求職信(Cover Letter)

Software Engineer Cover Letter Guide: Unlock Your Journey w/ Examples & Templates

Software Engineer Cover Letter Template Software Developer Cover Letter Examples Entry-level Software Engineer Cover Letter Catherine L. Garnette [email protected] linkedin.com/catherinegarnette (+908)-xxx-xxxx September 22th, 2022 Daniel Spacey CEO at POP-Tech 8012 S Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60116 [email protected] Dear Mr. Spacey, I'm Catherine - a fresh graduate of Software Engineering from the University of Illinois Chicago. This letter is in regard to my interest in the Software Engineer position for

Cara Membuat CV dengan AI, Bisa Tingkatkan Peluang Lolos!

sebuah pernyataan menyamakan AI dengan kalkulator. Menurutnya, kalkulator membantu orang dalam belajar matematika, tapi tidak bisa melenyapkan ilmu matematika. Alat ini memberikan kecepatan menyelesaikan perhitungan sehingga pengguna dapat lebih fokus dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang lebih besar. Saat ini, ada banyak platform chatbot AI serba bisa seperti ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Copilot, dll. Selain itu, model bahasa AI juga dikembangkan untuk membuat tools dan fitur untuk mempermudah banyak pekerjaan manusia termasuk dalam hal membuat CV. Di artikel kali ini, tim CakeResume

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

top 12 tips. Here are 12 tips on how to motivate your employees: Create a Pleasant Environment Reward Employees Trust Your Employees Give Positive and Constructive Feedback Offer Accommodations Provide Snack Catering Respect Your Employees Be Transparent about the Business Plan Set Small, Weekly Goals Make Employees Feel Safe and Comfortable to Talk with You Motivate Individual Employees Differently Prioritize Work-Life Balance Tips on How to Motivate Employees 1. Create a Pleasant Environment Think about it. No one feels
Personal Branding

Why Every Professional Should Have A Personal Website

condense your entire work experience into just a few bullet points, but you have more freedom on a personal website to emphasize the information you want potential employers to see. 3. It Lets You Showcase Your Creative Work in One Place Whether you’re pursuing writing, photography, graphic design or any other number of creative professions, a personal website gives you a single place to showcase your work to potential employers and clients. In addition, you can also sell your

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

requirements of working as a software engineer or a software developer. This article walks you through the basics you need to know on how to get into software development. Follow the steps to become a software engineer and make a plan using the resources below. 5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer Step 1: Learn about different coding career paths. First and foremost, clarify and learn about different coding career paths. Software engineering is the general terms of the following

The Everlasting Question: How Long Should Your Cover Letter Be?

to Keep Your Cover Letter to One Page? Cover Letter Examples Conclusion How Long Should the Cover Letter Be? When deciding how long your cover letter should be, you need to remember why people write cover letters in the first place: to spark the reader's curiosity and encourage them to open your resume. It's vital not to simply copy the content from your resume into your cover letter. Recruiters and hiring managers read tens, if not hundreds, of

10 Situs Pasang Lowongan Kerja Gratis 2024

Kerja Terbaik Berikut ini beberapa situs pasang lowongan kerja gratis online serta situs pasang lowongan kerja berbayar yang kredibel: 1. CakeResume Pasang Lowongan Kerja Gratis di CakeResume CakeResume adalah salah satu situs pasang lowongan kerja gratis online terbaik di Indonesia. Platform CakeResume juga dilengkapi dengan ATS yang user-friendly, memungkinkan para HR untuk berkolaborasi dalam rekrutmen. CakeResume menyediakan pemasangan lowongan bagi startup maupun perusahaan besar yang mencari talents terutama dalam bidang IT/tech, business, marketing, finance dan admin. Layanan rekrutmen

遠端工作將成為主流工作型態?資深連續創業家 Weiting 的經驗淺談

44 %;如果納入僅部分時間遠端的人數,更是佔了全美受雇者約 50 %。疫情爆發後,隨著政府、知名企業 (如:Google、Facebook、Amazon 等) 開始倡導實行在家工作,員工對遠距工作型態的接受度提高了,而團隊如何在遠距合作
Career Development

Top 7 Digital Marketing Skills for 2024 in Becoming a Digital Marketer

marketers or online marketing specialists are the ones tapping into the vast potential of the internet and technology to reach out to people. Think of them juggling a variety of skills - from making sure a brand pops up first on Google through search engine optimization (SEO) to creating engaging posts on social media, crafting compelling emails, and diving deep into data analytics. In the current business environment, digital marketing skills aren't just nice to have; they're essential. The

CV Online adalah Kunci Sukses Professional Branding di Era Digital | CakeResume Can Help

Digitalisasi merubah demand rekruter terhadap skill yang dimiliki jobseeker . Rekruter mencari kandidat yang memiliki berbagai macam digital skill. Oleh karena itu, memiliki digital skill seperti social media management , data analytics , programming , editing , web design , atau kemahiran dan pemahaman dasar dalam dunia digital membuat kamu berharga di mata rekruter. Melek terhadap dunia digital dan teknologi bisa meningkatkan kemungkinan kamu untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan daripada kandidat lainnya. Tetapi, punya digital skill saja gak cukup kalau kamu tidak bisa mendemonstrasikan skill tersebut. Kamu harus


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