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6 Mar 2024

Part-Time Jobs in Malaysia: Get Paid to Do What You Love

one thing, there are plenty of part-time jobs available. The minimum wage starting 2022 for part-time workers in Malaysia is currently RM7.21 per hour, which is the same as the minimum wage for full-time workers. The industries with the most part-time jobs in Malaysia, and especially for students are: Retail industry Food and service industry Delivery and courier services Education and training Why should you consider doing a part-time job in Malaysia? Flexibility: offer
6 Mar 2024

10 Prospek Kerja Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) yang Menjanjikan! [+Gaji, Info Kuliah, dll.]

Peluang kerja Desain Komunikasi Visual Minat perusahaan terhadap pekerjaan Desain Komunikasi Visual meningkat secara signifikan. Bahkan, para wiraswastawan juga seringkali tertarik menggunakan jasa seorang lulusan jurusan DKV. Sebagian besar orang yang bergelut di dunia bisnis berlomba-lomba melakukan investasi bagi industri kreatif bagi perusahaan mereka mengingat betapa besar dampak desain visual di dunia saat ini. Gaji DKV juga tidak sedikit nominalnya. Prospek kerja DKV juga tidak dibatasi sebagai seorang yang bekerja bagi sebuah perusahaan. Pekerjaan lulusan DKV juga melingkupi pekerjaan
6 Mar 2024

100+ Key Hard Skills to Put on Resume [+ Listing Tips for Maximum Impact]

technical skills ) are job-specific abilities, capabilities, or knowledge that must be learned through online/university courses, hands-on experience, and training. Hard skills for a resume are often geared towards a specific career (e.g., teacher , lawyer , doctor , graphic designer , etc.) or a general set of expertise (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite , project management , technical skills, etc.) If you are still confused about whether a skill is classified as a hard skill, ask yourself the following questions: Were you
6 Mar 2024

Contractor Resume Examples [+ Templates & Formats]

a complete sentence - keep it brief and attractive. Examples of a well-phrased headline for a contractor resume : General contractor resume: Productive Contractor with 15 years of providing quality leadership and construction work. Independent contractor resume: Independent Contractor specializing in industrial and commercial painting. Government contractor resume: Government Contractor with demonstrated success in providing ground maintenance for disaster recovery operations. Further reading: 10 tips for writing a professional resume headline 🖋 Step 2: Boost your contractor resume with a great
6 Mar 2024

Professional Resume Profile Writing Guideline [+25 Resume Profile Examples]

Expertise & Years of work experience Skills & Qualifications Key achievements in previous roles 25 Resume Profile Examples for Different Jobs Outline: Student Fresher / Fresh Graduate Experienced Job Seeker Teacher Software Developer Accountant Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Network Engineer Graphic Designer Fashion Designer Customer Service Sales Virtual Assistant Data Entry Data Analyst Data Scientist Digital Marketing Executive Sales Executive HR Executive Project Manager Sales Manager Business Development Manager 1. Student As a student with no or little professional experience, it
6 Mar 2024

Contoh CV Digital Marketing Menarik dan Tips Membuatnya

up-to-date dan mahir dalam manajemen proyek. Pengalaman Full stack digital marketing program online course (July 2021 - September 2021) RevoU Menjalankan program kursus online digital marketing dalam kurun waktu 12 minggu dan dibimbing oleh para ahli atau profesional dalam industri Berhasil menjadi best student dalam program kursus digital marketing dengan pencapaian nilai tertinggi 100/100 Berhasil membuat paid-ads pada google ads dan berhasil menghasilkan 40 leads dalam kurun waktu 8 hari Berhasil menyelesaikan seluruh tugas (practical assignment) dalam
6 Mar 2024

3 Cara Menulis Sertifikat Dalam CV Agar Menarik!

kemungkinan perekrut atau Applicant Tracking System (ATS) akan menyaring CV yang tidak menyebutkannya. Ketika kamu mencantumkan sertifikasi di CV, ini akan mencegah penolakan secara otomatis. 📚 Baca juga: Begini Cara Membuat CV ATS Friendly Agar Lolos Screening! 2. Tunjukkan Pengalaman Industri Pengalaman industri dapat menjadi salah satu titik kuat yang dapat membuktikan bahwa kamu telah memperoleh pengalaman bertahun-tahun di industri ini. Maka dari itu, ada baiknya untuk melampirkan sertifikat di CV yang memverifikasi tingkat pengalaman kamu dengan cara yang
6 Mar 2024

5 Useful Resume Tips to Help You Get a Foreign Job from India

How to Make a Resume? Usually, a resume format combines time sequence and most-relevant skills is the most recommended one. In the following content, we will provide the most useful and constructive tips for resume writing, applicable to all industries worldwide. 5 tips for making a professional resume TIP 1. Customize Your Resume for Different Job Positions Since hiring managers spend less than 20 seconds on each resume averagely, it is necessary to customize your resume by excluding irrelevant
Tips Cari Kerja
6 Mar 2024

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

Introduction: How to find freelance jobs Now that you’ve done everything you can to show that you’re determined to become a freelancer: you’ve quit your job; put aside an emergency fund; polished your skillset; meditate daily in order to be more mentally prepared for the uncertainties yet to come. But, if no one knows about you, all of your preparations will have been for naught. These, of course are indispensable for a successful career as a freelancer
6 Mar 2024

11 Jurusan Menjanjikan yang Banyak Peluang Kerjanya!

Memilih jurusan kuliah setelah lulus SMA/SMK biasanya selalu menjadi hal yang sulit, pasalnya jurusan kuliah akan menjadi salah satu penentu jenjang karir yang akan kamu jalani. Jurusan kuliah merupakan poin awal yang memberikan kamu pelatihan, pengalaman, serta keahlian-keahlian khusus yang dibutuhkan di dunia pekerjaan. Tentunya kamu ingin bisa langsung mendapatkan pekerjaan setelah lulus kuliah. Nah, sebelum memilih jurusan kuliah yang tepat, ada baiknya apabila kamu mencari tahu terlebih dulu kira-kira jurusan apa yang gampang cari kerja, atau

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