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Mar 13th 2024


需要找工作時,相信很多人的第一個動作是打開 求職平台 、開始搜尋職缺,稍有經驗的人,可能會釋出求職訊息、從人脈中找機會,像是 LinkedIn、Facebook 等等。如果你是有一定經歷的工作者,或是在特定領域非常
News & Updates
Apr 8th 2024

Fitur Terbaru CakeResume Meet Membantu Networking Jadi Lebih Mudah!

Sebagai job seeker , mendapatkan pekerjaan rasanya semakin sulit akhir-akhir ini, dan sebagai rekruter, mendapatkan kandidat yang tepat juga terasa sukar. Tapi, tahukah kamu apa sebenarnya yang melatarbelakangi masalah ini? Percaya atau tidak, sebesar 70% lowongan kerja tidak pernah ditayangkan ke mata publik tetapi dikomunikasikan dari mulut ke mulut ( CNBC ), dan sebagian besar pencari kerja mendapatkan pekerjaan dari network profesional mereka ( LinkedIn ). Berdasarkan fakta ini, sudah jelas bahwa pencari kerja dan rekruter perlu mengandalkan networking untuk mencari kerja dan merekrut
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Making a Candidate Persona: Examples + Template

recruiters use candidate personas to help narrow down their target candidates. Candidate personas help recruiters filter candidates and avoid deal breakers such as lack of experience, incompatibility with company culture or lack of industry knowledge. Whether you’re hiring through LinkedIn, a job site or your own company website, candidate personas can help you bring in the perfect new hire into your team. What Is a Candidate Persona? A candidate persona is a fictional profile written by employers and recruiters
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

How to Ask for a Job Referral: Guide, Tips and Examples

you with someone who works at your dream company. Having the connections can make all the difference when asking for referrals for work. They may also be able to offer you tips on how to ask for job referrals. 💡 LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great platform for networking and connecting with potential employers. You can use LinkedIn's search function to find people who work at your dream company and reach out to them for referrals. After you've identified
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

5 Tips to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume

can have a huge impact on the human race. Fact is, we’re heading towards a future wherein technology can supposedly understand us better than we do ourselves, and this is made possible by machine learning and AI. According to Linkedin’s 2019 report , job openings for machine learning have grown 96% with $182,000 being the median base salary per year —meaning, machine learning engineers are highly sought after. Another study conducted by Analytics India Magazine reveals that there

Mau Jadi Brand Manager? Kenali Tugas, Skill dan Caranya!

untuk mengelola secara bersamaan semua merek produk-produk yang diluncurkan oleh suatu perusahaan dengan efektif dan efisien. Kondisi inilah yang menciptakan lowongan pekerjaan Brand Manager semakin terbuka lebar dan permintaan untuk posisi Brand Manager semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dikutip dari linkedin Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat 569 lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager di beberapa sektor industri, seperti manufaktur, ritel, maupun jasa keuangan. Bagi kamu yang tertarik berkarir sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager , CakeResume telah merangkum secara
News & Updates
Apr 18th 2024

New Release: Introducing Cakeresume Meet—the Speed Professional Networking App You Need

importance of cultivating a robust professional network for both job opportunities and career advancement. But why is building a network often challenging? Various factors, such as your upbringing, educational background, culture, or workplace environment, can significantly influence your networking opportunities. LinkedIn recently reported that while 79% of professionals recognize the importance of networking for career progression, only 48% maintain regular contact with their network. The leading cause? A reported 49% of professionals cited a lack of time as the primary
Personal Branding
Mar 6th 2024

Why Every Professional Should Have A Personal Website

should create a personal website for your dream career! 1. It Makes it Easier to Contact You Having a personal website allows you to highlight what channels you prefer to be contacted through , whether it’s via phone, e-mail, LinkedIn or Twitter. Furthermore, including keywords such as your university, city and industry name on your website, will increase your chances of appearing higher in search rankings. 2. It Gives You More Control over Your Online Presence Your personal website
Career Tools
Mar 6th 2024

OKR 是什麼?超實用的 OKR 模板和案例,帶你活用這套企業管理框架

方式來激發團隊潛力之外,也解決許多 KPI 執行上的弱點,逐漸成為國際趨勢,一些國際企業例如 Netflix、LinkedIn 的成功也打響了 OKR 的名號,讓 OKR 系統逐漸也在台灣成為主流。 文章大綱 一、OKR 是什麼?為什麼 OKR 能
Mar 6th 2024

Personal Websites - A Guide With Examples

In this article, you will learn: Why You Need a Personal Website 20 Best Personal Website Examples How to Create a Personal Website Tips for Creating a Personal Website Having a personal site is a super interesting aspect when working in the communication, marketing, journalism, design, architecture, or similar sectors where visual works reign. These are environments in which it is necessary to be able to demonstrate the work carried out and a personal web page is a perfect channel

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