search by location, salary and industry. To use Google’s job search engine, type in your desired job and location, and it will appear as a box as the first result. Google Jobs is almost like a compilation of all online job sites, as many companies will cross
People Operations
mars 6ème 2024

What Is Googleyness & How to Show It in Interviews

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: What Is Googleyness? How to Display Googleyness in Interviews Googleyness Interview Questions Working for Google is the dream of many as the tech-giant company is famous for being a great place to develop one’s career. But to get in, you first need to learn about “Googleyness” (also spelled Googlyness or Googliness). If you want to work at Google, you've probably already heard of this word. You also need
mars 6ème 2024

5 Contoh Portofolio Digital Marketing dan Cara Membuatnya

portofolio yang mencangkup minat, latar belakang, pendidikan, perjalanan karir, dan keahlianmu. Bagian ini juga merupakan tempat yang bagus untuk menyampaikan sedikit pernyataan mengapa pekerjaan ini bermakna untukmu. 2. Skills yang kamu kuasai Selain Deskripsi Diri, tunjukkan skill yang kamu kuasai. Jika kamu memiliki skill di bidang tertentu, jangan lupa untuk mencantumkannya dalam portofolio marketing. Tools Performance Marketing Tools Social Media Marketing: Tools SEO Specialist: Google Adwords Adobe Illustrator Ahrefs AnyTrack Adobe Photoshop Google Search Console Affise Canva Google Analytics Skill-...
Industry & Job Overview
mars 6ème 2024

Mobile Developer: Intip Tugas, Skill, Jenjang Karir Sampai Gajinya!

operating system (OS), baik Android dari Google, ataupun iOS, dari Apple. Job description mobile developer dibagi menjadi 2 untuk menyesuaikan dengan 2 jenis operating system ini, Android mobile developer dan iOS mobile developer. Android Mobile Developer Android adalah OS buatan Google yang pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 2008. Salah satu hal yang unik dari Android adalah sifatnya sebagai OS yang open-source , dimana Google menyediakan source code dari Android untuk masyarakat awam, sehingga komunitas amatir juga mendapatkan akses ke versi
Career Tools
mars 11ème 2024

Apa itu Notion? Ini Fitur, Kelebihan dan Kekurangannya!

Sering merasa kurang produktif dan kerja menjadi tidak maksimal? Sebagai solusinya, kamu bisa memanfaatkan aplikasi Notion! Untuk kamu yang bekerja di startup atau bergerak di industri IT, pasti kamu merasa familiar dengan Notion app, kan? Apa itu Notion? Notion adalah sebuah aplikasi atau platform pendukung produktivitas yang membantu dalam mengatur, manajemen, mengelola, dan bekerjasama dengan anggota tim. Aplikasi Notion ini dikenal sebagai aplikasi yang efektif untuk berkolaborasi dalam tim. Kali ini, artikel CakeResume akan membahas tentang apa itu Notion?, pengertian
People Operations
mars 6ème 2024

Common Project Manager Interview Questions + Tips & Samples

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Project Manager Interview Tips Common Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers What Questions to Ask in a Project Manager Interview Many consider it one of the most crucial positions in a company; a project manager (PM) is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing projects in a company. Project managers can heavily influence the outcome of a project. To be able to take on responsibility of such an important role, you have
Resume & CV
mars 6ème 2024

Teacher Resume Examples & Formats (junior + senior)

Created by CakeResume What are some teacher’s job duties and responsibilities? In this influential role, the teacher acts as a role model, counselor, mentor, and instructor by inspiring, motivating, supporting, and educating learners. The job duties of the teachers depend on the school and specialist subject they’re teaching. General responsibilities of a teacher include: planning, and delivering lessons based on curriculum guidelines assessing student’s behavior and progress collaborating with staff and parents shaping children or adults as

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