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【工程師必看】吸睛履歷就靠這 3 招,輕鬆獲得徵才企業、HR 的面試邀約!

耐心和注意力。要取得工程師的工作機會,你的履歷表應該以「簡潔、數據、條列」這三點為主要原則,讓 HR 能用最短的時間,全面認識你身為工程師的專業能力。 接下來,是三大撰寫履歷的關鍵,讓你輕鬆
Về đối tác
thg 3 6 2024

關於數位時代的職人招募,我想說的是 ── Vpon威朋大數據HR Director 分享如何運用企業品牌吸引優秀人才

人才招募,Vpon的人資團隊根據集團經營策略與動態佈局,整合規劃各區年度人力計畫與預算,擬定HR marketing策略,協同公關行銷團隊,以建立企業品牌形象為基礎,往下展開一系列的招募渠道經營計畫

寫好一份職缺敘述 Job Description,人才就找對一半!

如果說,履歷是人才在短時間內快速聚焦自身特質與工作能力的媒介,一份企業徵才的職缺敘述(Job Description,以下簡稱 JD)對於企業來說,就是能夠精實展現自身理念與成長的人才邀請函。 從 JD 職缺敘述

Human Resources Resume Examples (Templates, Skills & Tips)

advance of hi-tech, the Internet is the best source to seek great human resources resume examples. Step 4: Tailor your resume for each HR position. Regardless of what level you are applying for, whether it is a resume for HR freshers or HR executives, it would be best to demonstrate your earlier achievements along with relevant HR skills. Step 5: Craft an HR cover letter. A cover letter for HR jobs is supposedly the first step to draw the
Quản lý nhân sự
thg 3 6 2024

14 Important Human Resource Metrics You Need to Track in 2023-2024

HR metric, which in turn helps HR professionals locate problems and produce solutions before costing the business talent or money. What Are HR Metrics? HR metrics are indexes that help HR professionals measure and track a business’s performance. These HR measurements allow different aspects of the business to be analyzed, ultimately supporting business decisions made at the executive level. There are different types of HR metrics available, which can be categorized into a list of HR metrics below. While
Sự kiện
thg 3 6 2024

Cara Ampuh untuk Standout Saat Melamar Kerja Versi Eza Hazami

saja di bagian riwayat pendidikan. Poin penting berikutnya yang wajib dicantumkan di CV adalah hard skill dan soft skill, jurusan, tingkat pendidikan, IPK, dan almamater. IPK dan almamater berada di posisi paling terakhir karena Eza Hazami melihat tren di dunia HR sudah mulai progresif, dan tidak semua HR sepenuhnya melihat IPK dan almamater sebagai hal yang paling penting. Walaupun begitu, perlu diingat tidak semua HR memiliki pemikiran seperti ini. Urutan dari tujuh poin ini akan berbeda-beda untuk setiap HR
Cover Letter
thg 3 6 2024

How To Nail Your Human Resources Cover Letter (+ Samples & Tips)

HR Cover Letter Human Resources Cover Letter Template Tips for Writing an HR Cover Letter The human resources department is critical for the operation of any company and oversees the recruiting, hiring, management, and firing of employees. In many ways, HR is the backbone of an organization, with its representatives being the first point of contact between a company and its employees. Although evaluating cover letters may be a core task in your HR career, having the introspection to develop

Payroll Staff Adalah: Pengertian, Tugas, Skill, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

gaji dan lapor kepada pemerintah, serta menyiapkan gaji karyawan. Supervisor payroll staff akan memastikan perusahaan patuh terhadap peraturan pemerintah, menetapkan dan menerapkan kebijakan tentang hal-hal seperti kenaikan gaji karyawan dan perekrutan, pelatihan, dan pengawasan staff payroll. Payroll Staff vs HR “Kalau begitu apa perbedaan payroll staff dengan HR?” Sementara payroll staff berkaitan dengan penggajian atau kompensasi karyawan, HR atau sumber daya manusia menangani hubungan dengan karyawan. Meskipun kedua departemen memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam perusahaan, tetapi mereka juga berbagi

Recruitment Agency là gì? Top 5 Recruitment Agency Việt Nam hiện nay

Cách đánh giá mức độ uy tín của recruitment agency Mục lục: Recruitment agency là gì? Top 5 recruitment agency ở Việt Nam Các công ty lựa chọn recruitment services ở CakeResume vì… Thị trường cạnh tranh khiến thu hút nhân tài trở thành bài toán khó với bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào. Chưa kể, quá trình này thường tốn nhiều thời gian dù đã có công cụ ATS hay AI. Do đó, nhiều công ty chuyển sang sử dụng

Recruitment Consultant là gì? Quy trình làm việc ở CakeResume

Mô tả công việc Recruitment Consultant Mục lục: Recruitment Consultant là gì? Phân biệt Recruitment Consultant với các nghề liên quan Công việc của Recruitment Consultant là gì? Quy trình làm việc với Recruitment Consultant ở CakeResume Dù đều là “cầu nối” giữa ứng viên và nhà tuyển dụng, nhưng phạm vi công việc của Recruitment Consultant và Talent Acquisition có nhiều khác biệt. Trong khi, vị trí Talent Acquisition thuộc phòng nhân sự của công ty, chuyên thu hút

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