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Mar 10th 2024

All About Work Permits in Malaysia: Types, How to Apply, & Renewal Process

Application Process for Work Permits in Malaysia Renewal and Extension of Malaysia Work Permits Conclusion Types of Work Permits in Malaysia Employment Pass (EP) Features and Requirements The Employment Pass (EP) is a comprehensive type of work permit that is designed for skilled foreign professionals seeking employment in Malaysia. Although this Malaysia work permit features three categories based on income levels and (educational) qualifications, qualifying expats for the Employment Pass must be at least 27 years old , or 23 for
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

5 Essential Steps to Build A Convincing Resume | Resume Building Guideline

it takes no more than 6 seconds for a hiring manager/recruiter to review a resume. Under intense competition, how to catch a hiring manager’s attention in a split-second becomes a vital issue for job seekers. A well-designed and professionally-tailored resume is the key in all job application. Keep in mind that an eye-catching resume doesn’t necessarily involve fancy format or word usage, wisely-composed content and legible structure is the core. What Is
Mar 6th 2024

What Is a Portfolio & What Should a Great Portfolio Look Like?

is different from a resume even though both of them are important for a job application. CAREER PORTFOLIO RESUME Content – Provides a lot of details, including personal life. Content – Only includes the information that is relevant to the job opening. Design – Has multiple pages. Varies between industries. Design – No longer than 2 pages. Needs to follow general rules. ⚠️ Note: The term “portfolio" is also widely used in the finance & investing field. “A portfolio is a collection of financial investments
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Craft Your Professional Portfolio Resume Like a Pro [+ Tips]

the most relevant and impressive works in your portfolio. What kind of portfolio can showcase you unique characteristics? Is there any change in creative thinking among your works? Is there any work suitable to be presented the company? For non-design industries, representative content can be included based on the company’s requirement. For example, while applying for a content marketing position, you can show your representative articles; while applying for a marketing planning position, you can include marketing proposals
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Contoh CV Terbaru 2024 yang Bikin HRD Ngelirik!

standar yang biasanya digunakan di industri perbankan, hukum, kedokteran, dll. CV ini tidak mengandung logo, hyperlink, atau warna-warna yang mencolok. CV Kreatif Kebalikan dari CV formal, CV kreatif adalah CV yang dibuat untuk menarik perhatian HRD secara visual di industri kreatif seperti desainer UI/UX, desainer grafis, IT, marketing, dan sebagainya. CV kreatif dapat membantu pelamar kerja di industri kreatif untuk menunjukan kemampuan dan kreativitas mereka melalui CV. CV kreatif memiliki beberapa karakteristik utama, yaitu memiliki paduan warna yang
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Chemical Engineering Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a chemical engineering resume? What to put on a resume for chemical engineers? Tips for a professional chemical engineer resume How to write a cover letter for a chemical engineer? Chemical Engineer Resume Sample (+ Downloadable Chemical Engineer Resume PDF) Chemical engineering is a globally recognized branch of engineering, with one of the highest paying salaries out there. Chemical engineers design processes in various industries: food, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and petroleum, and
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

The Power of Resume Colors: Here are Things You Need to Know

Adding color to your resume makes it either look more appealing or out-of-place. The answer depends on the career you’re pursuing and the position you’re applying for. Here, we have divided professions into two categories: creative industries and formal industries. 1. Creative Industries For certain creative careers, designing colorful CVs/resumes seems to be an exciting process. The pros are your application can be more eye-catching, stand out from other candidates, and reflect your creativity

Apa itu Web Developer? Tugas, Jenis, Cara, dan Gajinya! [+Contoh CV]

kamu. 📚 Baca juga: 15 Pekerjaan dengan Gaji Tertinggi di Indonesia! ➡️ Pekerjaan Web Developer Memberikan Banyak Peluang lain dan Fleksibilitas Menjadi seorang website developer akan memberikan kamu fleksibilitas dan peluang yang luas untuk karirmu. Kamu bisa membelok karirmu dalam industri teknologi, entah itu menjadi UI/UX desainer, game developer, data scientist, ataupun yang lainnya. Dengan memiliki latar belakang website development, kamu bisa: Bekerja untuk perusahaan atau menjadi pekerja lepas ( freelancer ) Mengembangkan aplikasi kamu sendiri Membangun bisnis kamu sendiri dari
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu Rate Card? Ketahui Cara Membuatnya dan Contoh Menariknya

Jaman sekarang, berprofesi sebagai influencer atau content creator sudah tidak asing lagi. Supaya terlihat profesional, rate card adalah salah satu dokumen yang diperlukan oleh influencer dan content creator. Apa itu rate card? Rate card artinya dokumen yang dimanfaatkan influencer dan content creator untuk memberikan informasi kepada pihak brand tentang harga yang dipatok influencer terhadap jasa iklan yang ditawarkan. Rate card ini akan mempermudah kerja sama dengan brand atau perusahaan. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang rate card? Di artikel ini, CakeResume

Creative Director: Pengertian, Tanggung Jawab, Jenjang Karir, dll.

Mungkin kamu sering menemukan lowongan creative director di dalam industri produksi televisi, desain grafis, musik, video game, iklan, majalah, dan studio film. Tetapi, pekerjaan creative director bisa ditemukan di organisasi kreatif lainnya juga, lho! Sebelum membahas lebih lanjut, mari kita bahas apa yang dimaksud dengan creative director ? Creative director adalah pimpinan kreatif yang bekerja dengan tim kreatif untuk membuat, merencanakan, dan menyampaikan visi strategis untuk klien. Selain itu, mengawasi seluruh proses kreatif dan membimbing tim kreatif juga merupakan peran creative

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