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Mar 6th 2024

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

在 Facebook 半年後,因為團隊重組,Jacky 終於有機會加入嚮往的 Instagram,前往充滿人文氣息的紐約工作。 2. 在 Facebook 與 Instagram 工作是什麼樣貌? Engineer Driven 的 Facebook vs. Product Driven 的 Instagram 相信使用者也有觀察到,Facebook App 的功能較多、更新也較快,Instagram
Mar 7th 2024

CakeResume's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

CakeResume has collaborated with DCard, Taiwan's largest social media and networking platform, to create a pixel art-style career quiz called 'What Cake R U?' Since launched, the quiz has quickly gone viral all over the internet, especially among job seekers community, attracting millions of participants. The quiz was first launched in 2023 in Mandarin , reaching hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese young people. Following its success, as of 2024, we have released different versions in English , Bahasa Indonesian , and

Apa itu Influencer dan Manfaatnya untuk Bisnis? [+Jenis, Tarif, Tips]

Daftar Isi: Pengertian Influencer 4 Jenis Influencer Berdasarkan Jumlah Followers Jenis-jenis Influencer Berdasarkan Platform Media Sosial Berapa Harga Tarif Bekerja Sama dengan Influencer? Cara Optimal Memilih & Bekerja Sama Dengan Influencer Jaman sekarang, pasti kamu pernah dengar dengan istilah influencer. Nah, orang-orang ini seringkali mengiklankan berbagai produk, baik itu produk kosmetik, makanan, ataupun barang lainnya. Hebatnya, pengguna akun sosial media pun banyak yang terpengaruhi akan hal ini dan akhirnya banyak orang yang ikut membeli produk tersebut. Kamu para pebisnis
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

工程師,你想成為 Tech Lead 嗎?Grindr VP 解析技術主管必備技能

本週的科技職涯邀請到全球最大同志交友平台 Grindr 的 Alex!Alex 目前擔任 VP of Engineering,過去曾擔任 Facebook 工程師,負責 Instagram 以及主攻新興市場的 Facebook Lite,mobile 開發經驗豐富。技術主管的職責和分工為何?想升為 Tech Lead 的工
Mar 6th 2024

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

and Dailymotion are suitable for showcasing your video reel portfolio. These free video portfolio channels allow your video portfolio to be discovered by more than just potential clients or employers. 🎬 Social media With the rise of social media usage, Instagram, Facebook, even LinkedIn can be an extension for your online video portfolio. For instance, if you are a videographer who already has a professional videographer website, you can take advantage of your Instagram account to post some other video
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Ảnh CV nên để ảnh gì? 10+ lưu ý cho ảnh CV xin việc

CV online nên để ảnh gì? Bài viết này bao gồm: Có cần ảnh trong CV không? Ảnh CV nên để ảnh gì? Chèn ảnh CV sao cho chuyên nghiệp? Mẫu CV online có kèm ảnh Không dễ để chọn cho mình một chiếc avatar ưng ý trên Facebook hay Instagram, và cũng tương tự, ảnh CV lại càng khiến chúng ta đau đầu không kém. Có bạn băn khoăn liệu CV online có cần ảnh không, ảnh CV nên

9 Cara Menjadi Influencer Sukses dengan Ribuan Followers

Saat ini pekerjaan menjadi influencer sosial media sangat diidamkan oleh banyak orang. Kini banyak brand atau perusahaan yang menerapkan strategi influencer marketing untuk mempromosikan produk mereka. Popularitas bukan satu-satunya tujuan bagi orang untuk menjadi influencer, tingginya gaji influencer dari sosial media juga bisa menjadi salah satu alasannya. Sosial media yang menjanjikan penghasilan besar tidak hanya sebatas Instagram saja, tetapi Youtube, TikTok, Spotify, dan Twitter juga bisa platform sumber penghasilan bagi influencer. Cara Menjadi Influencer Daftar Isi: Mengenal arti influencer
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

How to Write About Me Section in Resume (Resume Examples and Tips)

“About Me” section comprises a few sentences that introduce a person. It can be seen on various places, such as, personal websites, social media accounts, and, of course, resumes and CVs. Here are some examples of places where you can post an "About Me": Job search website profiles: CakeResume , LinkedIn , Indeed Personal blogs and websites: Wix , Squarespace , WordPress Portfolios: Dribble , Behance , Adobe Portfolio Social media profiles: Facebook , Instagram , TikTok Despite its prevalence, “About Me” is not an easy section
Mar 6th 2024

Guide to Building a Makeup Artist Portfolio Website [Examples & Tips]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: What Is a Makeup Artist Portfolio? What to Include in a Makeup Artist Portfolio Tips on How to Make a Makeup Artist Portfolio Tips to Create a Portfolio for Beginner Makeup Artists Makeup Portfolio Examples As a makeup artist, creating a professional portfolio is a way to stand out from your peers and distinguish yourself from other amateur artists. While your Instagram helps you augment your fan base, having a
Personal Development
Mar 6th 2024

Haruskah Bekerja Sesuai Passion? Mendayung Di Antara Dua Karang

Mungkin kita sering mendengar dari orang tua kita tentang pengalaman mereka pasca lulus dari bangku SMA/kuliah. Umumnya tak ada perbincangan seputar “mencari minat” atau “kerja sesuai passion ”. Itu kemewahan yang tak mereka nikmati. Alih-alih, fokus pada saat itu ialah bagaimana mendapatkan uang untuk menghidupi keluarga. Atau berobat orangtua. Maupun untuk pendidikan adik. Singkatnya, bekerja adalah perihal menjaga dapur keluarga tetap mengepul. Namun zaman telah berubah. Hari ini, sekadar scrolling di Instagram/TikTok/YouTube barang lima menit akan membawa

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